
时间:2022-06-21 22:08:26

All the GC's I know except Azul are somewhat concurrent, but have at least some small stop-the-world component. Why aren't there more GC's like Azul?


Did Azul patent their technology to the extent that it's not possible to do?


Or do the read/write barriers needed for pauseless operation incur so much overhead that they are impractical for most workloads?


2 个解决方案



Based on the Azul whitepaper on C4, it looks like C4 is a very new technology, an implementation of an algorithm published in 2005, first on custom hardware and then ported specifically to Linux on x86, and the JVM implementation sits very close to the kernel VM system.


Since OpenJDK/HotSpot is widely used on a number of platforms and in major production workloads, it tends to move more slowly when adopting major innovations in algorithms (the switch to TimSort is a good example). The Java 8 versions introduced the first major overhaul of the GC system in years (with the elimination of the PermGen), and improvements such as C4, if practical to be ported cross-platform or abstracted without significant downside to JVM bookkeeping internals, are likely to be tried out and then adopted into OpenJDK/HotSpot in upcoming versions.

由于OpenJDK/HotSpot在许多平台和主要的生产工作负载中都得到了广泛的应用,所以当采用算法方面的重大创新时,OpenJDK/HotSpot会走得更慢(切换到TimSort就是一个很好的例子)。Java 8版本介绍多年来第一GC系统的大修(消除PermGen),和改进如C4,如果实际的跨平台移植或抽象JVM簿记内部没有明显的缺点,可能会尝试,然后采用到OpenJDK /热点在即将到来的版本。



Implementing garbage collectors is quite tricky and there are not many applications that truly justify a pauseless collector. As you mentioned, read/write barriers to impose a pretty high overhead that you only want to pay if you absolutely need low latency and are willing to take a hit on throughput.


That said, a low-pause GC called Shenandoah is being implemented in this JEP: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/189 . As a Java programmer, I'm hopeful that it will be available in a few years.




Based on the Azul whitepaper on C4, it looks like C4 is a very new technology, an implementation of an algorithm published in 2005, first on custom hardware and then ported specifically to Linux on x86, and the JVM implementation sits very close to the kernel VM system.


Since OpenJDK/HotSpot is widely used on a number of platforms and in major production workloads, it tends to move more slowly when adopting major innovations in algorithms (the switch to TimSort is a good example). The Java 8 versions introduced the first major overhaul of the GC system in years (with the elimination of the PermGen), and improvements such as C4, if practical to be ported cross-platform or abstracted without significant downside to JVM bookkeeping internals, are likely to be tried out and then adopted into OpenJDK/HotSpot in upcoming versions.

由于OpenJDK/HotSpot在许多平台和主要的生产工作负载中都得到了广泛的应用,所以当采用算法方面的重大创新时,OpenJDK/HotSpot会走得更慢(切换到TimSort就是一个很好的例子)。Java 8版本介绍多年来第一GC系统的大修(消除PermGen),和改进如C4,如果实际的跨平台移植或抽象JVM簿记内部没有明显的缺点,可能会尝试,然后采用到OpenJDK /热点在即将到来的版本。



Implementing garbage collectors is quite tricky and there are not many applications that truly justify a pauseless collector. As you mentioned, read/write barriers to impose a pretty high overhead that you only want to pay if you absolutely need low latency and are willing to take a hit on throughput.


That said, a low-pause GC called Shenandoah is being implemented in this JEP: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/189 . As a Java programmer, I'm hopeful that it will be available in a few years.
