学习WPF和MVVM -从零开始学习的最佳方法

时间:2023-01-29 22:06:42

I've got about three years c# experience. I'd like to learn some WPF and the MVVM pattern. There are a lot of links to articles on this site but I'm getting a little overwhelmed. Would a sensible approach for a begginer to be forget mvvm for a while and just quickly learn a bit a of WPF, then come back to MVVM?

我有三年的c#经验。我想学习一些WPF和MVVM模式。这个网站上有很多文章链接,但是我有点不知所措。对于乞丐来说,明智的做法是暂时忘记mvvm,然后快速学习一点WPF,然后再回到mvvm ?

I had a leaf through Application=Code+Markup - Charles Petzold in work today, it doesn't seem to mention MVVM (at least not in the index). I was pretty surprised by this as I thought MVVM was supposed to be the "lingua franca" of WPF?

我曾经读过Application=Code+Markup - Charles Petzold的文章,它似乎没有提到MVVM(至少在索引中没有)。我很惊讶,因为我认为MVVM应该是WPF的“通用语言”?

Also I've just started working at a new company and they are using MVVM with WinForms, has anyone come across this before?


Can anyone recommend a book that will teach me both WPF and MVVM?


8 个解决方案



It depends on your experience.


I personally felt that this was a lacking area in MVVM discussions, which was what led me to write my series on MVVM and WPF from a Windows Forms developer perspective.


I would not try to learn WPF without learning MVVM. You'll end up trying to "unlearn" many aspects, as WPF really doesn't make sense, completely, until you understand the separation of presentation and logic that's pervasive throughout the architecture. MVVM is really just extending this same separation into the application space.


As for "MVVM in Windows Forms" - a lot of people try to do this, but it's not really MVVM. In order to do "MVVM" you need access to a richer form of data binding than Windows Forms provides. "MVVM in Windows Forms" is really, typically, just Model-View-Presenter with a different name (riding the MVVM bandwagon, I'd guess), but not really the same as MVVM in WPF.




Jason Dolinger has an excellent video on the subject. It steps you through the process moving from using code behind files to a full MVVM pattern including Dependency Injection and Testing.

Jason Dolinger有一个关于这个主题的优秀视频。它将您从使用文件后面的代码过渡到完整的MVVM模式(包括依赖注入和测试)的过程。

Bill Steele did a 16 part "Soup-to-Nuts" webcast series on WPF. The links on the msevents site are broken. Here is a Google search to find them. This will help with the WPF learning curve. And he does NOT use any MV* patterns in his examples.


EDIT: The MSEvents links are working now, I am leaving the Google search as a backup.


Josh Smith also has an excellent article WPF Apps With The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pattern on MSDN.

Josh Smith还有一篇优秀的文章WPF应用,在MSDN上有模型-视图-视图模型设计模式。

Herding Code: Presentation Patterns with Jeremy Miller, Ward Bell, Rob Eisenberg and Glenn Block

集合代码:与Jeremy Miller、Ward Bell、Rob Eisenberg和Glenn Block的演示模式



And of course Reed Copsey's MVVM articles are worth a read as well.

当然,Reed Copsey的MVVM文章也值得一读。



I was told a few times that my MIX10 session was explaining the MVVM pattern well enough for beginners (even though some parts are actually quite advanced, so don't worry if you need to re-watch certain parts).


The session is at http://live.visitmix.com/MIX10/Sessions/EX14


Sorry for the self-promotion.


Cheers, Laurent




There aren't many books covering MVVM but there is one : Advanced MVVM


But there are lots of online resources and this one is a must read : WPF Apps With The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pattern


After that I suggest looking into frameworks like




Here is a tutorial for MVVM http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/819294/Learn-WPF-MVVM-step-by-step-Basics-to-Advance-Leve which goes from basic to the advance level in 5 steps. So its like graduating from a 3 layer to full MVVM.

这里有一个MVVM的教程http://www.codeproject.com/articles/819294/learn - wpf -MVVM-step-by- basics -to- advance - leve,它在5个步骤中从基本到高级。这就像从一个3层过渡到完全的MVVM。

学习WPF和MVVM -从零开始学习的最佳方法



To do big things (like learning WPF + MVVM) it is better to break the task in smaller steps.

要做大事(比如学习WPF + MVVM),最好是用更小的步骤来完成任务。

I think that the best approach in this situation is to start by learning the UI part of Wpf. Learn XAML syntax, the layout system, the available controls and forget about binding and how to deliver data to the controls.


Once you know the UI basics of Wpf then it is time to move to MVVM. Learn how bindings work and the MVVM pattern.


In this Web you can find a tutorial focusing on the hands on but with the theory available:






Try this site. It collects the various resources at one place. http://learnandmasterwpf.blogspot.com/




I just read this book. It is not really about learning WPF, but it should be useful once you already know a bit of WPF and want to progress your understanding of MVVM.






It depends on your experience.


I personally felt that this was a lacking area in MVVM discussions, which was what led me to write my series on MVVM and WPF from a Windows Forms developer perspective.


I would not try to learn WPF without learning MVVM. You'll end up trying to "unlearn" many aspects, as WPF really doesn't make sense, completely, until you understand the separation of presentation and logic that's pervasive throughout the architecture. MVVM is really just extending this same separation into the application space.


As for "MVVM in Windows Forms" - a lot of people try to do this, but it's not really MVVM. In order to do "MVVM" you need access to a richer form of data binding than Windows Forms provides. "MVVM in Windows Forms" is really, typically, just Model-View-Presenter with a different name (riding the MVVM bandwagon, I'd guess), but not really the same as MVVM in WPF.




Jason Dolinger has an excellent video on the subject. It steps you through the process moving from using code behind files to a full MVVM pattern including Dependency Injection and Testing.

Jason Dolinger有一个关于这个主题的优秀视频。它将您从使用文件后面的代码过渡到完整的MVVM模式(包括依赖注入和测试)的过程。

Bill Steele did a 16 part "Soup-to-Nuts" webcast series on WPF. The links on the msevents site are broken. Here is a Google search to find them. This will help with the WPF learning curve. And he does NOT use any MV* patterns in his examples.


EDIT: The MSEvents links are working now, I am leaving the Google search as a backup.


Josh Smith also has an excellent article WPF Apps With The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pattern on MSDN.

Josh Smith还有一篇优秀的文章WPF应用,在MSDN上有模型-视图-视图模型设计模式。

Herding Code: Presentation Patterns with Jeremy Miller, Ward Bell, Rob Eisenberg and Glenn Block

集合代码:与Jeremy Miller、Ward Bell、Rob Eisenberg和Glenn Block的演示模式



And of course Reed Copsey's MVVM articles are worth a read as well.

当然,Reed Copsey的MVVM文章也值得一读。



I was told a few times that my MIX10 session was explaining the MVVM pattern well enough for beginners (even though some parts are actually quite advanced, so don't worry if you need to re-watch certain parts).


The session is at http://live.visitmix.com/MIX10/Sessions/EX14


Sorry for the self-promotion.


Cheers, Laurent




There aren't many books covering MVVM but there is one : Advanced MVVM


But there are lots of online resources and this one is a must read : WPF Apps With The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pattern


After that I suggest looking into frameworks like




Here is a tutorial for MVVM http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/819294/Learn-WPF-MVVM-step-by-step-Basics-to-Advance-Leve which goes from basic to the advance level in 5 steps. So its like graduating from a 3 layer to full MVVM.

这里有一个MVVM的教程http://www.codeproject.com/articles/819294/learn - wpf -MVVM-step-by- basics -to- advance - leve,它在5个步骤中从基本到高级。这就像从一个3层过渡到完全的MVVM。

学习WPF和MVVM -从零开始学习的最佳方法



To do big things (like learning WPF + MVVM) it is better to break the task in smaller steps.

要做大事(比如学习WPF + MVVM),最好是用更小的步骤来完成任务。

I think that the best approach in this situation is to start by learning the UI part of Wpf. Learn XAML syntax, the layout system, the available controls and forget about binding and how to deliver data to the controls.


Once you know the UI basics of Wpf then it is time to move to MVVM. Learn how bindings work and the MVVM pattern.


In this Web you can find a tutorial focusing on the hands on but with the theory available:






Try this site. It collects the various resources at one place. http://learnandmasterwpf.blogspot.com/




I just read this book. It is not really about learning WPF, but it should be useful once you already know a bit of WPF and want to progress your understanding of MVVM.


