
时间:2021-11-05 22:01:00


Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates


KoaHub.JS基于Node.js开发的处理和显示日期代码 KoaHub.JS基于Node.js开发的处理和显示日期代码 KoaHub.JS基于Node.js开发的处理和显示日期代码 KoaHub.JS基于Node.js开发的处理和显示日期代码 KoaHub.JS基于Node.js开发的处理和显示日期代码

A lightweight JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.


Moment 2.10.0 does not bring any new features, but the code is now written in ECMAScript 6 modules and placed inside src/. Previously moment.js,locale/*.js and test/moment/*.jstest/locale/*.js contained the source of the project. Now the source is in src/, temporary build (ECMAScript 5) files are placed under build/umd/ (for running tests during development), and the moment.js and locale/*.js files are updated only on release.

If you want to use a particular revision of the code, make sure to run grunt transpile update-index, so moment.js and locales/*.js are synced with src/*. We might place that in a commit hook in the future.

There are a number of small backwards incompatible changes with version 2.0.0. See the full descriptions here

  • Changed language ordinal method to return the number + ordinal instead of just the ordinal.

  • Changed two digit year parsing cutoff to match strptime.

  • Removed moment#sod and moment#eod in favor of moment#startOf and moment#endOf.

  • Removed moment.humanizeDuration() in favor of moment.duration().humanize().

  • Removed the lang data objects from the top level namespace.

  • Duplicate Date passed to moment() instead of referencing it.



We're looking for co-maintainers! If you want to become a master of time please write to ichernev.

Moment.js is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.

wemall 开源微商城 ,微信商城,商城源码,三级分销,微生鲜,微水果,微外卖,微订餐---专业的o2o系统
