在linux上的erlang shell中配置密钥

时间:2022-04-10 21:54:08

All! Is it possible to configure Home,End, Del key in Erlang shell under Linux.

所有!是否可以在Linux下的Erlang shell中配置Home,End,Del键。

At the moment when I press Home, it generate 'H' and when End - 'F'...

在我按Home的那一刻,它产生'H',当结束 - 'F'时......

1 个解决方案



One way to do it is to start the Erlang shell with rlwrap -a erl. rlwrap is a utility that puts the readline library between the user and the underlying program, giving features such as familiar key bindings, history search, etc.

一种方法是使用rlwrap -a erl启动Erlang shell。 rlwrap是一个实用程序,它将readline库放在用户和底层程序之间,提供熟悉的键绑定,历史搜索等功能。



One way to do it is to start the Erlang shell with rlwrap -a erl. rlwrap is a utility that puts the readline library between the user and the underlying program, giving features such as familiar key bindings, history search, etc.

一种方法是使用rlwrap -a erl启动Erlang shell。 rlwrap是一个实用程序,它将readline库放在用户和底层程序之间,提供熟悉的键绑定,历史搜索等功能。