Shell Necklace
Time Limit: 16000/8000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 290 Accepted Submission(s): 116
Problem Description
Perhaps the sea‘s definition of a shell is the pearl. However, in my view, a shell necklace with n beautiful shells contains the most sincere feeling for my best lover Arrietty, but even that is not enough.
Suppose the shell necklace is a sequence of shells (not a chain end to end). Considering i continuous shells in the shell necklace, I know that there exist different schemes to decorate the i shells together with one declaration of love.
I want to decorate all the shells with some declarations of love and decorate each shell just one time. As a problem, I want to know the total number of schemes.
Suppose the shell necklace is a sequence of shells (not a chain end to end). Considering i continuous shells in the shell necklace, I know that there exist different schemes to decorate the i shells together with one declaration of love.
I want to decorate all the shells with some declarations of love and decorate each shell just one time. As a problem, I want to know the total number of schemes.
There are multiple test cases(no more than
cases and no more than 1 in extreme case), ended by 0.
For each test cases, the first line contains an integer n, meaning the number of shells in this shell necklace, where 1≤n≤105. Following line is a sequence with nnon-negative integer a1,a2,…,an, and ai≤107 meaning the number of schemes to decorate i continuous shells together with a declaration of love.
For each test cases, the first line contains an integer n, meaning the number of shells in this shell necklace, where 1≤n≤105. Following line is a sequence with nnon-negative integer a1,a2,…,an, and ai≤107 meaning the number of schemes to decorate i continuous shells together with a declaration of love.
For each test case, print one line containing the total number of schemes module
313(Three hundred and thirteen implies the march 13th, a special and purposeful day).
Sample Input
3 1 3 7 4 2 2 2 2 0
Sample Output
14 54
For the first test case in Sample Input, the Figure 1 provides all schemes about it. The total number of schemes is 1 + 3 + 3 + 7 = 14.
#include<stdio.h> #include<iostream> #include<string.h> #include<string> #include<ctype.h> #include<math.h> #include<set> #include<map> #include<vector> #include<queue> #include<bitset> #include<algorithm> #include<time.h> using namespace std; void fre() { freopen("c://test//", "r", stdin); freopen("c://test//output.out", "w", stdout); } #define MS(x,y) memset(x,y,sizeof(x)) #define MC(x,y) memcpy(x,y,sizeof(x)) #define MP(x,y) make_pair(x,y) #define ls o<<1 #define rs o<<1|1 typedef long long LL; typedef unsigned long long UL; typedef unsigned int UI; typedef double ld; template <class T1, class T2>inline void gmax(T1 &a, T2 b) { if (b>a)a = b; } template <class T1, class T2>inline void gmin(T1 &a, T2 b) { if (b<a)a = b; } const int N = 1 << 17, Z = 313, ms63 = 0x3f3f3f3f; const double PI = acos(-1.0); struct Complex { double r, i; Complex(double r = 0, double i = 0) : r(r), i(i) {} Complex operator + (const Complex& t) const { return Complex(r + t.r, i + t.i); } Complex operator - (const Complex& t) const { return Complex(r - t.r, i - t.i); } Complex operator * (const Complex& t) const { return Complex(r * t.r - i * t.i, r * t.i + i * t.r); } }X[N], Y[N]; void FFT(Complex y[], int n, int rev)//rev == 1时为DFT,rev == -1时为IDFT { for (int i = 1, j, k, t; i < n; ++i) { for (j = 0, k = n >> 1, t = i; k; k >>= 1, t >>= 1) j = j << 1 | t & 1; if (i < j) swap(y[i], y[j]); } for (int s = 2, ds = 1; s <= n; ds = s, s <<= 1) { Complex wn(cos(rev * 2 * PI / s), sin(rev * 2 * PI / s)); for (int k = 0; k < n; k += s) { Complex w(1, 0), t; for (int i = k; i < k + ds; ++i) { y[i + ds] = y[i] - (t = w * y[i + ds]); y[i] = y[i] + t; w = w * wn; } } } if (rev == -1) for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) y[i].r /= n; } int n, a[N], f[N]; void cdq(int l, int r) { if (l == r) { f[l] = (f[l] + a[l]) % Z; return; } int mid = l + r >> 1; cdq(l, mid); int len1 = mid - l + 1; int len2 = r - l + 1; int len = 1; while (len < len2) len <<= 1;//这里的数组大小应该是while(len < len1 + len2) for (int i = 0; i < len1; ++i) X[i] = Complex(f[l + i], 0); for (int i = len1; i < len; ++i) X[i] = Complex(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < len2; ++i) Y[i] = Complex(a[i], 0); for (int i = len2; i < len; ++i) Y[i] = Complex(0, 0); FFT(X, len, 1); FFT(Y, len, 1); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) Y[i] = X[i] * Y[i]; FFT(Y, len, -1); for (int i = mid + 1; i <= r; ++i)f[i] = f[i] + (int)(Y[i - l].r + 0.5) % Z; cdq(mid + 1, r); } int main() { while (~scanf("%d", &n), n) { MS(f, 0); for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) scanf("%d", &a[i]), a[i] %= Z; cdq(1, n); printf("%d\n", f[n]); } return 0; } /* 【trick&&吐槽】 在本题,我们做FFT多项式乘法的时候,X*Y的目标数组的长度要开多少呢? 按照正常的乘法逻辑,我们要把数组开到len1+len2. 然而,这道题我们只需要使用到len1 【题意】 有n(1e5)个数a[],a[i]都是[1e7]范围的数。 f[1]=0; f[i]=∑(f[i - j] * a[j]), j∈[1, i]; 让你求f[n] % Z 【类型】 fft + cdq分治 【分析】 这道题我们不能做n次fft,会重复计算,最终导致TLE。 我们采取cdq分治的方式做加速。 所谓cdq分治,利用了这道题目中的——想求f[i],需要加进所有f[j,j<i]对f[i]的贡献 我们把区间分成了以下两块[l,mid] [mid+1,r], 我们先处理[l,mid], 然后把[l,mid]的影响向[mid+1,r]转移, 再去处理[mid+1,r]。 问题是,如何做转移呢?fft。 回归fft如何做大数相乘运算 v[0] v[1] v[2] u[0] u[1] u[2] 我们乘出来之后变成了—— (0*0) (0*1+1*0) (0*2+1*1*2*0) (1*2+2*1) (2*2) 显然, 有一侧为f[l],f[l+1],f[l+2],f[l+3],...,f[mid-1],f[mid] 另一侧为a[0],a[1],a[2],...,a[mid-l] 我们乘起来就变成了—— (f[l] * a[0]) =不需要的数 ... (f[l] * a[mid+1-l] + f[l+1] * a[mid+1-l-1] + ...) = f[mid+1] ... 即,我们需要f[l]~f[mid]中的每个数 同时需要a[0]~a[r-l]中的每个数 然后FFT就可以得到结果 【时间复杂度&&优化】 尽管我们做了nlogn次FFT 但是事实上相当于只做了logn层长度为n的FFT 总的复杂度为O(nlognlogn),可以无压力AC 这道题的数组我们要开多大呢? 100000的上log 1<<17即可 */