
时间:2022-12-20 21:45:14

I am writing a document in knitr and Latex and having trouble with the caching mechanism. Specifically, I have the problem that I write multiple data frames into CSV files to read them in using pgfplotstable later on. However, knitr's caching mechanism fails to re-run a chunk if the corresponding CSV file has since been removed or altered in any way. For example, running the following document once, deleting mwe.dat and then running it again will produce an error


df <- data.frame(a=rep(1,5), b=rep(2.5), c=rep(3,5))
write.csv(df, file='mwe.dat')

df <- read.csv(file='mwe.dat')
## Warning: cannot open file ’mwe.dat’: No such file or directory
## Error: cannot open the connection

So the question is, how does knitr determine that a chunk needs to be re-run? If it's only about actual changes in the source code of the chunk, then I'll have to wrap my (considerable amount of) write.csv statements each in their own chunk, despite the fact that most of the time the chunk only sets up the data frame to be written.


1 个解决方案



The cache page in the knitr website has explained this issue. In particular, search for #238 in that page for a similar case.




The cache page in the knitr website has explained this issue. In particular, search for #238 in that page for a similar case.
