将本地开发完的SDK代码上传到SVN上面:an error occurred while contacting the repository The server may be unreachable or the URL may be incorrect

时间:2022-06-23 21:29:41

将本地开发完的SDK代码上传到SVN上面:an error occurred while contacting the repository  The server may be unreachable or the URL may be incorrect

将本地开发完的SDK代码上传到SVN上面:an error occurred while contacting the repository  The server may be unreachable or the URL may be incorrect


解决:在终端中按照下面的命令,进行显示和隐藏 隐藏文件

# 显示隐藏文件

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles Yes && killall Finder

# 不显示隐藏文件

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles No && killall Finder
