My application uses self-hosting feature of ASP.NET Web API. NuGet package name I use is Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.SelfHost. I used following example as a base.
我的应用程序使用ASP.NET Web API的自托管功能。我使用的NuGet包名是Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.SelfHost。我使用以下示例作为基础。
Following code works for me to launch host on ipv4 localhost endpoint:
以下代码适用于在ipv4 localhost端点上启动主机:
What do I enter if I want to specify ipv6 address? "http://[::1]:43666" does not work. Exception thrown is [reformatted]:
如果我想指定ipv6地址,我该怎么办? “http:// [:: 1]:43666”不起作用。抛出的异常是[重新格式化]:
System.Net.HttpListenerException: The network location cannot be reached. For information
..about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help
at System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
at System.Net.HttpListener.Start()
at Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener.OwinHttpListener.Start(HttpListener listener,
..Func`2 appFunc, IList`1 addresses, IDictionary`2 capabilities, Func`2 loggerFactory)
at Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener.OwinServerFactory.Create(Func`2 app,
..IDictionary`2 properties)
Judging by my inspection of code in reflector, the HttpAddUrlToUrlGroup
function returned error code 1232
2 个解决方案
I did not find a solution, however following is a workaround, although it will start server on all addresses, including non-local and ipv4:
Since this question didn't generate any interest I'm closing it
had the same problem and it seemed to be the Account under which the service was running. Need to make sure it's running under NetworkService - both localhost and other variations of URLs should work then :)
有同样的问题,它似乎是服务运行的帐户。需要确保它在NetworkService下运行 - localhost和其他URL的变体应该可以工作:)
I did not find a solution, however following is a workaround, although it will start server on all addresses, including non-local and ipv4:
Since this question didn't generate any interest I'm closing it
had the same problem and it seemed to be the Account under which the service was running. Need to make sure it's running under NetworkService - both localhost and other variations of URLs should work then :)
有同样的问题,它似乎是服务运行的帐户。需要确保它在NetworkService下运行 - localhost和其他URL的变体应该可以工作:)