Can I learn and understand Angular2 without understanding JavaScript?
来自Andru Vallance的回答:
Theoretically you may get by without a solid understanding of the language as a whole, or of features of it you don’t come across in Angular2 documentation and examples.
However, such an approach would be foolhardy; askin to writing a book in an unknown language while denying yourself to any language learning tools other than a single book written in that language.
来自Aniketh Mallabadi的回答:
By learning JS you can understand many more frameworks rather than angular alone.
Checkout Udemy classes JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts - Udemy just 11 hours class which makes you master in JS then understanding Angular 2 would be easier. For Typescript tutorial check Quick start · TypeScript .
来自Vani Ananthuni的回答:
Nope! You need to know Javascript/Typescript.
Typescript is used for Angular 2(Dart , Es5 or Es6 also can be used) And typescript is superset of JavaScript. Once you know JavaScript and understand OOPs, you can learn typescript easily.You also need to know scope of variables etc. If not typescript, at least JS will help you in the beginning. Although, there are some serious issues with using JS in Angular2.