NLP--- How to install the tool NLTK in Ubuntu ?

时间:2021-09-08 19:51:10

NLP--- How to install the tool NLTK in Ubuntu ?

1. open the website of NLTK and download it.

2.  unzip this package and cd: 

  >>> cd /home/wangxiao/nltk-3.2.4

  >>> python install

  ## you have installed this software at this point.

  >>> python

  >>> import nltk      ## if it did not show you any error, it denotes you have installed nltk successfully.

  >>>   ## install the language packages.

  >>> select all, then you will see blow ...

  NLP--- How to install the tool NLTK in Ubuntu ?

  NLP--- How to install the tool NLTK in Ubuntu ?

  NLP--- How to install the tool NLTK in Ubuntu ?