重命名ptrace funct其他什么?怎么样?

时间:2021-07-04 18:56:32

In code, I'd use


#include <sys/types.h>


#include <sys/ptrace.h>


ptrace(PT_DENY_ATTACH, 0, 0, 0);


to deny attaching to the process. I was wondering if there was a way to rename "ptrace()" to something less obvious. I tried copying ptrace.h into my own header file and changing int ptrace to something else, but that just failed with an undefined symbol error. And I can't find any other references to the function :\

拒绝附加到过程。我想知道是否有办法将“ptrace()”重命名为不太明显的东西。我尝试将ptrace.h复制到我自己的头文件中并将int ptrace更改为其他内容,但是因为未定义的符号错误而失败了。而且我找不到任何其他功能参考:

Thank you in advance for anything on this.


2 个解决方案



ptrace is a system call. Even if you renamed that function in your C code, the actual ptrace call would still have to be made, so it would be visible in for example strace output (with all the parameters).


Using a macro trick will only make it very slightly less obvious (you'd need two greps instead of one to find it in your codebase). So I don't really see the point. (A macro trick would not change anything to the compiled code.)

使用宏技巧只会使它变得非常不明显(你需要两个greps而不是一个在代码库中找到它)。所以我真的没有看到这一点。 (宏技巧不会改变编译代码的任何内容。)

You could try running the actual syscall yourself with syscall, but that's a lot of work and still wouldn't hide anything to strace up to that point. It would make it just a tiny bit harder to break there in gdb.


So IMO: what you're trying to do is not worth the effort.




Use #define in your header to create a new macro:


#define MyTrace(a,b,c,d) ptrace(a,b,c,d)

#define MyTrace(a,b,c,d)ptrace(a,b,c,d)



ptrace is a system call. Even if you renamed that function in your C code, the actual ptrace call would still have to be made, so it would be visible in for example strace output (with all the parameters).


Using a macro trick will only make it very slightly less obvious (you'd need two greps instead of one to find it in your codebase). So I don't really see the point. (A macro trick would not change anything to the compiled code.)

使用宏技巧只会使它变得非常不明显(你需要两个greps而不是一个在代码库中找到它)。所以我真的没有看到这一点。 (宏技巧不会改变编译代码的任何内容。)

You could try running the actual syscall yourself with syscall, but that's a lot of work and still wouldn't hide anything to strace up to that point. It would make it just a tiny bit harder to break there in gdb.


So IMO: what you're trying to do is not worth the effort.




Use #define in your header to create a new macro:


#define MyTrace(a,b,c,d) ptrace(a,b,c,d)

#define MyTrace(a,b,c,d)ptrace(a,b,c,d)