Linux下onvif客户端获取ipc摄像头 GetServices:获取媒体地址(有的h265摄像头必须要这个接口)

时间:2022-05-19 18:20:34


鉴权:但是在使用这个接口之前是需要鉴权的。ONVIF协议规定,部分接口需要鉴权,部分接口不需要鉴权,在调用需要鉴权的接口时不使用鉴权,会导致接口调用失败。实现鉴权的方式之一可以调用gSOAP源码中的 soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest()函数。要安装依赖库OpenSSL


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h> #include "soapH.h"
#include "stdsoap2.h"
#include "soapStub.h"
#include "wsseapi.h" #include "wsdd.nsmap" //命名空间 static struct soap* ONVIF_Initsoap(struct SOAP_ENV__Header *header, const char *was_To, const char *was_Action, int timeout)
struct soap *soap = NULL; // soap环境变量
unsigned char macaddr[];
char _HwId[];
unsigned int Flagrand; soap = soap_new();
if(soap == NULL)
printf("[%d]soap = NULL\n", __LINE__);
return NULL;
} soap_set_namespaces(soap, namespaces); // 设置soap的namespaces,即设置命名空间 // 设置超时(超过指定时间没有数据就退出)
if(timeout > )
soap->recv_timeout = timeout;
soap->send_timeout = timeout;
soap->connect_timeout = timeout;
//Maximum waittime : 20s
soap->recv_timeout = ;
soap->send_timeout = ;
soap->connect_timeout = ;
} soap_default_SOAP_ENV__Header(soap, header); //Create SessionID randomly,生成uuid(windows下叫guid,linux下叫uuid),格式为urn:uuid:8-4-4-4-12,由系统随机产生
Flagrand = rand()% + ;
macaddr[] = 0x1;
macaddr[] = 0x2;
macaddr[] = 0x3;
macaddr[] = 0x4;
macaddr[] = 0x5;
macaddr[] = 0x6;
sprintf(_HwId, "urn:uuid:%ud68a-1dd2-11b2-a105-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", Flagrand, macaddr[], macaddr[], macaddr[],macaddr[],macaddr[],macaddr[]);
header->wsa__MessageID = (char *)malloc();
memset(header->wsa__MessageID, , );
strncpy(header->wsa__MessageID, _HwId, strlen(_HwId)); //wsa__MessageID存放的是uuid if(was_Action != NULL)
header->wsa__Action = (char*)malloc();
memset(header->wsa__Action, '\0', );
strncpy(header->wsa__Action, was_Action, ); //
if(was_To != NULL)
header->wsa__To = (char *)malloc();
memset(header->wsa__To, '\0', );
strncpy(header->wsa__To, was_To, );//"urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:ws:2005:04:discovery";
soap->header = header;
return soap;
} //释放函数
void ONVIF_soap_delete(struct soap *soap)
soap_destroy(soap); // remove deserialized class instances (C++ only)
soap_end(soap); // Clean up deserialized data (except class instances) and temporary data
soap_free(soap); // Reset and deallocate the context created with soap_new or soap_copy
} //鉴权
static int ONVIF_SetAuthInfo(struct soap *soap, const char *username, const char *password)
int result = ;
if((NULL != username) || (NULL != password)){
soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(soap, NULL, username, password);
printf("un etAuth\n");
result = -;
} return result;
} int main(int argc,char *argv[])
int i = ;
int ret = ;
char secvre_addr[] = ""; //设备搜索获取得到的服务地址
struct SOAP_ENV__Header header;
struct _tds__GetServices *tds__GetServices;
struct _tds__GetServicesResponse *tds__GetServicesResponse; struct soap* soap = ONVIF_Initsoap(&header, NULL, NULL, ); //tds__GetServices->IncludeCapability = (enum xsd__boolean *)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(int));
//*(tds__GetServices->IncludeCapability) = (enum xsd__boolean)0; tds__GetServices->IncludeCapability = ; ONVIF_SetAuthInfo(soap,"admin",""); //鉴权
soap_call___tds__GetServices(soap,secvre_addr,NULL, tds__GetServices, tds__GetServicesResponse);
ret = -;
printf("soap error: %d, %s, %s\n", soap->error, *soap_faultcode(soap), *soap_faultstring(soap));
return ret;
if (tds__GetServicesResponse->Service[i].Namespace != NULL ){
for(i=; i<tds__GetServicesResponse->__sizeService; i++)
if(strcmp(tds__GetServicesResponse->Service[i].Namespace, "") == )
printf(" media_addr[%d] %s\n", i, tds__GetServicesResponse->Service[i].XAddr);
if(strcmp(tds__GetServicesResponse->Service[i].Namespace, "") == )
printf(" media_addr->XAddr[%d] %s\n", i, tds__GetServicesResponse->Service[i].XAddr); }
} }
} ONVIF_soap_delete(soap);
return ret;

编译:gcc -o test get_GetServices_test.c stdsoap2.c soapC.c md5.c dom.c mecevp.c smdevp.c threads.c wsaapi.c wsseapi.c soapClient.c -I import/ -DWITH_OPENSSL -lssl -lcrypto -ldl


Linux下onvif客户端获取ipc摄像头 GetServices:获取媒体地址(有的h265摄像头必须要这个接口)Linux下onvif客户端获取ipc摄像头 GetServices:获取媒体地址(有的h265摄像头必须要这个接口)