How to solve this problem. This problem appear when I run one of my codes which I had written. I use visual studio 2010 ultimate to write the code
如何解决这个问题。当我运行我写的代码时,这个问题就出现了。我使用visual studio 2010 ultimate来编写代码。
2 个解决方案
in the options dialog you can tell vs where to look for include files. Look for
Projects and solutions>VC++ Directories
file location : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\crt\src if you don't find, may be re-install VS2012
文件位置:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0 crt \ src \ VC \如果你找不到,可以重新安装VS2012
in the options dialog you can tell vs where to look for include files. Look for
Projects and solutions>VC++ Directories
file location : C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\crt\src if you don't find, may be re-install VS2012
文件位置:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0 crt \ src \ VC \如果你找不到,可以重新安装VS2012