Visual Studio 2010 beta 1是否可用?

时间:2022-09-02 17:36:55

I saw that Beta 1 of VS2010 was publicly availible.

我看到VS2010的Beta 1公开可用。

My question to those of you who has tried it is: does it work good?


Will it cause my computer to blow up in tiny pieces? Will it crash randomly? Will it work with some minor glitches? Or is it just perfect from bottom up?


I'm only coding school- and hobby-stuff, so nothing that someones life depend upon, but i still want software that works. How close to a final product is it? Is it worth trying?


11 个解决方案


It's a bit slow, and there's no offline MSDN, but it's worth trying IMO. Having said that it's slow, I still use it on my NC10 netbook, so it's clearly not that bad :)


I've got it side-by-side VS2008, and that hasn't caused any problems.


I've seen a couple of glitches (once the keyboard handling went completely wonky) but it's certainly usable. The main question is what you want to get out of trying it - in my case I absolutely need to code against C# 4 to explore the new features. I do most of that from the command line in fact, where the speed of VS obviously isn't an issue, but it's nice to see the VS-specific features as well (like the debug threading views for Parallel Extensions).

我已经看到了一些故障(一旦键盘处理完全不稳定),但它肯定可用。主要问题是你想要尝试什么 - 在我的情况下,我绝对需要针对C#4进行编码以探索新功能。事实上,我从命令行做了大部分工作,其中VS的速度显然不是问题,但很高兴看到VS特有的功能(比如Parallel Extensions的调试线程视图)。


It seems more or less usable on the .NET side. The C++ side is a bit more sketchy. On one hand, they've added support for some very nice new C++0x features, on the other, they've broken some absolute fundamentals.

它似乎或多或少在.NET端可用。 C ++方面有点粗略。一方面,他们增加了对一些非常好的新C ++ 0x功能的支持,另一方面,他们打破了一些绝对的基本面。

Your plain old main function won't compile in 32-bit with unicode enabled. (Workarounds: Either compile as 64-bit, disable unicode, or rename the function to wmain).

在启用unicode的情况下,您的普通旧主函数将无法在32位编译。 (解决方法:编译为64位,禁用unicode,或将函数重命名为wmain)。

This seems to me to be a strong hint that the C++ side of things is nowhere near release-worthy. I'd probably wait for beta2 before doing any serious work with that.

在我看来,这似乎是一个强烈的暗示,即C ++方面的事情远不及发布。在做任何认真的工作之前,我可能会等待beta2。


I would say it is great, but the performance hurts a bit.


Here is an idea for you: Install it into a VirtualPC. Then you can play and not care what it does. You don't like it, delete the VPC image and keep on trucking. That is how I play with Microsoft betas now. I never install them on any real machine - too risky.

以下是您的想法:将其安装到VirtualPC中。然后你可以玩而不关心它做什么。你不喜欢它,删除VPC图像并继续卡车运输。这就是我现在与微软贝塔玩法的方式。我从来没有在任何真机上安装它们 - 太冒险了。


Usable: Yes.

Recommended: Not if you'r a touchpad-addict or dislike crashing apps.


I've been trying it for 2 weeks now coding small C#-projects and these are my impressions


Reasons to use 2010:


  • Looks good
  • Multi monitor support
  • 多显示器支持

  • I can see myself using the code templating but right now i couldnt find any really useful stuff except for reducing the fontsize of comments.
  • 我可以看到自己使用代码模板,但现在我找不到任何真正有用的东西,除了减少评论的字体大小。

  • Zoom in the editor
  • 放大编辑器

  • Select a variable and then press shift+up/down to go to next usage of this variable
  • 选择一个变量,然后按shift +向上/向下转到下一次使用此变量

  • Ctrl+, brings up instant search of classes and functions in the entire project. (i've become really addicted to this)
  • Ctrl +,可以在整个项目中即时搜索类和函数。 (我真的沉迷于此)

  • Floating watches for single objects
  • 浮动手表单个物体

Reasons to not use 2010:


  • TOUCHPAD SCROLL DOESN'T WORK IN THE EDITOR!!! (this is reason enough to not upgrade if you are using it on a laptop)
  • TOUCHPAD SCROLL不在编辑工作! (如果您在笔记本电脑上使用它,这就足以升级了)

  • I've had some random app-crashes in the middle of just writing code, once or twice per day maybe.
  • 我在编写代码的过程中遇到了一些随机的应用程序崩溃,每天一两次。

  • UI sometimes freezes randomly for about 30seconds and then returns to normal.
  • UI有时会随机冻结大约30秒,然后恢复正常。

  • It started to use 100% CPU power from one of my cores once when it was minimized in basic editing-mode and i was doing other stuff in other programs, i only noticed it because the fan started to go wild.
  • 当它在基本编辑模式下被最小化时,它开始使用来自我的一个核心的100%CPU功率,而我在其他程序中做其他事情,我只注意到它因为风扇开始疯狂。

Otherwhise it's pretty similar to 2008. I haven't noticed any difference in speed like other people say.



You need to ask yourself: what is the advantage for you in using VS2010 over VS2008? I would suggest that there is no advantage if all you are doing is "school- and hobby-stuff".


I'm still using VS2008 for business related stuff (and, indeed, VC6 for some stuff). I prefer to wait until all the early adopters have tested it (and Microsoft has released at least one service pack after the real product release) before I do their testing for them.



It seems to co-exist with other versions of VS without causing any problems.


Regarding the slowness - it seems to be the UI that is slow, rather than building. Once it's going it doesn't seem much slower on my fast quadcore. I've yet to try it on my laptop.

关于缓慢 - 似乎是UI缓慢而不是构建。一旦它开始,我的快速四核心似乎没有那么慢。我还没试过我的笔记本电脑。


It's usable enough, the small glitches that I've encounter weren't that bad. However, certain VS extensions(like XNA) don't work in VS2010 at the moment.



It's fun to toy with. Not usable for me, cause re#er does not support it yet (had to install TestDriven .NET which works through keyboard shortcuts only to run my tests).

玩具很有趣。对我来说不可用,因为re#er还不支持它(必须安装TestDriven .NET,它通过键盘快捷键才能运行我的测试)。

Gave me an insight how addicted I am. :/

让我了解我是多么上瘾。 :/

Btw, on Win7, without virtual pc it seemed even faster than vs2008 for me.



VS2010 doesn't yet support mobile device projects, which might or might not matter to you.



VC++ wise - VS2010 has a built-in 64-bit compiler, VS2008 does not.

VC ++明智 - VS2010有一个内置的64位编译器,VS2008没有。

You can supposedly add 64-bit support to VS2008, but it takes some effort.



I've been using VS 2010 beta (with .NET 4.0 beta) on Windows 7 RC. I've been trying to rewrite parts of a large-scale business application in it to see what can be done with it.

我一直在Windows 7 RC上使用VS 2010 beta(使用.NET 4.0 beta)。我一直在尝试重写其中的大型业务应用程序的一部分,以了解可以用它做什么。

The UI freezes frequently. I'm talking 1-10 minutes between freezes. The UI does not come back, so I'm forced to kill devenv.exe every time it happens. Microsoft probably puts my error reports in their spam folder by now.

用户界面经常冻结。我说冻结之间1-10分钟。用户界面没有回来,所以每次发生时我都*杀死devenv.exe。 Microsoft可能现在将我的错误报告放在他们的垃圾邮件文件夹中。

For me, VS 2010 beta 1 classifies as unusable. However, it's fast, the new IDE functions are very handy, and it's pretty. I keep coming back to it despite my resolutions to wait for a stable build.

对我来说,VS 2010 beta 1归类为无法使用。但是,它很快,新的IDE功能非常方便,而且很漂亮。尽管我决定等待稳定的构建,但我仍然不断回头。


It's a bit slow, and there's no offline MSDN, but it's worth trying IMO. Having said that it's slow, I still use it on my NC10 netbook, so it's clearly not that bad :)


I've got it side-by-side VS2008, and that hasn't caused any problems.


I've seen a couple of glitches (once the keyboard handling went completely wonky) but it's certainly usable. The main question is what you want to get out of trying it - in my case I absolutely need to code against C# 4 to explore the new features. I do most of that from the command line in fact, where the speed of VS obviously isn't an issue, but it's nice to see the VS-specific features as well (like the debug threading views for Parallel Extensions).

我已经看到了一些故障(一旦键盘处理完全不稳定),但它肯定可用。主要问题是你想要尝试什么 - 在我的情况下,我绝对需要针对C#4进行编码以探索新功能。事实上,我从命令行做了大部分工作,其中VS的速度显然不是问题,但很高兴看到VS特有的功能(比如Parallel Extensions的调试线程视图)。


It seems more or less usable on the .NET side. The C++ side is a bit more sketchy. On one hand, they've added support for some very nice new C++0x features, on the other, they've broken some absolute fundamentals.

它似乎或多或少在.NET端可用。 C ++方面有点粗略。一方面,他们增加了对一些非常好的新C ++ 0x功能的支持,另一方面,他们打破了一些绝对的基本面。

Your plain old main function won't compile in 32-bit with unicode enabled. (Workarounds: Either compile as 64-bit, disable unicode, or rename the function to wmain).

在启用unicode的情况下,您的普通旧主函数将无法在32位编译。 (解决方法:编译为64位,禁用unicode,或将函数重命名为wmain)。

This seems to me to be a strong hint that the C++ side of things is nowhere near release-worthy. I'd probably wait for beta2 before doing any serious work with that.

在我看来,这似乎是一个强烈的暗示,即C ++方面的事情远不及发布。在做任何认真的工作之前,我可能会等待beta2。


I would say it is great, but the performance hurts a bit.


Here is an idea for you: Install it into a VirtualPC. Then you can play and not care what it does. You don't like it, delete the VPC image and keep on trucking. That is how I play with Microsoft betas now. I never install them on any real machine - too risky.

以下是您的想法:将其安装到VirtualPC中。然后你可以玩而不关心它做什么。你不喜欢它,删除VPC图像并继续卡车运输。这就是我现在与微软贝塔玩法的方式。我从来没有在任何真机上安装它们 - 太冒险了。


Usable: Yes.

Recommended: Not if you'r a touchpad-addict or dislike crashing apps.


I've been trying it for 2 weeks now coding small C#-projects and these are my impressions


Reasons to use 2010:


  • Looks good
  • Multi monitor support
  • 多显示器支持

  • I can see myself using the code templating but right now i couldnt find any really useful stuff except for reducing the fontsize of comments.
  • 我可以看到自己使用代码模板,但现在我找不到任何真正有用的东西,除了减少评论的字体大小。

  • Zoom in the editor
  • 放大编辑器

  • Select a variable and then press shift+up/down to go to next usage of this variable
  • 选择一个变量,然后按shift +向上/向下转到下一次使用此变量

  • Ctrl+, brings up instant search of classes and functions in the entire project. (i've become really addicted to this)
  • Ctrl +,可以在整个项目中即时搜索类和函数。 (我真的沉迷于此)

  • Floating watches for single objects
  • 浮动手表单个物体

Reasons to not use 2010:


  • TOUCHPAD SCROLL DOESN'T WORK IN THE EDITOR!!! (this is reason enough to not upgrade if you are using it on a laptop)
  • TOUCHPAD SCROLL不在编辑工作! (如果您在笔记本电脑上使用它,这就足以升级了)

  • I've had some random app-crashes in the middle of just writing code, once or twice per day maybe.
  • 我在编写代码的过程中遇到了一些随机的应用程序崩溃,每天一两次。

  • UI sometimes freezes randomly for about 30seconds and then returns to normal.
  • UI有时会随机冻结大约30秒,然后恢复正常。

  • It started to use 100% CPU power from one of my cores once when it was minimized in basic editing-mode and i was doing other stuff in other programs, i only noticed it because the fan started to go wild.
  • 当它在基本编辑模式下被最小化时,它开始使用来自我的一个核心的100%CPU功率,而我在其他程序中做其他事情,我只注意到它因为风扇开始疯狂。

Otherwhise it's pretty similar to 2008. I haven't noticed any difference in speed like other people say.



You need to ask yourself: what is the advantage for you in using VS2010 over VS2008? I would suggest that there is no advantage if all you are doing is "school- and hobby-stuff".


I'm still using VS2008 for business related stuff (and, indeed, VC6 for some stuff). I prefer to wait until all the early adopters have tested it (and Microsoft has released at least one service pack after the real product release) before I do their testing for them.



It seems to co-exist with other versions of VS without causing any problems.


Regarding the slowness - it seems to be the UI that is slow, rather than building. Once it's going it doesn't seem much slower on my fast quadcore. I've yet to try it on my laptop.

关于缓慢 - 似乎是UI缓慢而不是构建。一旦它开始,我的快速四核心似乎没有那么慢。我还没试过我的笔记本电脑。


It's usable enough, the small glitches that I've encounter weren't that bad. However, certain VS extensions(like XNA) don't work in VS2010 at the moment.



It's fun to toy with. Not usable for me, cause re#er does not support it yet (had to install TestDriven .NET which works through keyboard shortcuts only to run my tests).

玩具很有趣。对我来说不可用,因为re#er还不支持它(必须安装TestDriven .NET,它通过键盘快捷键才能运行我的测试)。

Gave me an insight how addicted I am. :/

让我了解我是多么上瘾。 :/

Btw, on Win7, without virtual pc it seemed even faster than vs2008 for me.



VS2010 doesn't yet support mobile device projects, which might or might not matter to you.



VC++ wise - VS2010 has a built-in 64-bit compiler, VS2008 does not.

VC ++明智 - VS2010有一个内置的64位编译器,VS2008没有。

You can supposedly add 64-bit support to VS2008, but it takes some effort.



I've been using VS 2010 beta (with .NET 4.0 beta) on Windows 7 RC. I've been trying to rewrite parts of a large-scale business application in it to see what can be done with it.

我一直在Windows 7 RC上使用VS 2010 beta(使用.NET 4.0 beta)。我一直在尝试重写其中的大型业务应用程序的一部分,以了解可以用它做什么。

The UI freezes frequently. I'm talking 1-10 minutes between freezes. The UI does not come back, so I'm forced to kill devenv.exe every time it happens. Microsoft probably puts my error reports in their spam folder by now.

用户界面经常冻结。我说冻结之间1-10分钟。用户界面没有回来,所以每次发生时我都*杀死devenv.exe。 Microsoft可能现在将我的错误报告放在他们的垃圾邮件文件夹中。

For me, VS 2010 beta 1 classifies as unusable. However, it's fast, the new IDE functions are very handy, and it's pretty. I keep coming back to it despite my resolutions to wait for a stable build.

对我来说,VS 2010 beta 1归类为无法使用。但是,它很快,新的IDE功能非常方便,而且很漂亮。尽管我决定等待稳定的构建,但我仍然不断回头。