从Windows Virtual PC XP模式访问Windows 7上托管的网站

时间:2020-12-30 17:28:14

I have Windows Virtual PC installed on my Windows 7 machine. I am using it for testing my website for cross browser functionality.

我在Windows 7机器上安装了Windows Virtual PC。我正在使用它来测试我的网站以获得跨浏览器功能。

In my Windows 7 I am developing the website in asp.net 4 and VS2010. In my Virtual PC XP, i want to access the website that i host on my local IIS or VS development web server. How can I communicate between Windows 7 and my Virtual PC?

在我的Windows 7中,我正在开发asp.net 4和VS2010中的网站。在我的Virtual PC XP中,我想访问我在本地IIS或VS开发Web服务器上托管的网站。如何在Windows 7和我的Virtual PC之间进行通信?

2 个解决方案



Found the answer through this blog -

通过这个博客找到答案 -



I modified the settings of the virtual PC to pick my wireless adapter. With this the virtual pc was just like any other computer on the network (formed by my wirless router) and I could access the virtual pc via its IP and could access my windows 7 host system from virtual pc via host systems's IP

我修改了虚拟PC的设置以选择我的无线适配器。有了这个,虚拟PC就像网络上的任何其他计算机(由我的无线路由器组成),我可以通过其IP访问虚拟PC,并可以通过主机系统的IP从虚拟PC访问我的Windows 7主机系统

Hope this helps some one.


But this had only one issue - I had to host my website on local iis, allow firewall port exception, to make it accessible to the virtual PC.

但这只有一个问题 - 我必须在本地iis上托管我的网站,允许防火墙端口例外,以使其可供虚拟PC访问。



Basically, all you need is the internal IP of the host machine and the webserver port.


Yet, since you're developing with VS2010, you'll have to switch to IIS Express and use the following answer: IIS Express enable external request

但是,由于您正在使用VS2010进行开发,因此您必须切换到IIS Express并使用以下答案:IIS Express启用外部请求



Found the answer through this blog -

通过这个博客找到答案 -



I modified the settings of the virtual PC to pick my wireless adapter. With this the virtual pc was just like any other computer on the network (formed by my wirless router) and I could access the virtual pc via its IP and could access my windows 7 host system from virtual pc via host systems's IP

我修改了虚拟PC的设置以选择我的无线适配器。有了这个,虚拟PC就像网络上的任何其他计算机(由我的无线路由器组成),我可以通过其IP访问虚拟PC,并可以通过主机系统的IP从虚拟PC访问我的Windows 7主机系统

Hope this helps some one.


But this had only one issue - I had to host my website on local iis, allow firewall port exception, to make it accessible to the virtual PC.

但这只有一个问题 - 我必须在本地iis上托管我的网站,允许防火墙端口例外,以使其可供虚拟PC访问。



Basically, all you need is the internal IP of the host machine and the webserver port.


Yet, since you're developing with VS2010, you'll have to switch to IIS Express and use the following answer: IIS Express enable external request

但是,由于您正在使用VS2010进行开发,因此您必须切换到IIS Express并使用以下答案:IIS Express启用外部请求