
时间:2022-06-29 17:13:06






$(function() {

mode: "fade",
displaySlideQty: 1,
moveSlideQty: 1,
auto: true,
speed: 500,
pause: 3000,
easing: 'easeOutQuint',
pager: true,
pagerSelector: ".top-slider-pager"

mode: "horizontal",
displaySlideQty: 1,
moveSlideQty: 1,
auto: true,
speed: 1300,
pause: 3000,
pager: true,
pagerSelector: ".slider-2-pager"



mode:'horizontal',                       //'horizontal','vertical','fade'定义slider滚动的方向,有三个值可供选择

infiniteLoop:true,                        //true,false  无限循环

hideControlOnEnd:false,              //true,false 如果设置true,将会再最后一个幻灯片隐藏"next",在最前面的幻灯片银牌"prev"

controls:true,                             //true,false 是否显示“previous”和“next”按钮

speed:500,                                // 速度,单位为毫秒

easing:'swing',                           //used with jquery.easing.1.3.js-see http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/ for available options

pager:true,                                //true false-display a pager

pagerSelector:null,                      //jQuery selector - element to contain the pager.ex:'#pager'

pagerType:'full',                          //如果设置full,将显示1,2,3.。。。,如果设置short,将显示1/4

pagerLocation:'bottom',               //页面的位置

pagerShortSeparator:'/',              //页面分隔符

pagerActiveClass:'pager-active',    //当前页码的className

nextText:'next',                          //下一页的文字

nextImage:'',                              //可以设置下一页为图片

nextSelector:'null',                      //jQuery selector -element to contain the next control 比如:'#next'

prevText:'prev',                          //上一页的文字

prevImage:'',                              //上一页的图片

prevSelector:null,                        //jQuery selector - element to contain the previous control 比如:'#prev'

caption:false,                              //true,false - 是否显示图片的标题,读取图片的title属性的内容

captionSelector:null,                    //jQuery selector - element to contain the captions. ex:'#captions'

auto:false,                                 //true,false  幻灯片自动滚动

autoDirection:'next',                   //true,false  自动滚动的顺序

autoControls:false,                     //true,false - 自动滚动的控制键

autoControlsSelector:null,           //jQuery selector - element to contain the auto controls ex:'#auto-controls'

autoStart:true,                          //true,false - if false show will wait for 'start' control to activate

autoHover:false,                        //true,false - if true show will pause on mouseover 设置鼠标mouseover将会使自动滚动暂停

autoDelay:0,                              //integer - in ms,the amount of time before starting the auto show

pause:3000,                              //integer - in ms,the duration between each slide transition 过渡时间

startText:'start',                        //string - text displayed for 'start' control 开始按钮的文字

startImage:'',                             //string - filepath of image used for 'start' control.ex:'images/start.jpg'  开始按钮的图片

stopText:'stop',                         //string - text displayed for 'stop' control 停止按钮的文本

stopImage:'',                             //string - filepath of image used for 'stop' control.ex:'images/stop.jpg' 停止按钮的图片

ticker:false,                               //true,false -  continuous motion ticker mode(think news ticker)

//note:autoControls and autoControlsSelector apply to ticker!

tickerSpeed:5000,                     //integer - has an inverse effect on speed therefor,a value of 10000 will

//scroll very slowly while a value of 50 will scroll very quickly

tickerDirection:'next',                 //'next','prev' - direction in which ticker show will traverse

tickerHover:false,                       //true,false - if true ticker will pause on mouseover

wrapperClass:'bx-wrapper',        //string - classname attached to the slider wrapper

startingSlide:0,                          //integer - show will start on specified slide,note:slides are zero based!

displaySlideQty:1,                       //integer - number of slides to display at once

moveSlideQty:1,                         //integer - number of slides to move at once

randomStart:false,                     //true,false - if true show will start on a  random slide
