Alex 100000
Rain 80000
Egon 50000
Yuan 30000
1. 查询员工工资
2. 修改员工工资
3. 增加新员工记录
4. 退出
1. 查询员工工资
2. 修改员工工资
3. 增加新员工记录
4. 退出
请输入要修改的员工姓名和工资,用空格分隔(例如:Alex 10):Alex 10
1. 查询员工工资
2. 修改员工工资
3. 增加新员工记录
4. 退出
请输入要增加的员工姓名和工资,共空格分割(例如:Eric 100000):Eric 100000
1. 查询员工工资
2. 修改员工工资
3. 增加新员工记录
4. 退出
1 #!/usr/bin/python 2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 3 import os 4 5 6 option = ''' 7 --------- 请选择功能 --------- 8 1. 查询员工工资 9 2. 修改员工工资 10 3. 增加新员工记录 11 4. 退出 12 ---------- The End ---------- 13 ''' 14 15 16 def search(argument): 17 flag = False 18 with open('info.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: 19 for line in f: 20 if line.split()[0] == argument: 21 flag = True 22 print('\033[31;1m%s\033[0m 的工资是 \033[31;1m%s\033[0m' % (argument, line.split()[1])) 23 else: 24 continue 25 26 if not flag: 27 print('未找到员工\033[31;1m%s\033[0m信息' % argument) 28 29 30 def revise(salary): 31 temp = salary.split(' ') 32 flag = False 33 with open('info.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as read, open('info', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as write: 34 for line in read: 35 if line.split()[0] == temp[0]: 36 write.write(salary + '\n') 37 flag = True 38 else: 39 write.write(line) 40 41 os.rename('info.txt', 'info_bak.txt') 42 os.remove('info_bak.txt') 43 os.rename('info', 'info.txt') 44 45 if flag: 46 print('员工\033[31;1m%s\033[0m 的工资已修改为 \033[31;1m%s\033[0m' % (temp[0], temp[1])) 47 else: 48 print('未找到员工\033[31;1m%s\033[0m信息' % temp[0]) 49 50 51 def add(employment): 52 temp1 = employment.split(' ') 53 with open('info.txt', 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as f: 54 for line in f: 55 if line.split(' ')[0] == temp1[0]: 56 print('用户\033[31;1m%s\033[0m已存在' % temp1[0]) 57 else: 58 f.write('\n' + employment) 59 print('员工信息\033[31;1m%s\033[0m已添加.' % employment) 60 61 62 def cvt2dict(cvt): 63 temp2 = cvt.split(' ') 64 result = {temp2[0]: temp2[1]} 65 return result 66 67 68 stop_flag = False 69 with open('info.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as info: 70 data = cvt2dict(info.readline()) 71 print(option) 72 73 choice = input('您要选择?') 74 while not stop_flag: 75 if not choice.isdigit(): 76 choice = input('请输入数字选项编号: ') 77 elif int(choice) > 4 or int(choice) < 1: 78 choice = input('请输入有效的数字选项编号: ') 79 elif int(choice) == 1: 80 name = input('请输入要查询员工姓名: ') 81 search(name) 82 stop_flag = True 83 elif int(choice) == 2: 84 source = input('请输入要修改员工姓名和工资, 用空格分隔(例如:Alex 10): ') 85 revise(source) 86 stop_flag = True 87 continue 88 elif int(choice) == 3: 89 source = input('请输入要添加的员工姓名和工资, 用空格分隔(例如:Alex 10): ') 90 add(source) 91 stop_flag = True 92 else: 93 stop_flag = True 94 print('再见')
Alex 20
Rain 80000
Egon 50000
Yuan 30000
Lucy 30