1. 导出mysql表定义(无数据)
mysqldump --no-data [dbname] >dbdef.sql
2. 使用mysql2postgres把脚本转换为pgsql
3. 上面生成的脚本还不一定很完美,可以尝试导入pgsql,调试错误并手动修改之。我遇到的问题就只有一个,mysql列定义中的zerofill需要手工去掉。一些unsinged定义会生成constraint,如果不需要可以去掉。另外,trigger都有问题,只能后面手工重建
4. 导出mysql数据:
mysqldump -v -nt --complete-insert=TRUE --compact --no-create-info --skip-quote-names [dbname] >dbdata.sql
5. 转义符
backslash_quote = on
escape_string_warning = off
standard_conforming_strings = off
5. pgsql里导入表定义和数据
psql -d [dbname] <dbdef.sql
psql -d [dbname] <dbdata.sql
6. 重建trigger
7. 自增主键(字段)的处理
SELECT setval('sample_id_seq',max(id)) from sample;
最后,如果数据量大,导入时考虑性能可以先把主键、索引、约束都去掉,导入完成后再加上。另外,psql客户端从管道导入数据似乎不够快,可以用tcp方式psql -h localhost ,还有一些为大数据量导入优化的参数,大概列一下:
autovacuum = off
wal_level = minimal
archive_mode = off
full_page_writes = off
fsync = off
checkpoint_segments = 50
checkpoint_timeout = 1h
Drupal 6.x. site Migration from MySQL to PostgreSQL (howto)
I'm not a MySQL fun, so some troubles with MySQL database (MyISAM data corruption and too slow InnoDB) force migration of three existing Drupal 6 sites from MySQL to PostgreSQL. Since Drupal 6.2 some PgSQL-related bugs (sample) in core modules has been fixed, so I have a try.
Drupal 6.5 and PostgreSQL 8.3 compatibility
Drupal Core Modules
I've installed clean Drupal 6.5 on top of PostgreSQL 8.3.3 (with UTF8 database encoding) and played with it a lot. There is no heavy troubles, only minor ones:
Contributed Drupal Modules
I use only ten 3rd-party modules. Most of them works under PgSQL without problems:
Comment Subscribe Module changes
The Comment Subscribe is working with PgSQL only after heavy rewrite. This module uses many non-standard MySQL features such as if/ifnul (instead of case/coalesce), concat (instead of || operator) and multi-table update clause.
Patch: comment_subscribe-pgsql.diff and bug report.
MySQL to PgSQL Drupal Migration
There is simple: you need to convert database data structures, copy data, than change data source in drupal configuration. Sounds easy.
In real life it is not so easy:
So, I opt to alternate way: create new empty site with same data structures, than move data by special migration script.
In Drupal any module may have own data tables in database. So real migration procedure is:
Note: You should have shell-access to your server.
Magic Script
Download it here: (do not forget to gunzip it).
The script requires Perl 5.x (I use 5.8, but Perl 5.6 should work) with DBI, DBD:Pg and DBD::mysql libraries.
Usage: source-db dest-db, source-db - source MySQL database,
dest-db - destination PostgreSQL.
You either should passwordless access to both databases or should change the script to add your username/password. This is one-time use script, so I have not added many command-line parsing code.
How it works:
All destination data changes is done within transaction.
The script is provided AS IS. It works for me, you can change it as you wish.
The best thing i've ever found
Thanks a lot for this man !!! The script rocks. Finally my long awaited desire got completed. I converted my site to PGSQL. With PGSQL it has become much more fast than with MySQL.
Though I don't know perl, I managed to edit the thing to my requirements coz I know PHP well + Google ;)
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Drupal core patches necessary?
This howto refers to Drupal 6.5. There were the core patches necessary. But is this with Drupal 6.15 still true?
I'd prefer not to patch the core files because it could cause problems next time a Drupal update is on the schedule.
@nilesh.3892: Did you apply the patches?
@ Alex Tutubalin: Thanks for this howto!
Did your patch make it into the core?
No i didn't do so. I'm using
No i didn't do so. I'm using 6.15 and not 6.5. I don't have any problems and performance is much better than MySQL on PG 8.4 and PHP 5.3 (mod_fastcgi)
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How to make use of the script?
Hi and thank you for the script, which I badly need to make use of!
Excuse me for my ignorance but as someone who knows no Perl and new to Postgresql there are a number of ambiguities which prohibited me to deploy the script. I hope you could clarify:
my $srcdb = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=$ARGV[0]") or die;
my $destdb = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=$ARGV[1]" ) or die;
And what will be my perl conversion command?
I really appreciate your further explanations.
Very limited script
This script is quite naive, assumes 1:1 matching data types. It did not work for me as anything nontrivial like binary data (e.g. cache table) and geodata does not work this way.
ps. if you need schemas with password, just modify first lines to something like this:
my $srcdb = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=$ARGV[0]","root","root")
Postgresql 8.3.x warnings on improperly escaped blobs
Postgresql 8.3.x requires 'E' prefix before string literals with backslashed escapes (i.e. field = E'\n\r\t' instead of field='\n\r\t')
Without it LOTs of db warnings are produced by caching module.
Attached patch adds this prefix in db_encode_blob() function.
NOTE: this is only an idea. For general use, this code needs to be reworked with PgSQL version checks.
Any news on it? Will it be introduced to HEAD?
w to make a proper migration from MySQL to PostgreSQL
Migrations are always horrible. Doesn't matter from which system to which other system. About what you should take care when you think about migration by the example of migration from MySQL to PostgreSQL.
[hide]Why do you want to migrate?
There are different reasons why a user wants to migrate. Mostly for migrations from MySQL to PostgreSQL it is one of the following:
Check profitability
First of all you should check if a migration really makes sense.
Just imagine you were a developer of live online games. You developed the game three or five years ago by using MySQL. All worked fine at the beginning but today you have more then a million users and 4000 queries per second. You already optimised all what you can optimise at and for MySQL but you still often have problems with the database server.
Consider, PostgreSQL isn't able to handle this huge load out of the box too. You will have other problems then with MySQL but you will have problems too. A huge effort on optimisation is necessary for PostgreSQL here too. This would mean you have to optimise your database for PostgreSQL and you have to optimise your full source code for PostgreSQL. This would cost you half of a year work until you will have an advantage by using PostgreSQL.
Now consider the life time of your game. Usually such kinds of games have a life time from just a few years. Your game already reached the highest point in its life. It will be one of the top live online games maybe this year and maybe next year but not longer. So it just makes no sense to make such huge changes here.
It will be better to let the old game on the old system and start the new project (a new game) directly by using PostgreSQL.
How long need a migration?
Just dumping the database and change the different SQL stuff from the system to PostgreSQL related SQL and then import all into PostgreSQL often isn't good enough. You will have the same problems as before or different problems which are not better then the old problems. When you wanted to migrate for performance reasons it also could happen that PostgreSQL will have an inferior performance then MySQL has had.
This means you have to change lots of other stuff. I have never seen a migration that was faster then 3 months. Usually, you will need 3 months up to half a year until all will work proper and you will be lucky with the new system.
Use the advantages of the system
Usually, when you want to migrate then you want to use the advantages of the system. PostgreSQL has different advantages then MySQL and you have to do different stuff when you want to get a benefit of the advantages. Let me show you some examples:
At MySQL you often have to use a bad db design to avoid joins and subqueries (because of bad performance here).Indexing is just implemented rudimentary. You need different storage engines for full text search and transaction handling. Trigger handling especially before trigger is ugly and buggy. Procedures and functions only possible in SQL. Not Null behaviour isn't familiar. Non DDL/DCL transactions. Non check constraints. Often you will find usage of the advantages of known MySQL bugs.
PostgreSQL also has an excellent performance by using a good database design. Joins and subqueries work fast. You can choose between several index algorithm and indexing works as expected. You also have a good performance on DDL indexing stuff. You only have one storage engine. You won't have problems with triggers, procedures/functions. Also you can write procedures/functions in almost every language. Not Null behaviour is familiar. You will have DDL/DCL transactions and check constraints and there are non known bugs at the moment for PostgreSQL. You also can create rules when you need them as advantage.
You will find two different philosophies outside:
Often from MySQL users you will hear: Put most of database logic into the application.
Often from PostgreSQL users you will hear: Put database logic in the database.
My own opinion is: Put database logic in the database, it doesn't matter which system. Unfortunately, with MySQL sometimes you just have to put it into the application because of missing feature or other disadvantages.
You have lots of features at PostgreSQL where for MySQL not even has source code. So when you want to have an advantage of a migration to PostgreSQL you should use this features as well.
MySQL hierarchy: Database/Schema -> Table -> Column
PostgreSQL hierarchy: Database -> Schema -> Table -> Column
When you will ask MySQL here you often will get the answer: our databases are not real databases. What we call databases is the same as schema at PostgreSQL. What PostgreSQL is calling database is called an instance in MySQL.
When you ask me or some other PostgreSQLer here you will get the answer: they just have one less hierarchy level. Database is database and table is table they just don't have the schema level.
Anyway, when you want to migrate of course you can use these 4 hierarchy levels too and not only three.
Because MySQL has so many bugs you often find workarounds for bugs in application code. Of course this has to be repaired when you want to have an advantage on PostgreSQL.
Data types is the next topic. Neither timestamp nor datetime from MySQL work in the same way as timestamp in PostgreSQL. Also text/varchar/char is different. Looking to performance just consider, that you can't use indexes on data type text in MySQL. You can use them in PostgreSQL. Also you won't have different performance for text, varchar and char.
To make a proper migration:
Lots of work ...
But this is the best way for migration from MySQL to PostgreSQL. Often migration isn't profitable and it is better to stay on MySQL and just design the new/upcoming project with PostgreSQL.
If profitability says a migration makes sense and you really do all this work then you will be happy and won't have further problems in nearer future.
Switching Databases
JIRA's data can be migrated from one database to:
To do this, follow the appropriate procedure:
Migrating JIRA's data to the same type of database
Use this procedure to migrate JIRA's data to:
To migrate JIRA's data to the same type of database:
(for Linux/Solaris) orbin\config.bat
(for Windows) in your JIRA Installation Directory), which provides a convenient GUI that allows you to reconfigure JIRA's database connection settings.dbconfig.xml
file in your JIRA Home Directory. Refer to the appropriate database configuration guide in the Connecting JIRA to a Database section for the manual configuration instructions.Migrating JIRA's data to a different type of database server
Use this procedure to migrate JIRA's data to a different type of database server (e.g. from a MySQL server to a PostgreSQL server).
file in your JIRA Home Directory.7 Comments
Onno van der Straaten
dbconfig.xml does not exist so this could be an actual problem
Check here.... on a linux install
Here in windows: Program Files\Atlassian\Application Data\JIRA
bvce lari
Using this proccess obtain a lot of errors like:
Moving from Oracle to Oracle (I am not allowed to capy Oracle scheme).
Any known issue?
The only one information I found about it, is that the xml was corrupted ( Export was done twice with quite similar results) and recommends that should fix it manually, the xml is quite big and could be really painfull try to fix it.
Any help will be apprecciated.
Svante Gustafsson [Riada AB]
Quick question: Does the first workflow also cover the scenario of upgrading a database, e.g. postgres 8.4 to 9.0?
If I migrate the database with the native postgres migration tools into a new 9.0 database, do I only have to update dbconfig.xml to point to this new location?
How can I tell if I am using the internal HSQL database?
Please ignore the comment about the internal HSQL database