
时间:2021-04-01 14:21:42

I've been googling and trying different queries but I haven't managed to get the UPSERT query to work with both mySql and postgreSql. Does anyone here know how to do it?


1 个解决方案



There is not one, and cannot be one. PostgreSQL doesn't have an UPSERT statement. The new 9.5 statement INSERT ... ON CONFLICT UPDATE ... is syntactically different from MySQL's INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ... because it's also semantically different, i.e. it works differently.


The newer PostgreSQL statement, added in 9.5, was designed with an awareness of MySQL's syntax. The decision not to use the same syntax was intentional because MySQL's statement has big ambiguities around handling of multiple unique indexes etc, where it basically shrugs and says "dunno".


You can possibly hide it behind stored functions, but really, this is why your application should be able to run different SQL on a different DBMS. Trying to always write one statement that works for all target DBMSes is a lost cause even if you're just targeting MySQL and PostgreSQL.




There is not one, and cannot be one. PostgreSQL doesn't have an UPSERT statement. The new 9.5 statement INSERT ... ON CONFLICT UPDATE ... is syntactically different from MySQL's INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ... because it's also semantically different, i.e. it works differently.


The newer PostgreSQL statement, added in 9.5, was designed with an awareness of MySQL's syntax. The decision not to use the same syntax was intentional because MySQL's statement has big ambiguities around handling of multiple unique indexes etc, where it basically shrugs and says "dunno".


You can possibly hide it behind stored functions, but really, this is why your application should be able to run different SQL on a different DBMS. Trying to always write one statement that works for all target DBMSes is a lost cause even if you're just targeting MySQL and PostgreSQL.
