Face Recognition using Fisherfaces gender Recognition using Fisherfaces 基于opencv2.4.9的facerecongition性别识别经过三天的学习和多方资料的参考终于完成了识别,看一下效果图吧! 把核心源码粘贴在此,希望能帮到同行!
const char *facerecAlgorithm = "FaceRecognizer.Fisherfaces";
//const char *facerecAlgorithm = "FaceRecognizer.Eigenfaces";
// Sets how confident the Face Verification algorithm should be to decide if it is an unknown person or a known person.
// A value roughly around 0.5 seems OK for Eigenfaces or 0.7 for Fisherfaces, but you may want to adjust it for your
// conditions, and if you use a different Face Recognition algorithm.
// Note that a higher threshold value means accepting more faces as known people,
// whereas lower values mean more faces will be classified as "unknown".
const float UNKNOWN_PERSON_THRESHOLD = 0.7f;
// Cascade Classifier file, used for Face Detection.
const char *faceCascadeFilename = "data//lbpcascades//lbpcascade_frontalface.xml"; // LBP face detector.
//const char *faceCascadeFilename = "haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml"; // Haar face detector.
//const char *eyeCascadeFilename1 = "haarcascade_lefteye_2splits.xml"; // Best eye detector for open-or-closed eyes.
//const char *eyeCascadeFilename2 = "haarcascade_righteye_2splits.xml"; // Best eye detector for open-or-closed eyes.
//const char *eyeCascadeFilename1 = "haarcascade_mcs_lefteye.xml"; // Good eye detector for open-or-closed eyes.
//const char *eyeCascadeFilename2 = "haarcascade_mcs_righteye.xml"; // Good eye detector for open-or-closed eyes.
const char *eyeCascadeFilename1 = "data//haarcascades//haarcascade_eye.xml"; // Basic eye detector for open eyes only.
const char *eyeCascadeFilename2 = "data//haarcascades//haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses.xml"; // Basic eye detector for open eyes if they might wear glasses.
// Set the desired face dimensions. Note that "getPreprocessedFace()" will return a square face.
const int faceWidth = 70;
const int faceHeight = faceWidth;
// Try to set the camera resolution. Note that this only works for some cameras on
// some computers and only for some drivers, so don't rely on it to work!
const int DESIRED_CAMERA_WIDTH = 640;
const int DESIRED_CAMERA_HEIGHT = 480;
// Parameters controlling how often to keep new faces when collecting them. Otherwise, the training set could look to similar to each other!
const double CHANGE_IN_IMAGE_FOR_COLLECTION = 0.3; // How much the facial image should change before collecting a new face photo for training.
const double CHANGE_IN_SECONDS_FOR_COLLECTION = 1.0; // How much time must pass before collecting a new face photo for training.
const char *windowName = "WebcamFaceRec"; // Name shown in the GUI window.
const int BORDER = 8; // Border between GUI elements to the edge of the image.
const bool preprocessLeftAndRightSeparately = true; // Preprocess left & right sides of the face separately, in case there is stronger light on one side.
// Set to true if you want to see many windows created, showing various debug info. Set to 0 otherwise.
bool m_debug = false;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
// Include OpenCV's C++ Interface
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include <opencv2\contrib\contrib.hpp>
#include <opencv2\core\core.hpp>
#include <opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp>
// Include the rest of our code!
#include "detectObject.h" // Easily detect faces or eyes (using LBP or Haar Cascades).
#include "preprocessFace.h" // Easily preprocess face images, for face recognition.
#include "recognition.h" // Train the face recognition system and recognize a person from an image.
#include "ImageUtils.h" // Shervin's handy OpenCV utility functions.
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
#if !defined VK_ESCAPE
#define VK_ESCAPE 0x1B // Escape character (27)
// Running mode for the Webcam-based interactive GUI program.
const char* MODE_NAMES[] = {"Startup", "Detection", "Collect Faces", "Training", "Recognition", "Delete All", "ERROR!"};
int m_selectedPerson = -1;
int m_numPersons = 0;
vector<int> m_latestFaces;
// Position of GUI buttons:
Rect m_rcBtnAdd;
Rect m_rcBtnDel;
Rect m_rcBtnDebug;
int m_gui_faces_left = -1;
int m_gui_faces_top = -1;
// C++ conversion functions between integers (or floats) to std::string.
template <typename T> string toString(T t)
ostringstream out;
out << t;
return out.str();
template <typename T> T fromString(string t)
T out;
istringstream in(t);
in >> out;
return out;
static Mat norm_0_255(cv::InputArray _src)
{ // 创建和返回一个归一化后的图像矩阵:
Mat src = _src.getMat();
Mat dst;
case 1:
cv::normalize(_src, dst, 0, 255, cv::NORM_MINMAX, CV_8UC1);
case 3:
cv::normalize(_src, dst, 0, 255, cv::NORM_MINMAX, CV_8UC3);
return dst;
static void read_csv(const string &filename, vector<Mat> &images, vector<int> &labels, char separator = ';')
std::ifstream file(filename.c_str(), ifstream::in);
string error_message = "No valid input file was given.";
CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, error_message);
string line, path, classlabel;
while(getline(file, line))
stringstream liness(line);
getline(liness, path, separator); //遇到分号就结束
getline(liness, classlabel); //继续从分号后面开始,遇到换行结束
if(!path.empty() && !classlabel.empty())
images.push_back(imread(path, 0));
// Load the face and 1 or 2 eye detection XML classifiers.
void initDetectors(CascadeClassifier &faceCascade, CascadeClassifier &eyeCascade1, CascadeClassifier &eyeCascade2)
// Load the Face Detection cascade classifier xml file.
try { // Surround the OpenCV call by a try/catch block so we can give a useful error message!
} catch (cv::Exception &e) {}
if ( faceCascade.empty() ) {
cerr << "ERROR: Could not load Face Detection cascade classifier [" << faceCascadeFilename << "]!" << endl;
cerr << "Copy the file from your OpenCV data folder (eg: 'C:\\OpenCV\\data\\lbpcascades') into this WebcamFaceRec folder." << endl;
cout << "Loaded the Face Detection cascade classifier [" << faceCascadeFilename << "]." << endl;
// Load the Eye Detection cascade classifier xml file.
try { // Surround the OpenCV call by a try/catch block so we can give a useful error message!
} catch (cv::Exception &e) {}
if ( eyeCascade1.empty() ) {
cerr << "ERROR: Could not load 1st Eye Detection cascade classifier [" << eyeCascadeFilename1 << "]!" << endl;
cerr << "Copy the file from your OpenCV data folder (eg: 'C:\\OpenCV\\data\\haarcascades') into this WebcamFaceRec folder." << endl;
// exit(1);
cout << "Loaded the 1st Eye Detection cascade classifier [" << eyeCascadeFilename1 << "]." << endl;
// Load the Eye Detection cascade classifier xml file.
try { // Surround the OpenCV call by a try/catch block so we can give a useful error message!
} catch (cv::Exception &e) {}
if ( eyeCascade2.empty() ) {
cerr << "Could not load 2nd Eye Detection cascade classifier [" << eyeCascadeFilename2 << "]." << endl;
// Dont exit if the 2nd eye detector did not load, because we have the 1st eye detector at least.
cout << "Loaded the 2nd Eye Detection cascade classifier [" << eyeCascadeFilename2 << "]." << endl;
// Get access to the webcam.
void initWebcam(VideoCapture &videoCapture, int cameraNumber)
// Get access to the default camera.
try { // Surround the OpenCV call by a try/catch block so we can give a useful error message!
} catch (cv::Exception &e) {}
if ( !videoCapture.isOpened() ) {
cerr << "ERROR: Could not access the camera!" << endl;
cout << "Loaded camera " << cameraNumber << "." << endl;
// Draw text into an image. Defaults to top-left-justified text, but you can give negative x coords for right-justified text,
// and/or negative y coords for bottom-justified text.
// Returns the bounding rect around the drawn text.
Rect drawString(Mat img, string text, Point coord, Scalar color, float fontScale = 0.6f, int thickness = 1, int fontFace = FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX)
// Get the text size & baseline.
int baseline=0;
Size textSize = getTextSize(text, fontFace, fontScale, thickness, &baseline);
baseline += thickness;
// Adjust the coords for left/right-justified or top/bottom-justified.
if (coord.y >= 0) {
// Coordinates are for the top-left corner of the text from the top-left of the image, so move down by one row.
coord.y += textSize.height;
else {
// Coordinates are for the bottom-left corner of the text from the bottom-left of the image, so come up from the bottom.
coord.y += img.rows - baseline + 1;
// Become right-justified if desired.
if (coord.x < 0) {
coord.x += img.cols - textSize.width + 1;
// Get the bounding box around the text.
Rect boundingRect = Rect(coord.x, coord.y - textSize.height, textSize.width, baseline + textSize.height);
// Draw anti-aliased text.
putText(img, text, coord, fontFace, fontScale, color, thickness, CV_AA);
// Let the user know how big their text is, in case they want to arrange things.
return boundingRect;
// Draw a GUI button into the image, using drawString().
// Can specify a minWidth if you want several buttons to all have the same width.
// Returns the bounding rect around the drawn button, allowing you to position buttons next to each other.
Rect drawButton(Mat img, string text, Point coord, int minWidth = 0)
int B = BORDER;
Point textCoord = Point(coord.x + B, coord.y + B);
// Get the bounding box around the text.
Rect rcText = drawString(img, text, textCoord, CV_RGB(0,0,0));
// Draw a filled rectangle around the text.
Rect rcButton = Rect(rcText.x - B, rcText.y - B, rcText.width + 2*B, rcText.height + 2*B);
// Set a minimum button width.
if (rcButton.width < minWidth)
rcButton.width = minWidth;
// Make a semi-transparent white rectangle.
Mat matButton = img(rcButton);
matButton += CV_RGB(90, 90, 90);
// Draw a non-transparent white border.
rectangle(img, rcButton, CV_RGB(200,200,200), 1, CV_AA);
// Draw the actual text that will be displayed, using anti-aliasing.
drawString(img, text, textCoord, CV_RGB(10,55,20));
return rcButton;
bool isPointInRect(const Point pt, const Rect rc)
if (pt.x >= rc.x && pt.x <= (rc.x + rc.width - 1))
if (pt.y >= rc.y && pt.y <= (rc.y + rc.height - 1))
return true;
return false;
// Mouse event handler. Called automatically by OpenCV when the user clicks in the GUI window.
void onMouse(int event, int x, int y, int, void*)
// We only care about left-mouse clicks, not right-mouse clicks or mouse movement.
// Check if the user clicked on one of our GUI buttons.
Point pt = Point(x,y);
if (isPointInRect(pt, m_rcBtnAdd)) {
cout << "User clicked [Add Person] button when numPersons was " << m_numPersons << endl;
// Check if there is already a person without any collected faces, then use that person instead.
// This can be checked by seeing if an image exists in their "latest collected face".
if ((m_numPersons == 0) || (m_latestFaces[m_numPersons-1] >= 0)) {
// Add a new person.
m_latestFaces.push_back(-1); // Allocate space for an extra person.
cout << "Num Persons: " << m_numPersons << endl;
// Use the newly added person. Also use the newest person even if that person was empty.
m_selectedPerson = m_numPersons - 1;
else if (isPointInRect(pt, m_rcBtnDel)) {
cout << "User clicked [Delete All] button." << endl;
else if (isPointInRect(pt, m_rcBtnDebug)) {
cout << "User clicked [Debug] button." << endl;
m_debug = !m_debug;
cout << "Debug mode: " << m_debug << endl;
else {
cout << "User clicked on the image" << endl;
// Check if the user clicked on one of the faces in the list.
int clickedPerson = -1;
for (int i=0; i<m_numPersons; i++) {
if (m_gui_faces_top >= 0) {
Rect rcFace = Rect(m_gui_faces_left, m_gui_faces_top + i * faceHeight, faceWidth, faceHeight);
if (isPointInRect(pt, rcFace)) {
clickedPerson = i;
// Change the selected person, if the user clicked on a face in the GUI.
if (clickedPerson >= 0) {
// Change the current person, and collect more photos for them.
m_selectedPerson = clickedPerson; // Use the newly added person.
// Otherwise they clicked in the center.
else {
// Change to training mode if it was collecting faces.
if (m_mode == MODE_COLLECT_FACES) {
cout << "User wants to begin training." << endl;
const static Scalar colors[] = { CV_RGB(0,0,255),
CV_RGB(255,0,255)} ;
string fn_haar = string("D:\\opencvdata\\haarcascades\\haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml");
// Main loop that runs forever, until the user hits Escape to quit.
void recognizeAndTrainUsingWebcam(VideoCapture &videoCapture, CascadeClassifier &faceCascade, CascadeClassifier &eyeCascade1, CascadeClassifier &eyeCascade2)
string fn_csv = string("D:\\OpenCV\\testopencv\\Debug\\gender.txt");
vector<Mat> images;
vector<int> labels;
// Read in the data (fails if no valid input filename is given, but you'll get an error message):
try {
read_csv(fn_csv, images, labels);
} catch (cv::Exception& e) {
cerr << "Error opening file \"" << fn_csv << "\". Reason: " << e.msg << endl;
// nothing more we can do
// Get the height from the first image. We'll need this
// later in code to reshape the images to their original
// size AND we need to reshape incoming faces to this size:
int im_width = images[0].cols;
int im_height = images[0].rows;
Ptr<FaceRecognizer> model;
vector<Mat> preprocessedFaces;
vector<int> faceLabels;
Mat old_prepreprocessedFace;
double old_time = 0;
Ptr<FaceRecognizer> model1 = createFisherFaceRecognizer();
CascadeClassifier haar_cascade;
// Since we have already initialized everything, lets start in Detection mode.
// Run forever, until the user hits Escape to "break" out of this loop.
while (true) {
// Grab the next camera frame. Note that you can't modify camera frames.
Mat cameraFrame;
videoCapture >> cameraFrame;
if( cameraFrame.empty() ) {
cerr << "ERROR: Couldn't grab the next camera frame." << endl;
// Get a copy of the camera frame that we can draw onto.
Mat displayedFrame;
Mat original = cameraFrame.clone();
// Run the face recognition system on the camera image. It will draw some things onto the given image, so make sure it is not read-only memory!
int identity = -1;
// Find a face and preprocess it to have a standard size and contrast & brightness.
Rect faceRect; // Position of detected face.
Rect searchedLeftEye, searchedRightEye; // top-left and top-right regions of the face, where eyes were searched.
Point leftEye, rightEye; // Position of the detected eyes.
Mat preprocessedFace = getPreprocessedFace(displayedFrame, faceWidth, faceCascade, eyeCascade1, eyeCascade2, preprocessLeftAndRightSeparately, &faceRect, &leftEye, &rightEye, &searchedLeftEye, &searchedRightEye);
bool gotFaceAndEyes = false;
if (preprocessedFace.data)
gotFaceAndEyes = true;
// Draw an anti-aliased rectangle around the detected face.
if (faceRect.width > 0) {
rectangle(displayedFrame, faceRect, CV_RGB(255, 255, 0), 2, CV_AA);
// Draw light-blue anti-aliased circles for the 2 eyes.
Scalar eyeColor = CV_RGB(0,255,255);
if (leftEye.x >= 0) { // Check if the eye was detected
circle(displayedFrame, Point(faceRect.x + leftEye.x, faceRect.y + leftEye.y), 6, eyeColor, 1, CV_AA);
if (rightEye.x >= 0) { // Check if the eye was detected
circle(displayedFrame, Point(faceRect.x + rightEye.x, faceRect.y + rightEye.y), 6, eyeColor, 1, CV_AA);
if (m_mode == MODE_DETECTION) {
Mat gray;
cvtColor(original, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
// Find the faces in the frame:
vector< Rect_<int> > faces;
haar_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, faces);
for(int i = 0; i < faces.size(); i++) {
// Process face by face:
Rect face_i = faces[i];
// Crop the face from the image. So simple with OpenCV C++:
Mat face = gray(face_i);
// Resizing the face is necessary for Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces. You can easily
// verify this, by reading through the face recognition tutorial coming with OpenCV.
// Resizing IS NOT NEEDED for Local Binary Patterns Histograms, so preparing the
// input data really depends on the algorithm used.
// I strongly encourage you to play around with the algorithms. See which work best
// in your scenario, LBPH should always be a contender for robust face recognition.
// Since I am showing the Fisherfaces algorithm here, I also show how to resize the
// face you have just found:
Mat face_resized;
cv::resize(face, face_resized, Size(92, 112), 1.0, 1.0, INTER_CUBIC);
int predictedLabel = model1->predict(face_resized); ///返回的标签值为-1,说明测试样本在训练集中无对应或距离较远
Scalar color = colors[i%8];
rectangle(original, face_i, color, 1);
// Calculate the position for annotated text (make sure we don't
// put illegal values in there):
int pos_x = std::max(face_i.tl().x - 10, 0);
int pos_y = std::max(face_i.tl().y - 10, 0);
// Create the text we will annotate the box with:
if (predictedLabel==1)
string box_text = format("Gender = %s", "female");
// And now put it into the image:
putText(original, box_text, Point(pos_x, pos_y), FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, CV_RGB(0,255,0), 2.0);
else if (predictedLabel==0)
string box_text = format("Gender = %s", "male");
// And now put it into the image:
putText(original, box_text, Point(pos_x, pos_y), FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, CV_RGB(0,255,0), 2.0);
// Show the result:
imshow("face_recognizer", original);
else if (m_mode == MODE_COLLECT_FACES) {
// Check if we have detected a face.
if (gotFaceAndEyes) {
// Check if this face looks somewhat different from the previously collected face.
double imageDiff = 10000000000.0;
if (old_prepreprocessedFace.data) {
imageDiff = getSimilarity(preprocessedFace, old_prepreprocessedFace);
// Also record when it happened.
double current_time = (double)getTickCount();
double timeDiff_seconds = (current_time - old_time)/getTickFrequency();
// Only process the face if it is noticeably different from the previous frame and there has been noticeable time gap.
// Also add the mirror image to the training set, so we have more training data, as well as to deal with faces looking to the left or right.
Mat mirroredFace;
flip(preprocessedFace, mirroredFace, 1);
// Add the face images to the list of detected faces.
// Keep a reference to the latest face of each person.
m_latestFaces[m_selectedPerson] = preprocessedFaces.size() - 2; // Point to the non-mirrored face.
// Show the number of collected faces. But since we also store mirrored faces, just show how many the user thinks they stored.
cout << "Saved face " << (preprocessedFaces.size()/2) << " for person " << m_selectedPerson << endl;
// Make a white flash on the face, so the user knows a photo has been taken.
Mat displayedFaceRegion = displayedFrame(faceRect);
displayedFaceRegion += CV_RGB(90,90,90);
// Keep a copy of the processed face, to compare on next iteration.
old_prepreprocessedFace = preprocessedFace;
old_time = current_time;
else if (m_mode == MODE_TRAINING) {
// Check if there is enough data to train from. For Eigenfaces, we can learn just one person if we want, but for Fisherfaces,
// we need atleast 2 people otherwise it will crash!
bool haveEnoughData = true;
if (strcmp(facerecAlgorithm, "FaceRecognizer.Fisherfaces") == 0) {
if ((m_numPersons < 2) || (m_numPersons == 2 && m_latestFaces[1] < 0) ) {
cout << "Warning: Fisherfaces needs atleast 2 people, otherwise there is nothing to differentiate! Collect more data ..." << endl;
haveEnoughData = false;
if (m_numPersons < 1 || preprocessedFaces.size() <= 0 || preprocessedFaces.size() != faceLabels.size()) {
cout << "Warning: Need some training data before it can be learnt! Collect more data ..." << endl;
haveEnoughData = false;
if (haveEnoughData) {
// Start training from the collected faces using Eigenfaces or a similar algorithm.
model = learnCollectedFaces(preprocessedFaces, faceLabels, facerecAlgorithm);
// Show the internal face recognition data, to help debugging.
if (m_debug)
showTrainingDebugData(model, faceWidth, faceHeight);
// Now that training is over, we can start recognizing!
else {
// Since there isn't enough training data, go back to the face collection mode!
else if (m_mode == MODE_RECOGNITION) {
if (gotFaceAndEyes && (preprocessedFaces.size() > 0) && (preprocessedFaces.size() == faceLabels.size())) {
// Generate a face approximation by back-projecting the eigenvectors & eigenvalues.
Mat reconstructedFace;
reconstructedFace = reconstructFace(model, preprocessedFace);
if (m_debug)
if (reconstructedFace.data)
imshow("reconstructedFace", reconstructedFace);
// Verify whether the reconstructed face looks like the preprocessed face, otherwise it is probably an unknown person.
double similarity = getSimilarity(preprocessedFace, reconstructedFace);
string outputStr;
if (similarity < UNKNOWN_PERSON_THRESHOLD) {
// Identify who the person is in the preprocessed face image.
identity = model->predict(preprocessedFace);
outputStr = toString(identity);
else {
// Since the confidence is low, assume it is an unknown person.
outputStr = "Unknown";
cout << "Identity: " << outputStr << ". Similarity: " << similarity << endl;
// Show the confidence rating for the recognition in the mid-top of the display.
int cx = (displayedFrame.cols - faceWidth) / 2;
Point ptBottomRight = Point(cx - 5, BORDER + faceHeight);
Point ptTopLeft = Point(cx - 15, BORDER);
// Draw a gray line showing the threshold for an "unknown" person.
Point ptThreshold = Point(ptTopLeft.x, ptBottomRight.y - (1.0 - UNKNOWN_PERSON_THRESHOLD) * faceHeight);
rectangle(displayedFrame, ptThreshold, Point(ptBottomRight.x, ptThreshold.y), CV_RGB(200,200,200), 1, CV_AA);
// Crop the confidence rating between 0.0 to 1.0, to show in the bar.
double confidenceRatio = 1.0 - min(max(similarity, 0.0), 1.0);
Point ptConfidence = Point(ptTopLeft.x, ptBottomRight.y - confidenceRatio * faceHeight);
// Show the light-blue confidence bar.
rectangle(displayedFrame, ptConfidence, ptBottomRight, CV_RGB(0,255,255), CV_FILLED, CV_AA);
// Show the gray border of the bar.
rectangle(displayedFrame, ptTopLeft, ptBottomRight, CV_RGB(200,200,200), 1, CV_AA);
else if (m_mode == MODE_DELETE_ALL) {
// Restart everything!
m_selectedPerson = -1;
m_numPersons = 0;
old_prepreprocessedFace = Mat();
// Restart in Detection mode.
else {
cerr << "ERROR: Invalid run mode " << m_mode << endl;
// Show the help, while also showing the number of collected faces. Since we also collect mirrored faces, we should just
// tell the user how many faces they think we saved (ignoring the mirrored faces), hence divide by 2.
string help;
Rect rcHelp;
if (m_mode == MODE_DETECTION)
help = "Click [Add Person] when ready to collect faces.";
else if (m_mode == MODE_COLLECT_FACES)
help = "Click anywhere to train from your " + toString(preprocessedFaces.size()/2) + " faces of " + toString(m_numPersons) + " people.";
else if (m_mode == MODE_TRAINING)
help = "Please wait while your " + toString(preprocessedFaces.size()/2) + " faces of " + toString(m_numPersons) + " people builds.";
else if (m_mode == MODE_RECOGNITION)
help = "Click people on the right to add more faces to them, or [Add Person] for someone new.";
if (help.length() > 0) {
// Draw it with a black background and then again with a white foreground.
// Since BORDER may be 0 and we need a negative position, subtract 2 from the border so it is always negative.
float txtSize = 0.4;
drawString(displayedFrame, help, Point(BORDER, -BORDER-2), CV_RGB(0,0,0), txtSize); // Black shadow.
rcHelp = drawString(displayedFrame, help, Point(BORDER+1, -BORDER-1), CV_RGB(255,255,255), txtSize); // White text.
// Show the current mode.
if (m_mode >= 0 && m_mode < MODE_END) {
string modeStr = "MODE: " + string(MODE_NAMES[m_mode]);
drawString(displayedFrame, modeStr, Point(BORDER, -BORDER-2 - rcHelp.height), CV_RGB(0,0,0)); // Black shadow
drawString(displayedFrame, modeStr, Point(BORDER+1, -BORDER-1 - rcHelp.height), CV_RGB(0,255,0)); // Green text
// Show the current preprocessed face in the top-center of the display.
int cx = (displayedFrame.cols - faceWidth) / 2;
if (preprocessedFace.data) {
// Get a BGR version of the face, since the output is BGR color.
Mat srcBGR = Mat(preprocessedFace.size(), CV_8UC3);
cvtColor(preprocessedFace, srcBGR, CV_GRAY2BGR);
// Get the destination ROI (and make sure it is within the image!).
//min(m_gui_faces_top + i * faceHeight, displayedFrame.rows - faceHeight);
Rect dstRC = Rect(cx, BORDER, faceWidth, faceHeight);
Mat dstROI = displayedFrame(dstRC);
// Copy the pixels from src to dst.
// Draw an anti-aliased border around the face, even if it is not shown.
rectangle(displayedFrame, Rect(cx-1, BORDER-1, faceWidth+2, faceHeight+2), CV_RGB(200,200,200), 1, CV_AA);
// Draw the GUI buttons into the main image.
m_rcBtnAdd = drawButton(displayedFrame, "Add Person", Point(BORDER, BORDER));
m_rcBtnDel = drawButton(displayedFrame, "Delete All", Point(m_rcBtnAdd.x, m_rcBtnAdd.y + m_rcBtnAdd.height), m_rcBtnAdd.width);
m_rcBtnDebug = drawButton(displayedFrame, "Debug", Point(m_rcBtnDel.x, m_rcBtnDel.y + m_rcBtnDel.height), m_rcBtnAdd.width);
// Show the most recent face for each of the collected people, on the right side of the display.
m_gui_faces_left = displayedFrame.cols - BORDER - faceWidth;
m_gui_faces_top = BORDER;
for (int i=0; i<m_numPersons; i++) {
int index = m_latestFaces[i];
if (index >= 0 && index < (int)preprocessedFaces.size()) {
Mat srcGray = preprocessedFaces[index];
if (srcGray.data) {
// Get a BGR version of the face, since the output is BGR color.
Mat srcBGR = Mat(srcGray.size(), CV_8UC3);
cvtColor(srcGray, srcBGR, CV_GRAY2BGR);
// Get the destination ROI (and make sure it is within the image!).
int y = min(m_gui_faces_top + i * faceHeight, displayedFrame.rows - faceHeight);
Rect dstRC = Rect(m_gui_faces_left, y, faceWidth, faceHeight);
Mat dstROI = displayedFrame(dstRC);
// Copy the pixels from src to dst.
// Highlight the person being collected, using a red rectangle around their face.
if (m_mode == MODE_COLLECT_FACES) {
if (m_selectedPerson >= 0 && m_selectedPerson < m_numPersons) {
int y = min(m_gui_faces_top + m_selectedPerson * faceHeight, displayedFrame.rows - faceHeight);
Rect rc = Rect(m_gui_faces_left, y, faceWidth, faceHeight);
rectangle(displayedFrame, rc, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 3, CV_AA);
// Highlight the person that has been recognized, using a green rectangle around their face.
if (identity >= 0 && identity < 1000) {
int y = min(m_gui_faces_top + identity * faceHeight, displayedFrame.rows - faceHeight);
Rect rc = Rect(m_gui_faces_left, y, faceWidth, faceHeight);
rectangle(displayedFrame, rc, CV_RGB(0,255,0), 3, CV_AA);
// Show the camera frame on the screen.
imshow(windowName, displayedFrame);
// If the user wants all the debug data, show it to them!
if (m_debug) {
Mat face;
if (faceRect.width > 0) {
face = cameraFrame(faceRect);
if (searchedLeftEye.width > 0 && searchedRightEye.width > 0) {
Mat topLeftOfFace = face(searchedLeftEye);
Mat topRightOfFace = face(searchedRightEye);
imshow("topLeftOfFace", topLeftOfFace);
imshow("topRightOfFace", topRightOfFace);
if (!model.empty())
showTrainingDebugData(model, faceWidth, faceHeight);
// IMPORTANT: Wait for atleast 20 milliseconds, so that the image can be displayed on the screen!
// Also checks if a key was pressed in the GUI window. Note that it should be a "char" to support Linux.
char keypress = waitKey(20); // This is needed if you want to see anything!
if (keypress == VK_ESCAPE) { // Escape Key
// Quit the program!
}//end while