declare @tablename varchar(50) declare @sql varchar(1000) declare cur cursor for select name from sys.tables open cur fetch next from cur into @tablename while @@fetch_status=0 begin set @sql='if (select count(1) from '+@tablename+')<=0 and exists(select * from sys.columns where is_identity=1 and object_id=object_id('''+@tablename+''')) begin --dbcc checkident('+@tablename+',reseed,1) dbcc checkident('+@tablename+',reseed) end' exec (@sql) fetch next from cur into @tablename end close cur deallocate cur
--已经测试没有问题的生成有标识列(自增ID)的表名 declare @tablename varchar(50) declare @sql varchar(1000) declare @objiecid int declare cur cursor for select object_id from sys.columns where is_identity=1 open cur fetch next from cur into @objiecid while @@fetch_status=0 begin select @tablename=name from sys.tables where object_id=@objiecid --print @tablename print 'dbcc checkident('''+@tablename+''',reseed)' fetch next from cur into @objiecid end close cur deallocate cur