有TA, TB两表,假设均有三个栏位id, name, remark. 现在需要把TB表的name, remark两个栏位通过id关联,更新到TA表的对应栏位。
drop table TA; create table TA ( id number not null, name varchar(10) not null, remark varchar(10) not null ); drop table TB; create table TB ( id number not null, name varchar(10) not null, remark varchar(10) not null ); truncate table TA; insert into TA values(1, 'Aname1', 'Aremak1'); insert into TA values(2, 'Aname2', 'Aremak2'); commit; truncate table TB; insert into TB values(1, 'Bname1', 'Bremak1'); insert into TB values(3, 'Bname3', 'Bremak3'); commit; select * from TA; select * from TB;
1. SQLServer
update TA set name=b.name, remark=b.remark from TA a inner join TB b on a.id = b.id
update TA set name=b.name, remark=b.remark from TA a, TB b where a.id = b.id
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The multi-part identifier "a.name" could not be bound.
2. Oracle
update TA a set(name, remark)=(select b.name, b.remark from TB b where b.id=a.id) where exists(select 1 from TB b where b.id=a.id)
注意如果不添加后面的exists语句,TA关联不到的行name, remark栏位将被更新为NULL值, 如果name, remark栏位不允许为null,则报错。 这不是我们希望看到的。
--when name, remark is not null, cause error. --if allow null, rows in TA not matched will be update to null. update TA a set(name, remark)=(select b.name, b.remark from TB b where b.id=a.id);
update TA a set name= nvl((select b.name from TB b where b.id=a.id), a.name); update TA a set remark= nvl((select b.remark from TB b where b.id=a.id), a.remark);
如果TA.id, TB.id是unique index或primary key
ALTER TABLE TA ADD CONSTRAINT TA_PK PRIMARY KEY ( ID ) ENABLE VALIDATE ; ALTER TABLE TB ADD CONSTRAINT TB_PK PRIMARY KEY ( ID ) ENABLE VALIDATE ; update (select a.name, b.name as newname, a.remark, b.remark as newremark from TA a, TB b where a.id=b.id) set name=newname, remark=newremark;