Lucas-Kanade是一种广泛使用的光流估计的差分方法,这个方法是由Bruce D. Lucas和Takeo Kanade发明的。它假设光流在像素点的邻域是一个常数,然后使用最小二乘法对邻域中的所有像素点求解基本的光流方程。


典型的wx和wy取值为1,2,3,4,5,6,7个像素,相似度的函数被在(2ωx+1, 2ωy+1)的区域内定义。注意在金字塔各层窗口的大小是保持恒定的尺寸
令I0 = I 是第 0 层的图像,它是金字塔图像中分辨率最高的图像,图像的宽度和高度分别定义为nx0 = nx 和 ny0 = ny 。以一种递归的方式建立金字塔:从I0中计算I1,从I1中计算I2 ,···。令L =1, 2,...代表金字塔的层数,L通常取2,3,4。IL−1 是第L−1层的图像,nxL−1 和 nyL−1分别是图像IL−1 的宽度和高度。图像IL可按如下方式由IL−1 求得:
即用一个[0.25 0.5 0.25]的低通滤波器对IL-1进行卷积。
这里用L+1层得到的最初估计gL对L层作预平移,L层在gL的基础上求该层的光流dL,这样求得的残余光流向量dL= [dLx, dLy]T就足够小,因此能够通过标准的光流法来求出这个运动矢量。然后得到的dL结合gL又可以对L-1层的gL-1做估计。最终的光流和就是在所有层的分段光流d的叠加。使用金字塔图像计算光流的一个明显的好处是,对于一个有着较大的像素偏移的矢量d,可以通过计算几个比较小的残余光流来得到。这里就是金字塔跟踪算法的核心。
1、计算图像 I 中每一个像素的矩阵G和最小特征值λm。
2、寻找整副图像中最小特征值 λm 中的最大特征值λmax。
3、保留最小特征值 λm 大于给定阈值的像素点。阈值通常取5% λmax ~10% λmax 。
4、保留 λm 局部最大值的像素:像素特征值 λm 大于其3*3 邻域中其他像素的特征值 λm 。
5、剔除像素密集区域中的一些像素,确保图像中相邻像素的距离都大于给定的阈值(常取5~10 pixels)。
上述操作完成后,图像 I 中剩下的像素即为选择的特征点,并作为跟踪特征点。特征点选择算法的步骤5 确保了特征点间的最小距离。
没有必要取一个大的综合窗口选择特征点(或计算矩阵G)。大量实验证明,wx = wy =1的 3*3 大小的综合窗口能够取得满意的效果。
- #ifndef _LKOF_
- #define _LKOF_
- /***********Lucas-Kanade optical flow track**********/
- /*****************author Marshall********************/
- /**********************2015.10.14********************/
- /******************version 1.0***********************/
- class LucasKanadeTracker
- {
- struct DBPoint
- {
- double x;
- double y;
- DBPoint(const double X, const double Y):x(X),y(Y){
- }
- DBPoint(){}
- };
- int*height;
- int*width;
- private:
- unsigned int max_pyramid_layer;
- unsigned int original_imgH;
- unsigned int original_imgW;
- unsigned int window_radius;
- BYTE**pre_pyr;//the pyramid of previous frame image,img1_pyr[0] is of max size
- BYTE**next_pyr;//the frame after img1_pyr
- bool isusepyramid;
- DBPoint*target,*endin;
- int numofpoint;
- private:
- void build_pyramid(BYTE**&original_gray);
- void lucaskanade(BYTE**&frame_pre, BYTE**&frame_cur, DBPoint*& start,
- DBPoint*& finish, unsigned int point_nums, char*state);
- void get_max_pyramid_layer();
- void pyramid_down(BYTE*&src_gray_data, const int src_h,
- const int src_w, BYTE*& dst, int&dst_h, int&dst_w);
- void lowpass_filter(BYTE*&src, const int H, const int W, BYTE*&smoothed);
- double get_subpixel(BYTE*&src, int h, int w, const DBPoint& point);
- // caculate the inverse mareix of pMatrix,the result is put into _pMatrix
- void ContraryMatrix(double *pMatrix, double * _pMatrix, int dim);
- bool matrixMul(double *src1, int height1, int width1, double *src2, int height2, int width2, double *dst);
- public:
- LucasKanadeTracker(const int windowRadius, bool usePyr);
- ~LucasKanadeTracker();
- void get_pre_frame(BYTE*&gray);//use only at the beginning
- void discard_pre_frame();
- //set the next frame as pre_frame,must dicard pre_pyr in advance
- void get_pre_frame();
- //use every time,must after using get_pre_frame(BYTE**pyr)
- void get_next_frame(BYTE*&gray);
- void get_info(const int nh, const int nw);
- void get_target(POINT*target, int n);
- void run_single_frame();
- POINT get_result();
- BYTE*&get_pyramid(int th);
- int get_pyrH(int th){ return height[th]; }
- int get_pyrW(int th){ return width[th]; }
- };
- #endif
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "LucasKanadeTracker.h"
- using namespace std;
- LucasKanadeTracker::LucasKanadeTracker(const int windowRadius, bool usePyr)
- :window_radius(windowRadius), isusepyramid(usePyr)
- {
- }
- LucasKanadeTracker::~LucasKanadeTracker()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < max_pyramid_layer; i++)
- {
- if (pre_pyr[i])
- delete[]pre_pyr[i];
- if (next_pyr[i])
- delete[]next_pyr[i];
- }
- delete[]pre_pyr;
- delete[]next_pyr;
- if (height)
- delete[]height;
- if (width)
- delete[]width;
- }
- void LucasKanadeTracker::lowpass_filter(BYTE*&src, const int H, const int W, BYTE*&smoothed)
- {
- //tackle with border
- for (int i = 0; i < H; i++)
- {
- smoothed[i*W] = src[i*W];
- smoothed[i*W + W - 1] = src[i*W + W - 1];
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < W; i++)
- {
- smoothed[i] = src[i];
- smoothed[(H - 1)*W + i] = src[(H - 1)*W + i];
- }
- for (int i = 1; i < H - 1; i++)
- for (int j = 1; j < W - 1; j++)
- {
- double re = 0;
- re += src[i*W + j] * 0.25;
- re += src[(i - 1)*W + j] * 0.125;
- re += src[i*W + j + 1] * 0.125;
- re += src[i*W + j - 1] * 0.125;
- re += src[(i + 1)*W + j] * 0.125;
- re += src[(i - 1)*W + j - 1] * 0.0625;
- re += src[(i + 1)*W + j - 1] * 0.0625;
- re += src[(i - 1)*W + j + 1] * 0.0625;
- re += src[(i + 1)*W + j + 1] * 0.0625;
- smoothed[i*W + j] = BYTE(re);
- }
- delete[]src;
- src = smoothed;
- }
- void LucasKanadeTracker::get_info(const int nh, const int nw)
- {
- original_imgH = nh;
- original_imgW = nw;
- if (isusepyramid)
- get_max_pyramid_layer();
- else
- max_pyramid_layer = 1;
- pre_pyr = new BYTE*[max_pyramid_layer];
- next_pyr = new BYTE*[max_pyramid_layer];
- height = new int[max_pyramid_layer];
- width = new int[max_pyramid_layer];
- height[0] = nh;
- width[0] = nw;
- }
- void LucasKanadeTracker::get_target(POINT*target, int n)
- {
- this->target = new DBPoint[n];
- endin = new DBPoint[n];
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- this->target[i].x = target[i].x;
- this->target[i].y = target[i].y;
- }
- numofpoint = n;
- }
- BYTE*&LucasKanadeTracker::get_pyramid(int th)
- {
- return pre_pyr[th];
- }
- POINT LucasKanadeTracker::get_result()
- {
- POINT pp;
- pp.x = target[0].x;
- pp.y = target[0].y;
- return pp;
- }
- void LucasKanadeTracker::get_pre_frame(BYTE*&gray)//use only at the beginning
- {
- pre_pyr[0] = gray;
- build_pyramid(pre_pyr);
- //save_gray("1.bmp", pre_pyr[1], height[1], width[1]);
- }
- void LucasKanadeTracker::discard_pre_frame()
- {
- //we don't new memory for original data,so we don't delete it here
- for (int i = 0; i < max_pyramid_layer; i++)
- delete[]pre_pyr[i];
- }
- //set the next frame as pre_frame,must dicard pre_pyr in advance
- void LucasKanadeTracker::get_pre_frame()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < max_pyramid_layer; i++)
- pre_pyr[i] = next_pyr[i];
- }
- //use every time,must after using get_pre_frame(BYTE**pyr)
- void LucasKanadeTracker::get_next_frame(BYTE*&gray)
- {
- next_pyr[0] = gray;
- build_pyramid(next_pyr);
- //save_gray("1.bmp", next_pyr[1], height[1], width[1]);
- }
- void LucasKanadeTracker::pyramid_down(BYTE*&src_gray_data,
- const int src_h, const int src_w, BYTE*& dst, int&dst_h, int&dst_w)
- {
- dst_h = src_h / 2;
- dst_w = src_w / 2;
- int ii = height[1];
- int hh = width[1];
- assert(dst_w > 3 && dst_h > 3);
- //BYTE*smoothed = new BYTE[src_h*src_w];
- dst = new BYTE[dst_h*dst_w];
- //lowpass_filter(src_gray_data, src_h, src_w,smoothed);
- for (int i = 0; i < dst_h - 1; i++)
- for (int j = 0; j < dst_w - 1; j++)
- {
- int srcY = 2 * i + 1;
- int srcX = 2 * j + 1;
- double re = src_gray_data[srcY*src_w + srcX] * 0.25;
- re += src_gray_data[(srcY - 1)*src_w + srcX] * 0.125;
- re += src_gray_data[(srcY + 1)*src_w + srcX] * 0.125;
- re += src_gray_data[srcY*src_w + srcX - 1] * 0.125;
- re += src_gray_data[srcY*src_w + srcX + 1] * 0.125;
- re += src_gray_data[(srcY - 1)*src_w + srcX + 1] * 0.0625;
- re += src_gray_data[(srcY - 1)*src_w + srcX - 1] * 0.0625;
- re += src_gray_data[(srcY + 1)*src_w + srcX - 1] * 0.0625;
- re += src_gray_data[(srcY + 1)*src_w + srcX + 1] * 0.0625;
- dst[i*dst_w + j] = re;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < dst_h; i++)
- dst[i*dst_w + dst_w - 1] = dst[i*dst_w + dst_w - 2];
- for (int i = 0; i < dst_w; i++)
- dst[(dst_h - 1)*dst_w + i] = dst[(dst_h - 2)*dst_w + i];
- }
- //bilinear interplotation
- double LucasKanadeTracker::get_subpixel(BYTE*&src, int h, int w, const DBPoint& point)
- {
- int floorX = floor(point.x);
- int floorY = floor(point.y);
- double fractX = point.x - floorX;
- double fractY = point.y - floorY;
- return ((1.0 - fractX) * (1.0 - fractY) * src[floorX + w* floorY])
- + (fractX * (1.0 - fractY) * src[floorX + 1 + floorY*w])
- + ((1.0 - fractX) * fractY * src[floorX + (floorY + 1)*w])
- + (fractX * fractY * src[floorX + 1 + (floorY + 1)*w]);
- }
- void LucasKanadeTracker::get_max_pyramid_layer()
- {
- int layer = 0;
- int windowsize = 2 * window_radius + 1;
- int temp = original_imgH > original_imgW ?
- original_imgW : original_imgH;
- if (temp > ((1 << 4) * 2 * windowsize))
- {
- max_pyramid_layer = 5;
- return;
- }
- temp = double(temp) / 2;
- while (temp > 2 * windowsize)
- {
- layer++;
- temp = double(temp) / 2;
- }
- max_pyramid_layer = layer;
- }
- void LucasKanadeTracker::build_pyramid(BYTE**&pyramid)
- {
- for (int i = 1; i < max_pyramid_layer; i++)
- {
- pyramid_down(pyramid[i - 1], height[i - 1],
- width[i - 1], pyramid[i], height[i], width[i]);
- }
- }
- void LucasKanadeTracker::run_single_frame()
- {
- char*state = NULL;
- lucaskanade(pre_pyr, next_pyr, target, endin, numofpoint, state);
- for (int i = 0; i < numofpoint; i++)
- {
- target[i].x = endin[i].x;
- target[i].y = endin[i].y;
- }
- }
- void LucasKanadeTracker::lucaskanade(BYTE**&frame_pre, BYTE**&frame_cur,
- DBPoint*& start, DBPoint*& finish, unsigned int point_nums, char*state)
- {
- double*derivativeXs = new double
- [(2 * window_radius + 1)*(2 * window_radius + 1)];
- double*derivativeYs = new double
- [(2 * window_radius + 1)*(2 * window_radius + 1)];
- for (int i = 0; i < point_nums; i++)
- {
- double g[2] = { 0 };
- double finalopticalflow[2] = { 0 };
- memset(derivativeXs, 0, sizeof(double)*
- (2 * window_radius + 1)*(2 * window_radius + 1));
- memset(derivativeYs, 0, sizeof(double)*
- (2 * window_radius + 1)*(2 * window_radius + 1));
- for (int j = max_pyramid_layer - 1; j >= 0; j--)
- {
- DBPoint curpoint;
- curpoint.x = start[i].x / pow(2.0, j);
- curpoint.y = start[i].y / pow(2.0, j);
- double Xleft = curpoint.x - window_radius;
- double Xright = curpoint.x + window_radius;
- double Yleft = curpoint.y - window_radius;
- double Yright = curpoint.y + window_radius;
- double gradient[4] = { 0 };
- int cnt = 0;
- for (double xx = Xleft; xx < Xright + 0.01; xx += 1.0)
- for (double yy = Yleft; yy < Yright + 0.01; yy += 1.0)
- {
- assert(xx < 1000 && yy < 1000 && xx >= 0 && yy >= 0);
- double derivativeX = get_subpixel(frame_pre[j],
- height[j], width[j], DBPoint(xx + 1.0, yy)) -
- get_subpixel(frame_pre[j], height[j],
- width[j], DBPoint(xx - 1.0, yy));
- derivativeX /= 2.0;
- double t1 = get_subpixel
- (frame_pre[j], height[j], width[j], DBPoint(xx, yy + 1.0));
- double t2 = get_subpixel(frame_pre[j], height[j],
- width[j], DBPoint(xx, yy - 1.0));
- double derivativeY = (t1 - t2) / 2.0;
- derivativeXs[cnt] = derivativeX;
- derivativeYs[cnt++] = derivativeY;
- gradient[0] += derivativeX * derivativeX;
- gradient[1] += derivativeX * derivativeY;
- gradient[2] += derivativeX * derivativeY;
- gradient[3] += derivativeY * derivativeY;
- }
- double gradient_inv[4] = { 0 };
- ContraryMatrix(gradient, gradient_inv, 2);
- double opticalflow[2] = { 0 };
- int max_iter = 50;
- double opticalflow_residual = 1;
- int iteration = 0;
- while (iteration<max_iter&&opticalflow_residual>0.00001)
- {
- iteration++;
- double mismatch[2] = { 0 };
- cnt = 0;
- for (double xx = Xleft; xx < Xright + 0.001; xx += 1.0)
- for (double yy = Yleft; yy < Yright + 0.001; yy += 1.0)
- {
- assert(xx < 1000 && yy < 1000 && xx >= 0 && yy >= 0);
- double nextX = xx + g[0] + opticalflow[0];
- double nextY = yy + g[1] + opticalflow[1];
- assert(nextX < 1000 && nextY < 1000 && nextX >= 0 && nextY >= 0);
- double pixelDifference = (get_subpixel(frame_pre[j],
- height[j], width[j], DBPoint(xx, yy))
- - get_subpixel(frame_cur[j], height[j],
- width[j], DBPoint(nextX, nextY)));
- mismatch[0] += pixelDifference*derivativeXs[cnt];
- mismatch[1] += pixelDifference*derivativeYs[cnt++];
- }
- double temp_of[2];
- matrixMul(gradient_inv, 2, 2, mismatch, 2, 1, temp_of);
- opticalflow[0] += temp_of[0];
- opticalflow[1] += temp_of[1];
- opticalflow_residual = abs(temp_of[0]) + abs(temp_of[1]);
- }
- if (j == 0)
- {
- finalopticalflow[0] = opticalflow[0];
- finalopticalflow[1] = opticalflow[1];
- }
- else
- {
- g[0] = 2 * (g[0] + opticalflow[0]);
- g[1] = 2 * (g[1] + opticalflow[1]);
- }
- }
- finalopticalflow[0] += g[0];
- finalopticalflow[1] += g[1];
- finish[i].x = start[i].x + finalopticalflow[0];
- finish[i].y = start[i].y + finalopticalflow[1];
- }
- delete[]derivativeXs, derivativeYs;
- }
- //matrix inverse
- void LucasKanadeTracker::ContraryMatrix(double *pMatrix, double * _pMatrix, int dim)
- {
- double *tMatrix = new double[2 * dim*dim];
- for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++){
- for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
- tMatrix[i*dim * 2 + j] = pMatrix[i*dim + j];
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++){
- for (int j = dim; j < dim * 2; j++)
- tMatrix[i*dim * 2 + j] = 0.0;
- tMatrix[i*dim * 2 + dim + i] = 1.0;
- }
- //Initialization over!
- for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)//Process Cols
- {
- double base = tMatrix[i*dim * 2 + i];
- if (fabs(base) < 1E-300){
- // AfxMessageBox("求逆矩阵过程中被零除,无法求解!" );
- _ASSERTE(-1);//throw exception
- exit(0);
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)//row
- {
- if (j == i) continue;
- double times = tMatrix[j*dim * 2 + i] / base;
- for (int k = 0; k < dim * 2; k++)//col
- {
- tMatrix[j*dim * 2 + k] = tMatrix[j*dim * 2 + k] - times*tMatrix[i*dim * 2 + k];
- }
- }
- for (int k = 0; k < dim * 2; k++){
- tMatrix[i*dim * 2 + k] /= base;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
- _pMatrix[i*dim + j] = tMatrix[i*dim * 2 + j + dim];
- }
- delete[] tMatrix;
- }
- bool LucasKanadeTracker::matrixMul(double *src1, int height1, int width1, double *src2, int height2, int width2, double *dst)
- {
- int i, j, k;
- double sum = 0;
- double *first = src1;
- double *second = src2;
- double *dest = dst;
- int Step1 = width1;
- int Step2 = width2;
- if (src1 == NULL || src2 == NULL || dest == NULL || height2 != width1)
- return false;
- for (j = 0; j < height1; j++)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < width2; i++)
- {
- sum = 0;
- second = src2 + i;
- for (k = 0; k < width1; k++)
- {
- sum += first[k] * (*second);
- second += Step2;
- }
- dest[i] = sum;
- }
- first += Step1;
- dest += Step2;
- }
- return true;
- }
参考文献:Pyramidal Implementation of the AÆne Lucas Kanade Feature Tracker Description of the algorithm
An Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision
Detection and Tracking of Point Features
Good Features to Track
Derivation of Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Tracking Equation