
时间:2022-03-06 13:01:52

I am developing a MVC4 application . We have hosted our application on Windows Azure IAAS Model . Right now we have configured 2 virtual machines and everything is working good. But we have an issue with maintaining User Loging .

我正在开发一个MVC4应用程序。我们在Windows Azure IAAS Model上托管了我们的应用程序。现在我们配置了2台虚拟机,一切正常。但我们在维护用户登录方面存在问题。

If i login in virtual machine 1 , its not getting carried over ,when the next request is coming from Virtual machine 2 . We have mapped two virtual machines over load balance .


Should i look into Cache solutions . Any input will be greatly helpful ...


Thanks, Jaswanth

2 个解决方案



You're hitting two completely separate VMs (yes load balanced, but separate). This mandates the need for storing any type of session data external to the VMs (or you need to sync the session content and have it identical in both VMs).


Azure doesn't do anything to sync session data for you. That's on you, to build it into your app's architecture. You mentioned caching, which is certainly a viable solution (which you pick, though, is up to you). There are other solutions too such as database-based session storage. Again, that's up to you.


But bottom line: If you're going to scale an app beyond a single server (VM in this case), in a load-balanced way, you cannot store session data in a specific vm.




Use a durable session state store (like Redis or SQL Server, etc) or put your state in a cookie and read/write it on each request. If cookie includes sensitive content, encrypt it.

使用持久的会话状态存储(如Redis或SQL Server等)或将您的状态放在cookie中并在每个请求上读/写它。如果cookie包含敏感内容,请对其进行加密。



You're hitting two completely separate VMs (yes load balanced, but separate). This mandates the need for storing any type of session data external to the VMs (or you need to sync the session content and have it identical in both VMs).


Azure doesn't do anything to sync session data for you. That's on you, to build it into your app's architecture. You mentioned caching, which is certainly a viable solution (which you pick, though, is up to you). There are other solutions too such as database-based session storage. Again, that's up to you.


But bottom line: If you're going to scale an app beyond a single server (VM in this case), in a load-balanced way, you cannot store session data in a specific vm.




Use a durable session state store (like Redis or SQL Server, etc) or put your state in a cookie and read/write it on each request. If cookie includes sensitive content, encrypt it.

使用持久的会话状态存储(如Redis或SQL Server等)或将您的状态放在cookie中并在每个请求上读/写它。如果cookie包含敏感内容,请对其进行加密。