
时间:2022-03-06 13:01:58

We are just starting on a pretty big project with lots of sub projects. we don't currently use any kind of named process but I am hoping to get some kind of agile/scrumlike process in by the back door.


The area I will be focusing on most is having a good backlog for the whole project and, at least in my head, the idea of an iteration where some things are taken from the backlog, looked at in more detail and developed to a reasonable deadline.


I wonder what techniques people use to break projects down into things to go in the backlog, and once the backlog is created how it is maintained and ordered. also how relationships between elements are maintained (ie this must be done before it is possible to do that, or this was one story now it is five)


I am not sure what I expect the answer for this question to look like. I think what may be most helpful is if there is an open source project that keeps its backlog online in some way so I can see how others do it.


Something else that would get +1 from me is examples of real user stories from real projects (the "a user can log on" story does not help me picture things in my project.



7 个解决方案



I would counsel you to think carefully before adopting a tool, especially since it sounds like your process is likely to be fluid at first as you find your feet. My feeling is that a tool may be more likely to constrain you than enable you at this stage, and you will find it no substitute for a good card-wall in physical space. I would suggest you instead concentrate your efforts on the task at hand, and grab a tool when you feel like you really need one. By that stage you'll more likely have a clear idea of your requirements.


I have run several agile projects now and we have never needed a more complex tool than a spreadsheet, and that on a project with a budget of over a million pounds. Mostly we find that a whiteboard and index cards (one per user story) is more than sufficient.


When identifying your stories, make sure you always express them in terms that make sense to your users - some (perhaps only small) piece of surfaced functionality. Never allow yourself to slip into writing stories about technical details that you could not demonstrate to a user.

在识别您的故事时,请确保始终以对用户有意义的方式表达它们 - 一些(可能只是很小的)浮出水面的功能。永远不要让自己陷入关于无法向用户展示的技术细节的故事。

The skill when scheduling the stories is to try to prioritise the things you know least about first (plan for what you want to learn, rather than what you want to do) whilst also starting with the stories that will allow you to develop the core features of your application, using subsequent stories to wrap functionality (and technical complexity) around them.


If you're confident that you can leave some piece of the puzzle till later, don't sweat on getting into the details of that - just write a single story card that represents the big conversation you'll need to have later, and get on with the more important stuff. If you need to have a feel for the size of what's to come, look at a wideband delphi estimation technique called planning poker.

如果你有信心可以留下一些拼图直到以后,不要为了详细说明这一点 - 只写一张故事卡,代表你以后需要的大谈话,并得到与更重要的东西。如果你需要了解将来的大小,请看一下名为计划扑克的宽带delphi估算技术。

The Mike Cohn books, particularly Agile Estimating and Planning will help you a lot at this stage, and give you some useful techniques to work with.

Mike Cohn的书籍,特别是敏捷评估和规划,将在这个阶段为您提供很多帮助,并为您提供一些有用的技巧。

Good luck!



Like DanielHonig we also use RallyDev (on a small scale) and it sounds like it could be a useful system for you to at least investigate.


Also, a great book on the user story method of development is User Stories Applied by Mike Cohn. I'd certainly recommend reading it if you haven't already. It should answer a lot of your questions.

另外,关于用户故事开发方法的一本很棒的书是Mike Cohn应用的用户故事。如果你还没有,我当然建议你阅读它。它应该回答你的很多问题。



I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but it may still be helpful. Max Pool from codesqueeze has a video explaining his "agile wall". It's cool to see his process, even if it may not necessarily relate to your question:

我不确定这是否是您正在寻找的,但它可能仍然有用。来自codesqueeze的Max Pool有一段视频解释了他的“敏捷墙”。看到他的过程很酷,即使它可能不一定与你的问题有关:

My Agile Wall (Plus A Few Tricks)




So here are a few tips: We use RallyDev.
We created a view of packages that our requirements live in. Large stories are labeled as epics and placed into the release backlog of the release they are intended for. Child stories are added to the epics. We have found it best to keep the stories very granular. Coarse grained stories make it difficult to realistically estimate and execute the story.


So in general:


  1. Organize by the release


  2. Keep iterations between 2-4 weeks


  3. Product owners and project managers add stories to the release backlog


  4. The dev team estimates the stories based on TShirt sizes, points, etc...
  5. 开发团队根据TShirt尺寸,点数等估算故事......

  6. In Spring planning meeetings the dev team selects the work for the iteration from the release backlog.
  7. 在Spring规划meeetings中,开发团队从发布积压中选择迭代工作。

This is what we've been doing for the past 4 months and have found it to work well. Very important to keep the size of the stories small and granular.


Remember the Invest and Smart acronyms for evaluating user stories, a good story should be: I - Independent N - Negotiable V - Valuable E - Estimable S - Small T - Testable

记住用于评估用户故事的投资和智能缩略词,一个好故事应该是:我 - 独立N - 面议V - 有价值的E - 可估计S - 小T - 可测试


S - Specific M - Measurable A - Achievable R - Relevant T - Time-boxed

S - 特定M - 可测量A - 可实现R - 相关T - 时间盒



I'd start off by saying Keep it Simple.. use a shared spreadsheet with tracking (and backup). If you see scaling or synchronization problems such that maintaining the backlog in a consistent state is getting more and more time-consuming, trade up. This will automatically validate and justify the expenditure/retraining costs.


I've read some good things about Mingle from Thoughtworks.




here is my response to a similar question that may give you some ideas


Help a BA! Managing User Stories ...




A lot of these responses have been with suggestions about tools to use. However, the reality is that your process will be the much more important than the tools you use to implement the process. Stay away from tools that attempt to cram a methodology down your throat. But also, be wary of simply implementing an old non-agile process using a new tool. Here are some strong facts to consider when determining tools for processes:


  1. A bad process instrumented with a software tool will result in a bad software tool implemention.
  2. 使用软件工具进行检测的糟糕流程将导致软件工具实施不良。

  3. Processes will change based on the group you are managing. The important thing is the people, not the process. Implement something they can work successfully in, and your project will be successful.
  4. 流程将根据您管理的组进行更改。重要的是人,而不是过程。实施他们可以成功运作的东西,您的项目将会成功。

All that said, here are a few guidelines to help you:


  • Start with a pure implementation of a documented process,
  • 从文档化过程的纯实现开始,

  • Make your iterations small,
  • 让你的迭代很小,

  • After each iteration talk with your teams and ask what they they would change, implement the changes that make sense.
  • 在每次迭代之后与您的团队交谈并询问他们将改变的内容,实施有意义的更改。

For larger organizations, if you are using SCRUM, use a cascading stand-up mechanism. Scrum masters meet with thier teams. Then the Scrum Masters meet in stand-ups of 6 - 9, with a Super-Scrum-MAster responsible for reporting the items from the Scum-Master's scrum to the next level... and so forth..

对于大型组织,如果您使用SCRUM,请使用级联站立机制。 Scrum大师与他们的团队见面。然后Scrum大师们以6比9的比分站立,超级Scrum-MAster负责将Scum-Master的scrum中的项目报告到下一级......等等......

You may find that have weekly super-scrum meetings will suffice at the highest level of your hierarchy.




I would counsel you to think carefully before adopting a tool, especially since it sounds like your process is likely to be fluid at first as you find your feet. My feeling is that a tool may be more likely to constrain you than enable you at this stage, and you will find it no substitute for a good card-wall in physical space. I would suggest you instead concentrate your efforts on the task at hand, and grab a tool when you feel like you really need one. By that stage you'll more likely have a clear idea of your requirements.


I have run several agile projects now and we have never needed a more complex tool than a spreadsheet, and that on a project with a budget of over a million pounds. Mostly we find that a whiteboard and index cards (one per user story) is more than sufficient.


When identifying your stories, make sure you always express them in terms that make sense to your users - some (perhaps only small) piece of surfaced functionality. Never allow yourself to slip into writing stories about technical details that you could not demonstrate to a user.

在识别您的故事时,请确保始终以对用户有意义的方式表达它们 - 一些(可能只是很小的)浮出水面的功能。永远不要让自己陷入关于无法向用户展示的技术细节的故事。

The skill when scheduling the stories is to try to prioritise the things you know least about first (plan for what you want to learn, rather than what you want to do) whilst also starting with the stories that will allow you to develop the core features of your application, using subsequent stories to wrap functionality (and technical complexity) around them.


If you're confident that you can leave some piece of the puzzle till later, don't sweat on getting into the details of that - just write a single story card that represents the big conversation you'll need to have later, and get on with the more important stuff. If you need to have a feel for the size of what's to come, look at a wideband delphi estimation technique called planning poker.

如果你有信心可以留下一些拼图直到以后,不要为了详细说明这一点 - 只写一张故事卡,代表你以后需要的大谈话,并得到与更重要的东西。如果你需要了解将来的大小,请看一下名为计划扑克的宽带delphi估算技术。

The Mike Cohn books, particularly Agile Estimating and Planning will help you a lot at this stage, and give you some useful techniques to work with.

Mike Cohn的书籍,特别是敏捷评估和规划,将在这个阶段为您提供很多帮助,并为您提供一些有用的技巧。

Good luck!



Like DanielHonig we also use RallyDev (on a small scale) and it sounds like it could be a useful system for you to at least investigate.


Also, a great book on the user story method of development is User Stories Applied by Mike Cohn. I'd certainly recommend reading it if you haven't already. It should answer a lot of your questions.

另外,关于用户故事开发方法的一本很棒的书是Mike Cohn应用的用户故事。如果你还没有,我当然建议你阅读它。它应该回答你的很多问题。



I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but it may still be helpful. Max Pool from codesqueeze has a video explaining his "agile wall". It's cool to see his process, even if it may not necessarily relate to your question:

我不确定这是否是您正在寻找的,但它可能仍然有用。来自codesqueeze的Max Pool有一段视频解释了他的“敏捷墙”。看到他的过程很酷,即使它可能不一定与你的问题有关:

My Agile Wall (Plus A Few Tricks)




So here are a few tips: We use RallyDev.
We created a view of packages that our requirements live in. Large stories are labeled as epics and placed into the release backlog of the release they are intended for. Child stories are added to the epics. We have found it best to keep the stories very granular. Coarse grained stories make it difficult to realistically estimate and execute the story.


So in general:


  1. Organize by the release


  2. Keep iterations between 2-4 weeks


  3. Product owners and project managers add stories to the release backlog


  4. The dev team estimates the stories based on TShirt sizes, points, etc...
  5. 开发团队根据TShirt尺寸,点数等估算故事......

  6. In Spring planning meeetings the dev team selects the work for the iteration from the release backlog.
  7. 在Spring规划meeetings中,开发团队从发布积压中选择迭代工作。

This is what we've been doing for the past 4 months and have found it to work well. Very important to keep the size of the stories small and granular.


Remember the Invest and Smart acronyms for evaluating user stories, a good story should be: I - Independent N - Negotiable V - Valuable E - Estimable S - Small T - Testable

记住用于评估用户故事的投资和智能缩略词,一个好故事应该是:我 - 独立N - 面议V - 有价值的E - 可估计S - 小T - 可测试


S - Specific M - Measurable A - Achievable R - Relevant T - Time-boxed

S - 特定M - 可测量A - 可实现R - 相关T - 时间盒



I'd start off by saying Keep it Simple.. use a shared spreadsheet with tracking (and backup). If you see scaling or synchronization problems such that maintaining the backlog in a consistent state is getting more and more time-consuming, trade up. This will automatically validate and justify the expenditure/retraining costs.


I've read some good things about Mingle from Thoughtworks.




here is my response to a similar question that may give you some ideas


Help a BA! Managing User Stories ...




A lot of these responses have been with suggestions about tools to use. However, the reality is that your process will be the much more important than the tools you use to implement the process. Stay away from tools that attempt to cram a methodology down your throat. But also, be wary of simply implementing an old non-agile process using a new tool. Here are some strong facts to consider when determining tools for processes:


  1. A bad process instrumented with a software tool will result in a bad software tool implemention.
  2. 使用软件工具进行检测的糟糕流程将导致软件工具实施不良。

  3. Processes will change based on the group you are managing. The important thing is the people, not the process. Implement something they can work successfully in, and your project will be successful.
  4. 流程将根据您管理的组进行更改。重要的是人,而不是过程。实施他们可以成功运作的东西,您的项目将会成功。

All that said, here are a few guidelines to help you:


  • Start with a pure implementation of a documented process,
  • 从文档化过程的纯实现开始,

  • Make your iterations small,
  • 让你的迭代很小,

  • After each iteration talk with your teams and ask what they they would change, implement the changes that make sense.
  • 在每次迭代之后与您的团队交谈并询问他们将改变的内容,实施有意义的更改。

For larger organizations, if you are using SCRUM, use a cascading stand-up mechanism. Scrum masters meet with thier teams. Then the Scrum Masters meet in stand-ups of 6 - 9, with a Super-Scrum-MAster responsible for reporting the items from the Scum-Master's scrum to the next level... and so forth..

对于大型组织,如果您使用SCRUM,请使用级联站立机制。 Scrum大师与他们的团队见面。然后Scrum大师们以6比9的比分站立,超级Scrum-MAster负责将Scum-Master的scrum中的项目报告到下一级......等等......

You may find that have weekly super-scrum meetings will suffice at the highest level of your hierarchy.
