
时间:2021-06-05 12:58:20

I'm getting a "Property 'InnerText' is WriteOnly" error when trying to read an attribute value


Here's my XML:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <product ID="11837">
        <price currency="EUR">75.29</price>
            <property name="brand">

To extract the price I do:



which returns "75.29"


But when I do:



I get the error:


Property 'InnerText' is WriteOnly


I don't see any reason why it's write-only and don't know how I can change it so I can read the value.


2 个解决方案



It's a fact of the implementation of XmlAttribute that it only supports writing to its InnerText property. You don't "change it" so that you can read the value - you use the Value property:

实现XmlAttribute的一个事实是它只支持写入其InnerText属性。您没有“更改它”以便您可以读取值 - 您使用Value属性:

Gets or sets the value of the node.


Alternatively, you can access the value via InnerText if you cast the XmlAttribute as an XmlNode (its base class).




According to the MSDN:


The concatenated values of the node and all its children. For attribute nodes, this property has the same functionality as the Value property.


You should just use the Value property, instead, like this:



Or you can cast it to an XmlNode and then access the InnerText. XmlNode is the base class for XmlAttribute, and its InnerText property is read-write rather than write-only. For instance:

或者您可以将其强制转换为XmlNode,然后访问InnerText。 XmlNode是XmlAttribute的基类,其InnerText属性是读写而不是只写。例如:

CType(node.Attributes("ID"), XmlNode).InnerText

I'm not sure why it's write-only in the XmlAttribute class. Presumably there must have been some good reason for it, given the internal workings of the class, though it's hard to imagine what that would be. The odd thing is that in the MSDN documentation in version 1.1 actually says that it is a read/write property in that version of the framework. Then, in versions 2.0 - 4.0 it defines the property as write-only, but the description of it says "Gets or sets..." So, the MSDN hasn't exactly been consistent about it.

我不确定为什么它只能在XmlAttribute类中写入。考虑到班级的内部运作,大概肯定有一些很好的理由,尽管很难想象会是什么。奇怪的是,在1.1版的MSDN文档中实际上说它是该版本框架中的读/写属性。然后,在版本2.0 - 4.0中,它将属性定义为只写,但它的描述显示“获取或设置...”因此,MSDN并没有完全一致。



It's a fact of the implementation of XmlAttribute that it only supports writing to its InnerText property. You don't "change it" so that you can read the value - you use the Value property:

实现XmlAttribute的一个事实是它只支持写入其InnerText属性。您没有“更改它”以便您可以读取值 - 您使用Value属性:

Gets or sets the value of the node.


Alternatively, you can access the value via InnerText if you cast the XmlAttribute as an XmlNode (its base class).




According to the MSDN:


The concatenated values of the node and all its children. For attribute nodes, this property has the same functionality as the Value property.


You should just use the Value property, instead, like this:



Or you can cast it to an XmlNode and then access the InnerText. XmlNode is the base class for XmlAttribute, and its InnerText property is read-write rather than write-only. For instance:

或者您可以将其强制转换为XmlNode,然后访问InnerText。 XmlNode是XmlAttribute的基类,其InnerText属性是读写而不是只写。例如:

CType(node.Attributes("ID"), XmlNode).InnerText

I'm not sure why it's write-only in the XmlAttribute class. Presumably there must have been some good reason for it, given the internal workings of the class, though it's hard to imagine what that would be. The odd thing is that in the MSDN documentation in version 1.1 actually says that it is a read/write property in that version of the framework. Then, in versions 2.0 - 4.0 it defines the property as write-only, but the description of it says "Gets or sets..." So, the MSDN hasn't exactly been consistent about it.

我不确定为什么它只能在XmlAttribute类中写入。考虑到班级的内部运作,大概肯定有一些很好的理由,尽管很难想象会是什么。奇怪的是,在1.1版的MSDN文档中实际上说它是该版本框架中的读/写属性。然后,在版本2.0 - 4.0中,它将属性定义为只写,但它的描述显示“获取或设置...”因此,MSDN并没有完全一致。