I work with an enterprise application and have picked up some tips for DB design
- All tables should have the following fields that helps in audit trail -
- 所有表都应具有以下有助于审计跟踪的字段 - LastChangedBy,LastChanged,LastChangedPage
- All your stored procedures that have dynamic SQL should have the @
parameter. By default it's set to 0. If it's set to 1, print out the dynamic SQL statement and this will be really helpful in debugging. - 具有动态SQL的所有存储过程都应具有@bDebug参数。默认情况下,它设置为0.如果设置为1,则打印出动态SQL语句,这对调试非常有用。
- For CRUD SPs, have a way of partially updating the table. If your table has 10 fields and in one of the SP, you care about updating only 5 fields, have a layer of abstraction to do this.
- 对于CRUD SP,有一种部分更新表的方法。如果你的表有10个字段并且在一个SP中,你只关心更新5个字段,有一个抽象层来做到这一点。
Any other useful tips you can think of?
EDIT: Thanks for all the answers. I am still looking for an answer that can provide a link to tips/tricks/strategies for DB Design.
编辑:谢谢你的所有答案。我仍在寻找能够提供DB Design提示/技巧/策略链接的答案。
6 个解决方案
For #1: Move to SQL Server 2008 and just turn on Change Data Capture. If you really need to keep detailed audit trails, this feature alone will justify the cost.
对于#1:转到SQL Server 2008,然后启用“更改数据捕获”。如果您确实需要保留详细的审计跟踪,仅此功能就可以证明成本合理。
For #2: Any stored procedure with dynamic sql should automatically be put on double secret probation (ie: it's allowed, but has to go through multiple levels of code review to make sure there's not a better way to do it).
When it comes to the power of the web, its better never to delete anything. Therefore having a deletedOn date that you can just exclude those objects which have been "deleted" from your searches. This also helps frantic customers who accidently deleted their account. Obviously this shouldn't be used in every field.
LastChangedBy etc. fields are pretty useless. If you really need an audit trail, you need separate audit tables that detail the changes and maintain an audit history. If you don't need an audit trail, the LastChangedBy etc. fields are just added work for no business value.
A couple of thoughts that immediately spring to mind when working with very large database (VLDB):
Should you implement table partitioning?
Large database tables, with millions of records, may benefit from table partitioning.
- The availability of this SQL Server Feature is restricted to using the Enterprise Edition.
- 此SQL Server功能的可用性仅限于使用Enterprise Edition。
- The applicability is dependent on your platform hardware and the availability of an appropriate partitioning key within the table data.
- 适用性取决于您的平台硬件以及表数据中适当分区键的可用性。
What are my most frequently accessed tables?
Consider separation by Filegroup i.e. place Customer table on one Filegroup and Transaction table on another. This permits SQL Server to create multiple threads for file access creating the possibility of sequential I/O.
考虑按文件组分离,即将Customer表放在另一个Filegroup和Transaction表上。这允许SQL Server为文件访问创建多个线程,从而创建顺序I / O的可能性。
Then subsequently consider the underlying physical disk structure, i.e. a separate LUN for each Filegroup.
Devise a Flexible Indexing Strategy
You will no doubt already have an indexing strategy in mind however for VLDB platforms this should be frequently reviewed. As data volumes increase and data distribution changes so to may the execution plans for your data access queries. You should plan for the need to regularly review your indexing strategy.
In my opinion one would require CreatedBy and Created fields.
Dates should be stored in Utc format and converted to local time at the client.
For #1: Move to SQL Server 2008 and just turn on Change Data Capture. If you really need to keep detailed audit trails, this feature alone will justify the cost.
对于#1:转到SQL Server 2008,然后启用“更改数据捕获”。如果您确实需要保留详细的审计跟踪,仅此功能就可以证明成本合理。
For #2: Any stored procedure with dynamic sql should automatically be put on double secret probation (ie: it's allowed, but has to go through multiple levels of code review to make sure there's not a better way to do it).
When it comes to the power of the web, its better never to delete anything. Therefore having a deletedOn date that you can just exclude those objects which have been "deleted" from your searches. This also helps frantic customers who accidently deleted their account. Obviously this shouldn't be used in every field.
LastChangedBy etc. fields are pretty useless. If you really need an audit trail, you need separate audit tables that detail the changes and maintain an audit history. If you don't need an audit trail, the LastChangedBy etc. fields are just added work for no business value.
A couple of thoughts that immediately spring to mind when working with very large database (VLDB):
Should you implement table partitioning?
Large database tables, with millions of records, may benefit from table partitioning.
- The availability of this SQL Server Feature is restricted to using the Enterprise Edition.
- 此SQL Server功能的可用性仅限于使用Enterprise Edition。
- The applicability is dependent on your platform hardware and the availability of an appropriate partitioning key within the table data.
- 适用性取决于您的平台硬件以及表数据中适当分区键的可用性。
What are my most frequently accessed tables?
Consider separation by Filegroup i.e. place Customer table on one Filegroup and Transaction table on another. This permits SQL Server to create multiple threads for file access creating the possibility of sequential I/O.
考虑按文件组分离,即将Customer表放在另一个Filegroup和Transaction表上。这允许SQL Server为文件访问创建多个线程,从而创建顺序I / O的可能性。
Then subsequently consider the underlying physical disk structure, i.e. a separate LUN for each Filegroup.
Devise a Flexible Indexing Strategy
You will no doubt already have an indexing strategy in mind however for VLDB platforms this should be frequently reviewed. As data volumes increase and data distribution changes so to may the execution plans for your data access queries. You should plan for the need to regularly review your indexing strategy.
In my opinion one would require CreatedBy and Created fields.
Dates should be stored in Utc format and converted to local time at the client.