. net ORM数据访问方法的优点:Enity框架、NHibernate、Subsonic和ADO。网络数据集

时间:2021-12-15 12:50:20

I have recently heard "fanboys" of different .NET ORM methodologies express strong, if not outlandish oppinions of other ORM methodologies. And frankly feel a bit in the dark.

我最近听说过不同的。net ORM方法的“粉丝”们表达了其他ORM方法的强大(如果不是古怪的话)。坦白地说,在黑暗中感觉有点。

Could you please explain the key merits of each of these .NET ORM solutions?

你能解释一下这些。net ORM解决方案的主要优点吗?

  1. Entity Framework
  2. 实体框架
  3. NHibernate
  4. NHibernate
  5. Subsonic
  6. 亚音速
  7. ADO.NET Datasets
  8. ADO。网络数据集

I have a good understanding of 1&4, and a cursory understanding of 2&3, but apparently not enough to understand the implied cultural perceptions of one towards the other.


1 个解决方案



This type of question keeps coming up. You can read more about the different ORMs by looking at the links available from this question:


NHibernate, Entity Framework, active records or linq2sql


These ORMs are all evolving over time and they are fairly complex so any attempt to take a snapshot of the key merits is unlikely to be worth much.


NHibernate is the most feature rich. EFv4 is the next most feature rich (and currently about a month from actual release). Subsonic has a decent amount of breadth of features, but is lacking elsewhere (depth, community, support, etc.). EFv3.5 is not worth discussing, but at least some people seem happy with it.


ADO.NET Datasets don't support Linq and don't support object relational mapping which are generally the key reasons you would choose an ORM instead.




This type of question keeps coming up. You can read more about the different ORMs by looking at the links available from this question:


NHibernate, Entity Framework, active records or linq2sql


These ORMs are all evolving over time and they are fairly complex so any attempt to take a snapshot of the key merits is unlikely to be worth much.


NHibernate is the most feature rich. EFv4 is the next most feature rich (and currently about a month from actual release). Subsonic has a decent amount of breadth of features, but is lacking elsewhere (depth, community, support, etc.). EFv3.5 is not worth discussing, but at least some people seem happy with it.


ADO.NET Datasets don't support Linq and don't support object relational mapping which are generally the key reasons you would choose an ORM instead.
