
时间:2023-01-12 12:46:56

Here's a scenario: I have a 'data-feed' - a REST/JSON service that updates periodically (let's say - every 10 seconds or so), and if a change in the data set occurs - then all subscribed listeners need to be updated.

这是一个场景:我有一个'数据提要' - 一个定期更新的REST / JSON服务(假设 - 每10秒左右),如果数据集发生了变化 - 那么所有订阅的监听器都需要更新。

It's currently implemented using long-polling over HTTP, which is a technicality - but the main concept is that clients don't bother the server, and the server doesn't bother the clients - unless there's something to bother about. When there is something new, all clients get notified immediately. The technology consists of Java/Tomcat7, async IO (asyncResponse).

它目前使用HTTP上的长轮询实现,这是一个技术性 - 但主要的概念是客户端不打扰服务器,服务器不打扰客户端 - 除非有什么值得烦恼的。当有新的东西时,立即通知所有客户。该技术由Java / Tomcat7,异步IO(asyncResponse)组成。

I think it works great: I can drive 10K concurrent sessions for ~ $0.07 per hour (AWS M3.Medium instance).

我认为它很有效:我可以每小时约0.07美元(AWS M3.Medium实例)驱动10K并发会话。

(Question - I think it works great, but I would like to hear some benchmark numbers to verify. Or in other words - do you think it's a good bang for the buck? please share !!)

(问题 - 我认为它很有效,但我希望听到一些基准数据来验证。或者换句话说 - 你认为这是一个很好的帮助吗?请分享!!)

If all my clients receive the same data set (the same JSON), is there a way I could optimize even more?


I'm thinking about IP V6 'multicast' - this would minimize my bandwidth consumption by orders of magnitude - but is this practical?

我正在考虑IP V6'多播' - 这会使我的带宽消耗最小化几个数量级 - 但这是否实用?

For supporting 1 million concurrent users, for example, assuming there's an update every 10 seconds, I would need to support 100K 'hits' (or responses) per second. If the response size is 10K, the bandwidth starts becoming a big issue here: 10K * 100K * 60 * 60 * 24 --> 86 Giga per 24h.

例如,为了支持100万并发用户,假设每10秒更新一次,我需要每秒支持100K'命中'(或响应)。如果响应大小为10K,带宽开始成为一个大问题:10K * 100K * 60 * 60 * 24 - >每24小时86千兆。

There isn't really a single, focused question here (besides IPv6) - I would like to hear your thoughts, experience, and alternative approaches - I hate re-inventing the wheel, and I'm sure that the collective wisdom out there far surpasses my own.

这里没有一个单一的,有针对性的问题(除了IPv6) - 我想听听你的想法,经验和其他方法 - 我讨厌重新发明*,我相信那里的集体智慧超越了我自己。


1 个解决方案



I'd like to suggest some other alternatives that are scalable, you should do cost estimations regarding your projected loads to see which is viable -

我想建议一些可扩展的其他替代方案,您应该对预计的负载进行成本估算,看看哪些是可行的 -

  1. Assuming feeds may be shared across several clients (I don't know if that's relevant to your application) - use a CDN. See a description of this kind of solution here - http://tech.ftbpro.com/post/78969626647/growing-x20-without-spending-an-extra-penny-on-hosting

    假设可以在多个客户端共享源(我不知道这是否与您的应用程序相关) - 使用CDN。请在此处查看此类解决方案的说明 - http://tech.ftbpro.com/post/78969626647/growing-x20-without-spending-an-extra-penny-on-hosting

  2. Use a specialized messaging service as your backbone. The more prominent one in this field is PubNub.




I'd like to suggest some other alternatives that are scalable, you should do cost estimations regarding your projected loads to see which is viable -

我想建议一些可扩展的其他替代方案,您应该对预计的负载进行成本估算,看看哪些是可行的 -

  1. Assuming feeds may be shared across several clients (I don't know if that's relevant to your application) - use a CDN. See a description of this kind of solution here - http://tech.ftbpro.com/post/78969626647/growing-x20-without-spending-an-extra-penny-on-hosting

    假设可以在多个客户端共享源(我不知道这是否与您的应用程序相关) - 使用CDN。请在此处查看此类解决方案的说明 - http://tech.ftbpro.com/post/78969626647/growing-x20-without-spending-an-extra-penny-on-hosting

  2. Use a specialized messaging service as your backbone. The more prominent one in this field is PubNub.
