I am going to build a site with multiple language support, and I need to have the ability to control the workflow of the articles, companies, products. All with multiple language support and multiple versioning. Does anyone have the solution for this already or I need to start from scratch?
2 个解决方案
Have you tried looking at the Database models at Database Answers ?
您是否尝试在Database Answers查看数据库模型?
Of course, you could use MS SharePoint.
当然,您可以使用MS SharePoint。
Have you looked at:
Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.
As your question is very broad, I will attempt to give you an answer with a simple example. This can be extended to every entity you want to store. Let us assume you have an article entity.
Article (articleID, langID, ENUTitle, ENUContent, authorID)
By default you can store English language content in the main table. The same content or translated content can be stored in a separate language translation table.
Article_Translation(ID, articleID, langID, langTitle, langContent)
example of content
insert into article values ('art101','ENU','New Website for Developers','* is new and useful','BKM')
Insert into article_translation (1023, 'art101','FRA','nouveau site Web pour les développeurs','* est nouveau et utile','BKM')
Insert into article_translation (1024, 'art101','SPA','nuevo sitio web para desarrolladores','* es nuevo y útil','BKM')
Depending on your user language preference, content can either be displayed from article table or article translation table
In general, for every entity that needs translation, you will need a main table and language translation table.
Have you tried looking at the Database models at Database Answers ?
您是否尝试在Database Answers查看数据库模型?
Of course, you could use MS SharePoint.
当然,您可以使用MS SharePoint。
Have you looked at:
Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.
As your question is very broad, I will attempt to give you an answer with a simple example. This can be extended to every entity you want to store. Let us assume you have an article entity.
Article (articleID, langID, ENUTitle, ENUContent, authorID)
By default you can store English language content in the main table. The same content or translated content can be stored in a separate language translation table.
Article_Translation(ID, articleID, langID, langTitle, langContent)
example of content
insert into article values ('art101','ENU','New Website for Developers','* is new and useful','BKM')
Insert into article_translation (1023, 'art101','FRA','nouveau site Web pour les développeurs','* est nouveau et utile','BKM')
Insert into article_translation (1024, 'art101','SPA','nuevo sitio web para desarrolladores','* es nuevo y útil','BKM')
Depending on your user language preference, content can either be displayed from article table or article translation table
In general, for every entity that needs translation, you will need a main table and language translation table.