
时间:2022-03-27 12:48:22

First off, I appreciate any help with this.


I am struggling to find the best approach to some database design, and I'm not entirely sure where even to start searching for the type of design I am even after.


In short, we have a bunch of payment method types, for example cash, credit card and paypal. But each of these methods require their own set of parameters both for their setup details (ie information for API details for PayPal) as well as transactions for each method requiring a different set of fields - ie. for credit card - we would want the start date, end date, card number etc.. - for paypal we would want the email address and a bunch of other stuff.


Now - I could simply have tables: payment_method_types, payment_methods and payments which have all the required fields to cover all bases - for example paypal_email_address field, etc.. but is there a better solution that mimics more of a document-based database whereby you'd just have the relevant fields?


For example the following tables payment_method_types, paypal_payment_methods, cash_payment_methods, paypal_payments, cash_payments etc.. Which doesn't really seem that nice.


There must be a good solution for what it is I want to achieve? Do I just need to include all possible fields (ie. paypal_email_address etc..) and just handle it within my application?


Thanks very much for any input.


2 个解决方案



I could be downvoted by that by relational guys :), but you can store this type of information in JSON (there's good support of JSON in PostgreSQL version 9.3) or hstore columns, it could be good mix of relational database and noSQL style.

我可能会被关系型的人否决:),但是您可以将这种类型的信息存储在JSON中(在PostgreSQL version 9.3中有很好的JSON支持)或hstore列中,它可以很好地混合使用关系数据库和noSQL样式。

You can store common fields like Amount, Date, Currency and so on in typed columns and have one column of type JSON/hstore to store additional details like card number. So your data could look like:


Type          Date         Amount  Currency  Additional
Credit Card   2013-08-01     15.1  EUR       {Card Number: "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"}
PayPal        2013-07-02    103.8  USD       {Email: "client@company.com"}

or hstore:


Type          Date         Amount  Currency  Additional
Credit Card   2013-08-01     15.1  EUR       Card Number => "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"
PayPal        2013-07-02    103.8  USD       Email => "client@company.com"

Or you can create subtables for additional information - so you store common data in table Payments and store all additional info in PaymentsPayPal, PaymentsCreditCard and so on.




This answer can be very complex, but I will go with something simple to inspire only. Something like


CreditCardPayment < ActiveRecord::Base
  include PaymentType
  def paypal_some_kind_of_id

PaypalPayment < ActiveRecord::Base
  include PaymentType
  def paypal_some_kind_of_id

Then, whenever dealing with payments, write only one method, and make sure the method works with both a PaypalPayment and a CreditCardPayment object. Methods that are equal for all classes can go within the PaymentType module, to keep your code dry.




I could be downvoted by that by relational guys :), but you can store this type of information in JSON (there's good support of JSON in PostgreSQL version 9.3) or hstore columns, it could be good mix of relational database and noSQL style.

我可能会被关系型的人否决:),但是您可以将这种类型的信息存储在JSON中(在PostgreSQL version 9.3中有很好的JSON支持)或hstore列中,它可以很好地混合使用关系数据库和noSQL样式。

You can store common fields like Amount, Date, Currency and so on in typed columns and have one column of type JSON/hstore to store additional details like card number. So your data could look like:


Type          Date         Amount  Currency  Additional
Credit Card   2013-08-01     15.1  EUR       {Card Number: "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"}
PayPal        2013-07-02    103.8  USD       {Email: "client@company.com"}

or hstore:


Type          Date         Amount  Currency  Additional
Credit Card   2013-08-01     15.1  EUR       Card Number => "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"
PayPal        2013-07-02    103.8  USD       Email => "client@company.com"

Or you can create subtables for additional information - so you store common data in table Payments and store all additional info in PaymentsPayPal, PaymentsCreditCard and so on.




This answer can be very complex, but I will go with something simple to inspire only. Something like


CreditCardPayment < ActiveRecord::Base
  include PaymentType
  def paypal_some_kind_of_id

PaypalPayment < ActiveRecord::Base
  include PaymentType
  def paypal_some_kind_of_id

Then, whenever dealing with payments, write only one method, and make sure the method works with both a PaypalPayment and a CreditCardPayment object. Methods that are equal for all classes can go within the PaymentType module, to keep your code dry.
