您为ASP.NET成员的普通用户选择了哪个SQL Server角色?

时间:2022-02-19 12:44:21

I used Integrated Security for a database connection for the first time for a website. The website pool uses Network Service as a user. I added Network Service as a SQL Server user mapped to public, then allowed it access to my database as websiteuser. There are many aspnet_... roles to choose from. Any links out there that explains which ones to use? Do I just check them all since there's only one login coming from the website?

我第一次使用Integrated Security作为网站的数据库连接。网站池使用网络服务作为用户。我将网络服务添加为映射到public的SQL Server用户,然后允许它以websiteuser身份访问我的数据库。有许多aspnet _...角色可供选择。有哪些链接可以解释使用哪些链接?我只是检查它们,因为只有一个登录来自网站?

1 个解决方案



see How To: Use Forms Authentication with SQL Server in ASP.NET 2.0, the section titled "Grant Database Access to Your Web Application Account". and here for roles, under "To grant permissions in the database"

请参阅如何:在ASP.NET 2.0中使用表单身份验证与SQL Server,标题为“授予对Web应用程序帐户的数据库访问”一节。这里是角色,在“授予数据库权限”下



see How To: Use Forms Authentication with SQL Server in ASP.NET 2.0, the section titled "Grant Database Access to Your Web Application Account". and here for roles, under "To grant permissions in the database"

请参阅如何:在ASP.NET 2.0中使用表单身份验证与SQL Server,标题为“授予对Web应用程序帐户的数据库访问”一节。这里是角色,在“授予数据库权限”下