可以从.NET类生成SQL Server数据库模式

时间:2021-06-14 12:45:36

I have some old code which didn't use database. Now can database schema be auto-generated from existing classes? I know this seems reverse than usual DB to class generation.


But it would be good if there is some easy way to do so.


3 个解决方案



Sure, with a little reflection you could generate some rough table creation scripts, and even stored procedures to support INSERTS/UPDATES/DELETES (if you wished).

当然,通过一点反射,您可以生成一些粗略的表创建脚本,甚至存储过程来支持INSERTS / UPDATES / DELETES(如果您愿意)。

Unless there is an exact one-to-one mapping, you will need to clean up those scripts by hand.


EDIT: to elaborate on this further (in conjunction with @TomTom's answer)

编辑:进一步详细说明(结合@ TomTom的回答)

Things that will be difficult/impossible to infer automatically:


  • default column values
  • 默认列值
  • computed columns (if any)
  • 计算列(如果有)
  • varchar sizes
  • varchar大小
  • NULL/NOT NULL columns
  • indexes
  • 索引

Things that you could do automatically with a bunch of work (but better to do by hand, IMO):


  • primary key assignment
  • 主键分配
  • foreign key relationships
  • 外键关系
  • relationships
  • 关系



It is not. Or, only ins a very stupid way. Without additional annotations .NET contains a lot less information than a db schema. Conditions, checks arem issing. Data types are missing, too. And how you think such code would deduct what indices to have? Heck, even finding out the primary key of a class / table is not possible.


Inheritance is another topic.


You can generate a schema as a start, but you can not really generate a database that is production ready without annotating the classes heavily.




If you are using VS2010, you may want to look at Code-First development using Entity Framework, with your classes inheriting from DbContext. ScottGu has a good blog entry here on how to do that.

如果您使用的是VS2010,您可能希望使用Entity Framework查看Code-First开发,您的类继承自DbContext。 ScottGu在这里有一篇关于如何做到这一点的博客文章。



Sure, with a little reflection you could generate some rough table creation scripts, and even stored procedures to support INSERTS/UPDATES/DELETES (if you wished).

当然,通过一点反射,您可以生成一些粗略的表创建脚本,甚至存储过程来支持INSERTS / UPDATES / DELETES(如果您愿意)。

Unless there is an exact one-to-one mapping, you will need to clean up those scripts by hand.


EDIT: to elaborate on this further (in conjunction with @TomTom's answer)

编辑:进一步详细说明(结合@ TomTom的回答)

Things that will be difficult/impossible to infer automatically:


  • default column values
  • 默认列值
  • computed columns (if any)
  • 计算列(如果有)
  • varchar sizes
  • varchar大小
  • NULL/NOT NULL columns
  • indexes
  • 索引

Things that you could do automatically with a bunch of work (but better to do by hand, IMO):


  • primary key assignment
  • 主键分配
  • foreign key relationships
  • 外键关系
  • relationships
  • 关系



It is not. Or, only ins a very stupid way. Without additional annotations .NET contains a lot less information than a db schema. Conditions, checks arem issing. Data types are missing, too. And how you think such code would deduct what indices to have? Heck, even finding out the primary key of a class / table is not possible.


Inheritance is another topic.


You can generate a schema as a start, but you can not really generate a database that is production ready without annotating the classes heavily.




If you are using VS2010, you may want to look at Code-First development using Entity Framework, with your classes inheriting from DbContext. ScottGu has a good blog entry here on how to do that.

如果您使用的是VS2010,您可能希望使用Entity Framework查看Code-First开发,您的类继承自DbContext。 ScottGu在这里有一篇关于如何做到这一点的博客文章。