
时间:2022-01-30 12:41:50

To explain my issue I will use an illustration. Say I am a shop owner and I have my 'shop' MYSql database. I then have a table for all the customers of my shop and a table containing all the products I sell.


Along with saving the basic details of the customers (name, email etc) I also want to be able to save each individual basket they create. I can confidently use MYSql tables with 1D data, e.g. one row representing one user / product. How, though, can I store a variable amount of baskets, each containing a variable amount of products - for each user - in this shop database in an efficient way?


Any suggestions are appreciated, I am fairly new to MYSQL / Database design!

感谢您的建议,我对MYSQL /数据库设计比较陌生!

Thanks, Steve.


1 个解决方案



A fully normalized design would have a basket table that has its own unique id and references the customer id. This basket table could also have information about the basket, such as when it was created, if it was canceled or taken through to payment, etc. Your DB would then also have a basket_products table that references the basket table's unique id, and the product's id, along with any information that you would have for that product when it was put in that basket. This would allow for say temporary discounts, or special customer deals on that product at that time.


id  autonum
customer_id  references
other info about the basket

basket_id  references
product_id  references
other info about the products as the are put in this basket (number purchased, price per, etc)



A fully normalized design would have a basket table that has its own unique id and references the customer id. This basket table could also have information about the basket, such as when it was created, if it was canceled or taken through to payment, etc. Your DB would then also have a basket_products table that references the basket table's unique id, and the product's id, along with any information that you would have for that product when it was put in that basket. This would allow for say temporary discounts, or special customer deals on that product at that time.


id  autonum
customer_id  references
other info about the basket

basket_id  references
product_id  references
other info about the products as the are put in this basket (number purchased, price per, etc)