Is there some way to use rollapply (from zoo
package or something similar) optimized functions (rollmean
, rollmedian
etc) to compute rolling functions with a time-based window, instead of one based on a number of observations? What I want is simple: for each element in an irregular time series, I want to compute a rolling function with a N-days window. That is, the window should include all the observations up to N days before the current observation. Time series may also contain duplicates.
Here follows an example. Given the following time series:
date value
1/11/2011 5
1/11/2011 4
1/11/2011 2
8/11/2011 1
13/11/2011 0
14/11/2011 0
15/11/2011 0
18/11/2011 1
21/11/2011 4
5/12/2011 3
A rolling median with a 5-day window, aligned to the right, should result in the following calculation:
> c(
[1] 5.0 4.5 4.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 3.0
I already found some solutions out there but they are usually tricky, which usually means slow. I managed to implement my own rolling function calculation. The problem is that for very long time series the optimized version of median (rollmedian) can make a huge time difference, since it takes into account the overlap between windows. I would like to avoid reimplementing it. I suspect there are some trick with rollapply parameters that will make it work, but I cannot figure it out. Thanks in advance for the help.
4 个解决方案
Most of the answers suggest to insert NA to make the time series regular. However, this can be slow in case of long time series. Additionally, it does not work for functions which can not be used with NA.
The width argument of rollapply (zoo package) can be a list (see help of rollapply for details). Based on this I wrote a function which creates a list to be used with rollapply as width parameter. The function extracts indexes for irregular zoo objects if the moving window is to be time and not index based. Therefore the index of the zoo object should be the actual time.
# Create a zoo object where index represents time (e.g. in seconds)
d <- zoo(c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,16,25,27,27,27,27,27,31),
# Create function
createRollapplyWidth = function(zoodata, steps, window ){
mintime = min(time(zoodata))
maxtime = max(time(zoodata))
spotstime = seq(from = mintime , to = maxtime, by = steps)
spotsindex = list()
for (i in 1:length(spotstime)){
spotsindex[[i]] = as.numeric(which(spotstime[i] <= time(zoodata) & time(zoodata) < spotstime[i] + window))}
rollapplywidth = list()
for (i in 1:length(spotsindex)){
if (![[i]])) ){
rollapplywidth[[round(median(spotsindex[[i]]))]] = spotsindex[[i]] - round(median(spotsindex[[i]]))}
# Create width parameter for rollapply using function
rollwidth = createRollapplyWidth(zoodata = d, steps = 5, window = 5)
# Use parameter in rollapply
result = rollapply(d, width = rollwidth , FUN = sum, na.rm = T)
Limitation: not based on dated but on time in seconds. Parameter "partial" of rollapply does not work.
限制:不是基于过时的,而是基于秒的时间。 rollapply的参数“partial”不起作用。
Here is my tinkering with the problem. If that sort of gets at what you wanted (I don't know if it's satisfactory in terms of speed), I can write it up as a more detailed answer (even though it's based on @rbatt's idea).
这是我修补这个问题。如果那种得到你想要的东西(我不知道它在速度方面是否令人满意),我可以把它写成一个更详细的答案(即使它是基于@ rbatt的想法)。
# create a long time series
start <- as.Date("1800-01-01")
end <- as.Date(Sys.Date())
df <- data.frame(V1 = seq.Date(start, end, by = "day"))
df$V2 <- sample(1:10, nrow(df), replace = T)
# make it an irregular time series by sampling 10000 rows
# including allowing for duplicates (replace = T)
df2 <- df %>%
sample_n(10000, replace = T)
# create 'complete' time series & join the data & compute the rolling median
df_rollmed <- data.frame(V1 = seq.Date(min(df$V1), max(df$V1), by = "day")) %>%
left_join(., df2) %>%
mutate(rollmed = rollapply(V2, 5, median, na.rm = T, align = "right", partial = T)) %>%
filter(! # throw out the NAs from the complete dataset
Haven't check the speed but if no date has more than max.dup
occurences then it must be that the last 5 * max.dup entries contain the last 5 days so the one-line function fn
shown below passed to rollapplyr
will do it:
没有检查速度,但如果没有日期超过max.dup出现,则必须是最后5 * max.dup条目包含最后5天,所以下面显示的单行函数fn传递给rollapplyr将执行此操作:
k <- 5
dates <- as.numeric(DF$date)
values <- DF$value
max.dup <- max(table(dates))
fn <- function(ix, d = dates[ix], v = values[ix], n = length(ix)) median(v[d >= d[n]-k])
rollapplyr(1:nrow(DF), max.dup * k, fn, partial = TRUE)
## [1] 5.0 4.5 4.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 3.0
Note: We used this for DF
Lines <- "
date value
1/11/2011 5
1/11/2011 4
1/11/2011 2
8/11/2011 1
13/11/2011 0
14/11/2011 0
15/11/2011 0
18/11/2011 1
21/11/2011 4
5/12/2011 3
DF <- read.table(text = Lines, header = TRUE)
DF$date <- as.Date(DF$date, format = "%d/%m/%Y")
We can do this just using base apply as follows:
我们可以使用base apply执行此操作,如下所示:
First set up the data (based on the note by @g-grothendieck)
首先设置数据(基于@ g-grothendieck的注释)
Lines <- "
date value
1/11/2011 5
1/11/2011 4
1/11/2011 2
8/11/2011 1
13/11/2011 0
14/11/2011 0
15/11/2011 0
18/11/2011 1
21/11/2011 4
5/12/2011 3
DT <- = Lines, header = TRUE))
DT$date <- as.Date(DF$date, format = "%d/%m/%Y")
DT$row <- 1:NROW(DF)
setkey(DT, row, date) #mark columns as sorted, for speed
Note that I added a vector to the data table containing the row number, so that we can pass row number into the apply function. I also used data table to simplify syntax for the next step, and to speed up the function if it is applied to large arrays. Now, we use apply as follows:
roll.median.DT <- function(x){ <- as.Date(x[1])
this.row <- as.numeric(x[3])
median(DT[row <= this.row & date >= (]$value) #NB DT is not defined within function, so it is found from parent scope
apply(DT, FUN=roll.median.DT, MARGIN = 1)
[1] 5.0 4.5 4.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 3.0
Most of the answers suggest to insert NA to make the time series regular. However, this can be slow in case of long time series. Additionally, it does not work for functions which can not be used with NA.
The width argument of rollapply (zoo package) can be a list (see help of rollapply for details). Based on this I wrote a function which creates a list to be used with rollapply as width parameter. The function extracts indexes for irregular zoo objects if the moving window is to be time and not index based. Therefore the index of the zoo object should be the actual time.
# Create a zoo object where index represents time (e.g. in seconds)
d <- zoo(c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,16,25,27,27,27,27,27,31),
# Create function
createRollapplyWidth = function(zoodata, steps, window ){
mintime = min(time(zoodata))
maxtime = max(time(zoodata))
spotstime = seq(from = mintime , to = maxtime, by = steps)
spotsindex = list()
for (i in 1:length(spotstime)){
spotsindex[[i]] = as.numeric(which(spotstime[i] <= time(zoodata) & time(zoodata) < spotstime[i] + window))}
rollapplywidth = list()
for (i in 1:length(spotsindex)){
if (![[i]])) ){
rollapplywidth[[round(median(spotsindex[[i]]))]] = spotsindex[[i]] - round(median(spotsindex[[i]]))}
# Create width parameter for rollapply using function
rollwidth = createRollapplyWidth(zoodata = d, steps = 5, window = 5)
# Use parameter in rollapply
result = rollapply(d, width = rollwidth , FUN = sum, na.rm = T)
Limitation: not based on dated but on time in seconds. Parameter "partial" of rollapply does not work.
限制:不是基于过时的,而是基于秒的时间。 rollapply的参数“partial”不起作用。
Here is my tinkering with the problem. If that sort of gets at what you wanted (I don't know if it's satisfactory in terms of speed), I can write it up as a more detailed answer (even though it's based on @rbatt's idea).
这是我修补这个问题。如果那种得到你想要的东西(我不知道它在速度方面是否令人满意),我可以把它写成一个更详细的答案(即使它是基于@ rbatt的想法)。
# create a long time series
start <- as.Date("1800-01-01")
end <- as.Date(Sys.Date())
df <- data.frame(V1 = seq.Date(start, end, by = "day"))
df$V2 <- sample(1:10, nrow(df), replace = T)
# make it an irregular time series by sampling 10000 rows
# including allowing for duplicates (replace = T)
df2 <- df %>%
sample_n(10000, replace = T)
# create 'complete' time series & join the data & compute the rolling median
df_rollmed <- data.frame(V1 = seq.Date(min(df$V1), max(df$V1), by = "day")) %>%
left_join(., df2) %>%
mutate(rollmed = rollapply(V2, 5, median, na.rm = T, align = "right", partial = T)) %>%
filter(! # throw out the NAs from the complete dataset
Haven't check the speed but if no date has more than max.dup
occurences then it must be that the last 5 * max.dup entries contain the last 5 days so the one-line function fn
shown below passed to rollapplyr
will do it:
没有检查速度,但如果没有日期超过max.dup出现,则必须是最后5 * max.dup条目包含最后5天,所以下面显示的单行函数fn传递给rollapplyr将执行此操作:
k <- 5
dates <- as.numeric(DF$date)
values <- DF$value
max.dup <- max(table(dates))
fn <- function(ix, d = dates[ix], v = values[ix], n = length(ix)) median(v[d >= d[n]-k])
rollapplyr(1:nrow(DF), max.dup * k, fn, partial = TRUE)
## [1] 5.0 4.5 4.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 3.0
Note: We used this for DF
Lines <- "
date value
1/11/2011 5
1/11/2011 4
1/11/2011 2
8/11/2011 1
13/11/2011 0
14/11/2011 0
15/11/2011 0
18/11/2011 1
21/11/2011 4
5/12/2011 3
DF <- read.table(text = Lines, header = TRUE)
DF$date <- as.Date(DF$date, format = "%d/%m/%Y")
We can do this just using base apply as follows:
我们可以使用base apply执行此操作,如下所示:
First set up the data (based on the note by @g-grothendieck)
首先设置数据(基于@ g-grothendieck的注释)
Lines <- "
date value
1/11/2011 5
1/11/2011 4
1/11/2011 2
8/11/2011 1
13/11/2011 0
14/11/2011 0
15/11/2011 0
18/11/2011 1
21/11/2011 4
5/12/2011 3
DT <- = Lines, header = TRUE))
DT$date <- as.Date(DF$date, format = "%d/%m/%Y")
DT$row <- 1:NROW(DF)
setkey(DT, row, date) #mark columns as sorted, for speed
Note that I added a vector to the data table containing the row number, so that we can pass row number into the apply function. I also used data table to simplify syntax for the next step, and to speed up the function if it is applied to large arrays. Now, we use apply as follows:
roll.median.DT <- function(x){ <- as.Date(x[1])
this.row <- as.numeric(x[3])
median(DT[row <= this.row & date >= (]$value) #NB DT is not defined within function, so it is found from parent scope
apply(DT, FUN=roll.median.DT, MARGIN = 1)
[1] 5.0 4.5 4.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 3.0