股票价格数据 - 当前和历史 - 付费/免费

时间:2021-01-19 12:33:51

There are countless questions asking where you can get reliable stock data for a commercial app for free but this seems a pretty hopeless task. Does anyone know anywhere it can be found for a reasonable price?


1 个解决方案



Well you may not consider these prices to be reasonable but you can check out xignite. BATS sells its last sale feed for $25K per month for external distribution. In general there is no feed that is cheap that will enable you to redistribute it.

那么你可能不认为这些价格是合理的,但你可以看看xignite。 BATS以每月25,000美元的价格出售其最后一笔销售,用于外部分销。一般来说,没有便宜的饲料可以让你重新分配它。



Well you may not consider these prices to be reasonable but you can check out xignite. BATS sells its last sale feed for $25K per month for external distribution. In general there is no feed that is cheap that will enable you to redistribute it.

那么你可能不认为这些价格是合理的,但你可以看看xignite。 BATS以每月25,000美元的价格出售其最后一笔销售,用于外部分销。一般来说,没有便宜的饲料可以让你重新分配它。