jquery flot条形图多个系列

时间:2021-03-16 12:32:57

in order to make things easy to undertand i'm providing the code: http://jsbin.com/otaruq


what we have here is a data set like this: (look the source for more)


 "label": "scott",
    "data": [[1317427200000, "17017"], [1317513600000, "77260"]]

where the first value is a date in UTC format and second should be score.


now, what i'm trying to do is to have for each date in the y axis the bars representing the score side by side, like below:


   3 | #                          # 
   2 | # #         #   #          # #
   1 | # # #       # # #        # # #
   0 |_________________________________
     1 oct         2 oct        3 oct

instead now as you can see the bars are staked each one over the other.


any help would be really appreaciated, thank's


1 个解决方案



The easiest way to do this would be to manually jitter your x values. I found that 50,0000 milliseconds is a good jitter for your bar width.


It produces the following:


jquery flot条形图多个系列

Full code:

var data = [{
     "label": "scott",
     "data": [[1317427200000-5000000*3, "17017"], [1317513600000-5000000*5, "77260"]]
     "label": "martin",
     "data": [[1317427200000-5000000*2, "96113"], [1317513600000-5000000*4, "33407"]]
     "label": "solonio",
     "data": [[1317427200000-5000000, "13041"], [1317513600000-5000000*3, "82943"]]
     "label": "swarowsky",
     "data": [[1317427200000, "83479"], [1317513600000-5000000*2, "96357"], [1317600000000-5000000, "55431"]]
     "label": "elvis",
     "data": [[1317427200000+5000000, "40114"], [1317513600000-5000000*1, "47065"]]
     "label": "alan",
     "data": [[1317427200000+5000000*2, "82504"], [1317513600000, "46577"]]
     "label": "tony",
     "data": [[1317513600000+5000000, "88967"]]
     "label": "bill",
     "data": [[1317513600000+5000000*2, "60187"], [1317600000000, "39090"]]
     "label": "tim",
     "data": [[1317513600000+5000000*3, "95382"], [1317600000000+5000000, "89699"]]
     "label": "britney",
     "data": [[1317513600000+5000000*4, "76772"]]
     "label": "logan",
     "data": [[1317513600000+5000000*5, "88674"]]
     var options = {
         series: {
             bars: {
                 show: true,
                 barWidth: 60 * 60 * 1000,
                 align: 'center'
         yaxes: {
             min: 0
         xaxis: {
             mode: 'time',
             timeformat: "%b %d",
             minTickSize: [1, "month"],
             tickSize: [1, "day"],
             autoscaleMargin: .10
 $(function() {
     $.plot($('#placeholder'), data, options);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://people.iola.dk/olau/flot/jquery.flot.js"></script>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <div id="placeholder" style="width:800px;height:400px;"></div>



The easiest way to do this would be to manually jitter your x values. I found that 50,0000 milliseconds is a good jitter for your bar width.


It produces the following:


jquery flot条形图多个系列

Full code:

var data = [{
     "label": "scott",
     "data": [[1317427200000-5000000*3, "17017"], [1317513600000-5000000*5, "77260"]]
     "label": "martin",
     "data": [[1317427200000-5000000*2, "96113"], [1317513600000-5000000*4, "33407"]]
     "label": "solonio",
     "data": [[1317427200000-5000000, "13041"], [1317513600000-5000000*3, "82943"]]
     "label": "swarowsky",
     "data": [[1317427200000, "83479"], [1317513600000-5000000*2, "96357"], [1317600000000-5000000, "55431"]]
     "label": "elvis",
     "data": [[1317427200000+5000000, "40114"], [1317513600000-5000000*1, "47065"]]
     "label": "alan",
     "data": [[1317427200000+5000000*2, "82504"], [1317513600000, "46577"]]
     "label": "tony",
     "data": [[1317513600000+5000000, "88967"]]
     "label": "bill",
     "data": [[1317513600000+5000000*2, "60187"], [1317600000000, "39090"]]
     "label": "tim",
     "data": [[1317513600000+5000000*3, "95382"], [1317600000000+5000000, "89699"]]
     "label": "britney",
     "data": [[1317513600000+5000000*4, "76772"]]
     "label": "logan",
     "data": [[1317513600000+5000000*5, "88674"]]
     var options = {
         series: {
             bars: {
                 show: true,
                 barWidth: 60 * 60 * 1000,
                 align: 'center'
         yaxes: {
             min: 0
         xaxis: {
             mode: 'time',
             timeformat: "%b %d",
             minTickSize: [1, "month"],
             tickSize: [1, "day"],
             autoscaleMargin: .10
 $(function() {
     $.plot($('#placeholder'), data, options);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://people.iola.dk/olau/flot/jquery.flot.js"></script>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <div id="placeholder" style="width:800px;height:400px;"></div>