mysql,ifnull vs coalesce,哪个更快?

时间:2021-08-15 11:46:10

if it's known that there are only two values to candidate for the result of a column,


ifnull(a, b) as a_or_b_1


coalesce(a, b) as a_or_b_2

will give the same result. but which is faster? when searching i found this article, which says ifnull is faster. but it was the only article i found. any views on this?


thanks in advance :)

提前致谢 :)

1 个解决方案



My view is that you should benchmark for your usage.


I doubt there will be much difference. Bear in mind that while a single benchmark might suggest that one is slightly better, variation in the data over time might change that result.


Also note that COALESCE has been part of standard SQL since 1992 - I'm not sure IFNULL is in any standard yet.

另请注意,COALESCE自1992年以来一直是标准SQL的一部分 - 我不确定IFNULL是否符合任何标准。

There's a nice article by Adam Machanic about benchmarking an equivalent scenario - Performance: ISNULL vs. COALESCE (in SQL Server). Note some of the provisos on getting a valid test.

Adam Machanic有一篇关于对等效场景进行基准测试的好文章 - 性能:ISNULL与COALESCE(在SQL Server中)。请注意获得有效测试的一些附带条件。



My view is that you should benchmark for your usage.


I doubt there will be much difference. Bear in mind that while a single benchmark might suggest that one is slightly better, variation in the data over time might change that result.


Also note that COALESCE has been part of standard SQL since 1992 - I'm not sure IFNULL is in any standard yet.

另请注意,COALESCE自1992年以来一直是标准SQL的一部分 - 我不确定IFNULL是否符合任何标准。

There's a nice article by Adam Machanic about benchmarking an equivalent scenario - Performance: ISNULL vs. COALESCE (in SQL Server). Note some of the provisos on getting a valid test.

Adam Machanic有一篇关于对等效场景进行基准测试的好文章 - 性能:ISNULL与COALESCE(在SQL Server中)。请注意获得有效测试的一些附带条件。