
时间:2022-05-18 11:45:30

Using TypeScript and react-navigation is get the following TypeScript issue:


  Property 'Principles' is incompatible with index signature.
    Type '{ screen: (props: any) => Element; path: string; }' is not assignable to type 'NavigationRouteConfig'.
      Type '{ screen: (props: any) => Element; path: string; }' is not assignable to type '{ navigationOptions?: any; path?: string; } & { getScreen: () => NavigationComponent; }'.
        Type '{ screen: (props: any) => Element; path: string; }' is not assignable to type '{ getScreen: () => NavigationComponent; }'.
          Property 'getScreen' is missing in type '{ screen: (props: any) => Element; path: string; }'.

Here is the code in my navigator:


const MainNavigator: NavigationContainer = StackNavigator({
    Principles: {
      screen: props => <WebViewModal source={{ uri: MY_URI }} {...props} />,
      path: 'principles',

And that is the code of the WebViewModal:


export interface IWebViewModalProps extends WebViewProperties, NavigationScreenProps {}

class WebViewModal extends Component<IWebViewModalProps> {
  closeModal = () => {

  render() {
    const {...props } = this.props;
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
        <TopNavigationBar left={<Icon name="close" onPress={this.closeModal} />} />
        <WebView {...props} />

export default WebViewModal;

How can I fix this typescript issue?


1 个解决方案



Looking at the index.d.ts of react-navigation, I see that you can do something like:


Principles: {
  getScreen: () => props => <WebViewModal source={{ uri: MY_URI }} {...props} />,
  path: 'principles',

However, I was also able to get rid of this error when I saw it without changing the code, but simply deleted node_modules and yarn.lock and ran yarn install again.

但是,当我在不更改代码的情况下看到它时,我也能够摆脱这个错误,但只是删除了node_modules和yarn.lock并再次运行yarn install。



Looking at the index.d.ts of react-navigation, I see that you can do something like:


Principles: {
  getScreen: () => props => <WebViewModal source={{ uri: MY_URI }} {...props} />,
  path: 'principles',

However, I was also able to get rid of this error when I saw it without changing the code, but simply deleted node_modules and yarn.lock and ran yarn install again.

但是,当我在不更改代码的情况下看到它时,我也能够摆脱这个错误,但只是删除了node_modules和yarn.lock并再次运行yarn install。