
时间:2022-01-22 11:46:52

I need to create a generic queue that can be queued my multiple producers, and de-queued by multiple consumers.


I want the system to at least try twice in case it attempts an operation during changes to the system, so if a process thread fails, The now flagged qBit is queued again, then when processed again, the thread performing that operation will know that another thread has already tried this operation once, and if it fails, ship this particular one off to a remediation queue for outside intervention.


So.... to the actual question, I realize that the state of the queue could change between contains() and a queue operation, like sockets checking is just a form of error control, not a substitution. I did t this way because two producer threads may otherwise toss an error when two of the same id (identified by GUIDs) try and queue what would otherwise be different object instances of a qBit.


The question is, is this a reasonable implementation? I cannot see it ever becoming deadlocked because all the methods would return regardless of the result of processing a qBit, and this allows me to somewhat prevent some of those..


Thoughts and or second set of eyes please?


public class tsQueue<t>
    object syncLock = new object();
    private Queue<qBit<t>> Q = new Queue<qBit<t>>();
    List<t> contents = new List<t>();

    public qBit<t> deQueue()
        lock (syncLock)
            qBit<t> pop =  Q.Dequeue();
            return pop;

    public void enQueue(qBit<t> push)
        lock (syncLock)

    public bool contains(t check) {
        lock (syncLock)
            return contents.Contains(check);

    public class qBit<t>
        public bool flag { get; set; }
        private t _item;
        public t item { get { return _item; } }

        public qBit(t item)
            this._item = item;

1 个解决方案



ConcurrentQueue is a thread safe implementation that does exactly what you need. It will also definitely be faster that your own code. Use this link to see the source code of the ConcurrentQueue implementation.




ConcurrentQueue is a thread safe implementation that does exactly what you need. It will also definitely be faster that your own code. Use this link to see the source code of the ConcurrentQueue implementation.
