什么是“??”运算符? [重复]

时间:2021-08-25 11:42:53

This question already has an answer here:


I was wondering about ?? signs in C# code. What is it for? And how can I use it?


What about int?? Is it a nullable int?


See also:

?? Null Coalescing Operator —> What does coalescing mean?

??空融合算子 - >合并是什么意思?

12 个解决方案


It's called the "null coalescing operator" and works something like this:


Instead of doing:


int? number = null;
int result = number == null ? 0 : number;

You can now just do:


int result = number ?? 0;


It's the null coalescing operator. It was introduced in C# 2.


The result of the expression a ?? b is a if that's not null, or b otherwise. b isn't evaluated unless it's needed.

表达式的结果是?? b是if不为null,否则为b。除非需要,否则不评估b。

Two nice things:


  • The overall type of the expression is that of the second operand, which is important when you're using nullable value types:


    int? maybe = ...;
    int definitely = maybe ?? 10;

    (Note that you can't use a non-nullable value type as the first operand - it would be pointless.)

    (请注意,您不能使用非可空值类型作为第一个操作数 - 它将毫无意义。)

  • The associativity rules mean you can chain this really easily. For example:


    string address = shippingAddress ?? billingAddress ?? contactAddress;

That will use the first non-null value out of the shipping, billing or contact address.



That is the coalesce operator. It essentially is shorthand for the following


x ?? new Student();
x != null ? x : new Student();

MSDN Documentation on the operator



It's the new Null Coalesce operator.

这是新的Null Coalesce运算符。

The ?? operator returns the left-hand operand if it is not null, or else it returns the right operand.

?? ??如果左侧操作数不为null,则运算符返回左侧操作数,否则返回右侧操作数。

You can read about it here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173224(VS.80).aspx



It is a shortcut for:


Text = (category == null ? "Home" : category);


it's the coalesce operator. it will return another value if the first value is null


string value1 = null;
string value2 = "other";

string value3 = value1 ?? value2; // assigns "other" to value 3


it checks if category is null - when this is the case the null value is replaced by "Home".

它检查category是否为null - 在这种情况下,null值被“Home”替换。


One of my favorite uses for the null coalescing operator is to avoid if statements in my code (I think if statements are ugly and just clutter things up most times). For example, take a typical scenario where one might choose to load something from cache if available, otherwise load from the db and populate the cache.


private SomeData GetData() {
    var data = HttpRuntime.Cache.Get("key") as SomeData;

    if (data == null) {
        data = DAL.GetData(some parameters...);
        HttpRuntime.Cache.Add("key", data, ....);

    return data;

To me, that's ugly code. I may be a bit anal, but why not refactor it to this instead?


private SomeData GetDataAndCache() {
    var data = DAL.GetData(some parameters...);
    HttpRuntime.Cache.Add("key", data, ....);
    return data;

private SomeData GetData() {
    var data = HttpRuntime.Cache.Get("key") as SomeData;
    return data ?? GetDataAndCache();

It more closely follows SRP and is cleaner and easier to read, IMO. The functions perform exactly one clearly identifiable function each.



if category is null, Text will become "Home"



Returns the first not-null value. Handy.



?? Null-Coalescing Operator


int? is a nullable int, which means it can have the values of a normal int and null. Read this for details.



That's the null-coalescing operator . It's used with nullable types (among other things, sorry :)



It's called the "null coalescing operator" and works something like this:


Instead of doing:


int? number = null;
int result = number == null ? 0 : number;

You can now just do:


int result = number ?? 0;


It's the null coalescing operator. It was introduced in C# 2.


The result of the expression a ?? b is a if that's not null, or b otherwise. b isn't evaluated unless it's needed.

表达式的结果是?? b是if不为null,否则为b。除非需要,否则不评估b。

Two nice things:


  • The overall type of the expression is that of the second operand, which is important when you're using nullable value types:


    int? maybe = ...;
    int definitely = maybe ?? 10;

    (Note that you can't use a non-nullable value type as the first operand - it would be pointless.)

    (请注意,您不能使用非可空值类型作为第一个操作数 - 它将毫无意义。)

  • The associativity rules mean you can chain this really easily. For example:


    string address = shippingAddress ?? billingAddress ?? contactAddress;

That will use the first non-null value out of the shipping, billing or contact address.



That is the coalesce operator. It essentially is shorthand for the following


x ?? new Student();
x != null ? x : new Student();

MSDN Documentation on the operator



It's the new Null Coalesce operator.

这是新的Null Coalesce运算符。

The ?? operator returns the left-hand operand if it is not null, or else it returns the right operand.

?? ??如果左侧操作数不为null,则运算符返回左侧操作数,否则返回右侧操作数。

You can read about it here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173224(VS.80).aspx



It is a shortcut for:


Text = (category == null ? "Home" : category);


it's the coalesce operator. it will return another value if the first value is null


string value1 = null;
string value2 = "other";

string value3 = value1 ?? value2; // assigns "other" to value 3


it checks if category is null - when this is the case the null value is replaced by "Home".

它检查category是否为null - 在这种情况下,null值被“Home”替换。


One of my favorite uses for the null coalescing operator is to avoid if statements in my code (I think if statements are ugly and just clutter things up most times). For example, take a typical scenario where one might choose to load something from cache if available, otherwise load from the db and populate the cache.


private SomeData GetData() {
    var data = HttpRuntime.Cache.Get("key") as SomeData;

    if (data == null) {
        data = DAL.GetData(some parameters...);
        HttpRuntime.Cache.Add("key", data, ....);

    return data;

To me, that's ugly code. I may be a bit anal, but why not refactor it to this instead?


private SomeData GetDataAndCache() {
    var data = DAL.GetData(some parameters...);
    HttpRuntime.Cache.Add("key", data, ....);
    return data;

private SomeData GetData() {
    var data = HttpRuntime.Cache.Get("key") as SomeData;
    return data ?? GetDataAndCache();

It more closely follows SRP and is cleaner and easier to read, IMO. The functions perform exactly one clearly identifiable function each.



if category is null, Text will become "Home"



Returns the first not-null value. Handy.



?? Null-Coalescing Operator


int? is a nullable int, which means it can have the values of a normal int and null. Read this for details.



That's the null-coalescing operator . It's used with nullable types (among other things, sorry :)
