
时间:2021-02-12 11:30:59

I have a table called branch (branchid, branchname) and another table called transfer transfer(tranferid, sourcebranch, destinationbranch)

我有一个名为branch的表(branchid, branchname)和另一个名为transfer transfer的表(tranferid, sourcebranch, destinationbranch)

both sourcebranch and destinationbranch are Fk to the branchid of of branch table. I need to show a query that looks like this


Tranferid Source Destination 4 uk us

Tranferid来源目的地4 uk us

but all I can get is something like this


Tranferid Source Destinationid 4 uk 3

Tranferid来源Destinationid 4 uk 3。

query sample


select tranferid, branch.branchname, transfer.destinationbranch from transfer inner join branch on branch.branchid == transfer.sourcebranch

选择tranferid,分支。分支机构:分支机构:分支机构。branchid = = transfer.sourcebranch

How do I get the destination branch to show. CTE on my mind


1 个解决方案



You need to join table branch on table transfer twice so you can get the value for each column.


SELECT  a.*, 
        b.branchName AS sourceBranchName,
        c.branchName AS destinationBranchName
FROM    transfer a
        INNER JOIN branch b
            ON a.sourcebranch = b.branchID
        INNER JOIN branch c
            ON a.destinationbranch = c.branchID

To further gain more knowledge about joins, kindly visit the link below:




You need to join table branch on table transfer twice so you can get the value for each column.


SELECT  a.*, 
        b.branchName AS sourceBranchName,
        c.branchName AS destinationBranchName
FROM    transfer a
        INNER JOIN branch b
            ON a.sourcebranch = b.branchID
        INNER JOIN branch c
            ON a.destinationbranch = c.branchID

To further gain more knowledge about joins, kindly visit the link below:
