
时间:2022-10-27 11:26:11


  1. create:创建数据库及表对象
  2. drop:删除数据库及表对象
  3. alter:修改数据库及表对象


  1. insert:向表中插入数据
  2. delete:将表中数据删除
  3. update:更改表中数据
  4. select:检索表中数据


  1. grant:给用户授权
  2. revoke:回收用户权限


mysql> create table customers
-> (
-> cust_id int(4) primary key not null auto_increment, #创建表格,指定了主键,不允许为空,自增张
-> cust_name char(20) not null,
-> cust_sex char(5) not null,
-> cust_add char(20) not null default 'china', #默认值为'China'
-> cust_city char(20) not null default 'beijing'
-> );


1. MariaDB [test]> alter table test.customers
-> change column cust_sex sex char(2) null default 'M';
//修改表中字段名称及数据类型,change子句。 2. MariaDB [test]> alter table test.customers
-> alter column cust_city set default 'hangzhou';
//alter子句用来修改表中字段的默认值的。 3. MariaDB [test]> alter table test.customers
-> modify column cust_name char(20) first;
//modify子句用来修改表中字段的数据类型,first表示将这个字段设为第一列。 4. MariaDB [test]> alter table test.customers
-> drop column sex;
//drop子句用来删除表中字段(列,一个意思,别混淆) MariaDB [test]> desc test.customers;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| cust_name | char(20) | YES | | NULL | |
| cust_id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| cust_add | varchar(50) | NO | | fd | |
| cust_city | char(10) | NO | | hangzhou | |
| cust_contact | char(50) | NO | | NULL | |
+--------------+-------------+------+-----+----------+----------------+ 5. MariaDB [test]> alter table test.customers
-> rename to test.customers_backup;
MariaDB [test]> rename table test.customers_backup to test.customers;
//rename子句用来修改表的名称 6. MariaDB [test]> show tables from test;
//查看test库下表 7. MariaDB [test]> show columns from test.customers;


MariaDB [(none)]> insert into
-> test.customers
-> values
-> ('zhangsan',101,'qiao','BeiJing','Ali');
//向表中插入数据,千万要注意符合设定的约束即数据类型,字符要加引号。 MariaDB [(none)]> insert into test.customers
-> set cust_name='111',cust_add='WU';
//插入单个或多个指定字段的数据。 还有一个用法就是,insert……select,将从某个表对象查询的表插入到这个表对象中,需要注意的是,要注意数据类型一致性


MariaDB [(none)]> delete from test.customers
-> where cust_name='lisi';


MariaDB [(none)]> update test.customers
-> set cust_add='ShanTou'
-> where cust_name='zhangsan';


MariaDB [(none)]> select cust_name from test.customers where cust_name='qiao1';
//查询指定字段,并满足where子句的条件。 MariaDB [(none)]> select cust_name,cust_add as dizhi from test.customers;
| cust_name | dizhi |
| qiao1 | BJ |
| qiao2 | CD |
//as后起一个别名,并不改变表中数据 MariaDB [(none)]> select cust_name, case when cust_add='BJ' then 'BeiJing' else 'other city' end as dizhi from test.customers;
| cust_name | dizhi |
| qiao1 | BeiJing |
| qiao2 | other city |
+-----------+------------+ MariaDB [(none)]> select cust_name,cust_id+1000000000000000000000000000000 from test.customers;
| cust_name | cust_id+1000000000000000000000000000000 |
| qiao1 | 1000000000000000000000000000111 |
| qiao2 | 1000000000000000000000000000112 |