从MySQL数据库填充Android微调器 - 列表中没有项目显示

时间:2021-09-15 11:17:12

I just want to make a simple spinner in my android app. When i try to set items in a spinner, but no items in the list displayed.


My PHP file:


$con = mysqli_connect("xxxx","xxxx","xxxx","xxxx");
$sql = "select * from mata_kuliah";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $sql) or die("Error in Selecting " . mysqli_error($con));

//create an array
$response = array();
while($row =mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
    $response[] = $row;

echo json_encode($response); 

It returns a json string in this format:



My activity code:


package com.qalbistudio.kartukontrolapp;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.Spinner;
import android.widget.TextView;

import com.android.volley.RequestQueue;
import com.android.volley.Response;
import com.android.volley.toolbox.Volley;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

    public class DaftarNilaiUtama1 extends AppCompatActivity {

        Spinner sp;
        TextView textView;

        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

            sp = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.spinner);

            Response.Listener<String> responseListener = new Response.Listener<String>() {

            public void onResponse(String response) {
                try {

                    JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(response);
                    JSONArray jsonMainNode = jsonResponse.optJSONArray("response");

                    List<String> item = new ArrayList<String>();

                        for(int i = 0; i < jsonMainNode.length(); i++){

                            JSONObject jsonChildNode = jsonMainNode.getJSONObject(i);
                            String nama1 = jsonChildNode.optString("id_matkul");


                            ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(DaftarNilaiUtama1.this,android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item, item);



                    } catch (JSONException e) {


        SpRequest spreq = new SpRequest(responseListener);
        RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(DaftarNilaiUtama1.this);

My server request code:


import com.android.volley.Response;
import com.android.volley.toolbox.StringRequest;

import java.util.Map;

 * Created by callbee on 20/05/2016.
public class SpRequest extends StringRequest {
    private static final String URL = "";
    private Map<String, String> params;

    public SpRequest(Response.Listener<String> listener) {
        super(Method.POST, URL, listener, null);

    public Map<String, String> getParams() {
        return params;

2 个解决方案



Do not create the adapter and set adapter for spinner inside the for loop.
You adapter will create multiple time


List<String> item = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < jsonMainNode.length(); i++) {
    JSONObject jsonChildNode = jsonMainNode.getJSONObject(i);
    String nama1 = jsonChildNode.optString("id_matkul");

ArrayAdapter < String > adapter = new ArrayAdapter < String > (DaftarNilaiUtama1.this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item, item);



Updating from an external server (a task whose completion time may take ages [in processing time]) must be made from within a Thread, like this:


private boolean updateWorkingData() {
    boolean flagOK = false;
    Thread thisThread = null;
    try {
        thisThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                Log.w(TAG,"inside JSON thread");
                String urlRest = ""; // TODO 20160523 create a PROPER restful call, verify format
                JSONArray jsonArray = new DbConnectJson().getJSONfromURL(urlRest);
                JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
                String[][] stringTemp = new String[jsonArray.length()][3];
                try {
                    for (int i=0;i<jsonArray.length();i++) {
                        jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
                        stringTemp[i][0] = jsonObject.getString("id_matkul");
                        stringTemp[i][1] = jsonObject.getString("kode_matkul");
                        stringTemp[i][2] = jsonObject.getString("nama_matkul"); // etc
                        Log.d(TAG,"id:["+stringTemp[i][0]+"] kode:["+stringTemp[i][1]+"] nama_matkul:["+stringTemp[i][2]+"]");
                    // TODO 20160523 populate spinner from string array

                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    Log.e(TAG,"CRASHED JSONOBJECT matkul update");
        flagOK = true; // means that the thread was CALLED without CRASH
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(TAG,"CRASHED JSONOBJECT Thread");
    return flagOK;  

when you call this thread, you must have protocols of LATER verifying if it worked ok and data was updated.


I would further recommend that you save your spinner data to a SQLite adapter (think of of a MySQL table), which will be stored in a permanent manner with security (it is saved in app's sandbox, inaccessible from outside apps - not what happens if you save data to a TXT file on your device).

我还建议你将微调器数据保存到SQLite适配器(想想一个MySQL表),它将以永久的方式存储安全性(它保存在应用程序的沙箱中,无法从外部应用程序访问 - 如果不是您将数据保存到设备上的TXT文件中)。

Therefore, user doesnt absolutely have to go online EVERY time he/she fires app up.


When app loads, you verify if there is data in adapter and use that data, while you check your RESTful php on your server (as a background test) and establish if updates are available. If, and only if, your app confirms the need to update app fires the update thread again.

当应用程序加载时,验证适配器中是否有数据并使用该数据,同时检查服务器上的RESTful php(作为后台测试)并确定是否有可用的更新。如果且仅当您的应用确认需要更新应用时再次触发更新线程。



Do not create the adapter and set adapter for spinner inside the for loop.
You adapter will create multiple time


List<String> item = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < jsonMainNode.length(); i++) {
    JSONObject jsonChildNode = jsonMainNode.getJSONObject(i);
    String nama1 = jsonChildNode.optString("id_matkul");

ArrayAdapter < String > adapter = new ArrayAdapter < String > (DaftarNilaiUtama1.this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item, item);



Updating from an external server (a task whose completion time may take ages [in processing time]) must be made from within a Thread, like this:


private boolean updateWorkingData() {
    boolean flagOK = false;
    Thread thisThread = null;
    try {
        thisThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                Log.w(TAG,"inside JSON thread");
                String urlRest = ""; // TODO 20160523 create a PROPER restful call, verify format
                JSONArray jsonArray = new DbConnectJson().getJSONfromURL(urlRest);
                JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
                String[][] stringTemp = new String[jsonArray.length()][3];
                try {
                    for (int i=0;i<jsonArray.length();i++) {
                        jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
                        stringTemp[i][0] = jsonObject.getString("id_matkul");
                        stringTemp[i][1] = jsonObject.getString("kode_matkul");
                        stringTemp[i][2] = jsonObject.getString("nama_matkul"); // etc
                        Log.d(TAG,"id:["+stringTemp[i][0]+"] kode:["+stringTemp[i][1]+"] nama_matkul:["+stringTemp[i][2]+"]");
                    // TODO 20160523 populate spinner from string array

                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    Log.e(TAG,"CRASHED JSONOBJECT matkul update");
        flagOK = true; // means that the thread was CALLED without CRASH
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(TAG,"CRASHED JSONOBJECT Thread");
    return flagOK;  

when you call this thread, you must have protocols of LATER verifying if it worked ok and data was updated.


I would further recommend that you save your spinner data to a SQLite adapter (think of of a MySQL table), which will be stored in a permanent manner with security (it is saved in app's sandbox, inaccessible from outside apps - not what happens if you save data to a TXT file on your device).

我还建议你将微调器数据保存到SQLite适配器(想想一个MySQL表),它将以永久的方式存储安全性(它保存在应用程序的沙箱中,无法从外部应用程序访问 - 如果不是您将数据保存到设备上的TXT文件中)。

Therefore, user doesnt absolutely have to go online EVERY time he/she fires app up.


When app loads, you verify if there is data in adapter and use that data, while you check your RESTful php on your server (as a background test) and establish if updates are available. If, and only if, your app confirms the need to update app fires the update thread again.

当应用程序加载时,验证适配器中是否有数据并使用该数据,同时检查服务器上的RESTful php(作为后台测试)并确定是否有可用的更新。如果且仅当您的应用确认需要更新应用时再次触发更新线程。