
时间:2021-05-05 11:15:26

For a Google Maps application, I need to create a query that selects all items in my database that fall within a certain radius from a given latitude/longitude, given the lat/lng of each point. Is there an efficient way to do this in the Django ORM?

对于Google地图应用程序,我需要创建一个查询,根据每个点的纬度/经度,选择数据库中距离给定纬度/经度的特定半径内的所有项目。有没有一种有效的方法在Django ORM中执行此操作?

The best way I have come up with thus far is to select all points that will fall within a bounding square of that circle (with __range) and then call a iterative function on all the selected listings to determine whether they really fall in the circle.


My feeling is there might be a more efficient way - how would you do it?

我的感觉是可能有一种更有效的方式 - 你会怎么做?

1 个解决方案

