
时间:2021-04-29 10:37:30

I try to add a new Country which has a link to continent. When I press the "Create" button, it doesn't add a new record. I debugged my project and I think it's because the ValidState is false. The reason because of this is that the property "Continent" is null, but the Continent_Id isn't. I have the same problem when I try to edit an existing Country. (I have populated my database with an SQL script in SQL Management Studio)

我试图添加一个与大陆有联系的新国家。当我按下“创建”按钮时,它不会添加新的记录。我调试了我的项目,我认为这是因为ValidState是假的。因为这个原因,属性“大洲”是null,而Continent_Id不是。当我试图编辑一个现有的国家时,我也有同样的问题。(我在SQL Management Studio中使用SQL脚本填充我的数据库)

Can someone help me please?


Continent class:


public class Continent
    public int Id { get; set; }
    [Required, MaxLength(25)]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public virtual List<Country> Countries { get; set; }

Country class


public class Country
    public int Id { get; set; }
    [Required, MaxLength(25)]
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Abbreviation { get; set; }

    public int Continent_Id { get; set; }

    [Required, ForeignKey("Continent_Id")]
    public virtual Continent Continent { get; set; }


Controller class ( create function )


    // GET: /Countries/Create

    public ActionResult Create()
        ViewBag.Continent_Id = new SelectList(db.Continents, "Id", "Name");
        return View();

    // POST: /Countries/Create

    public ActionResult Create(Country country)
       var errors = ModelState.Values.SelectMany(v => v.Errors); //to check the errors
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            return RedirectToAction("Index");

        ViewBag.Continent_Id = new SelectList(db.Continents, "Id", "Name", country.Continent_Id);
        return View(country);

4 个解决方案



Just before the line if (ModelState.IsValid) put this ModelState.Remove("v_id"); Where v_id is your primarykey column name in your case




I'm not sure, but I believe your issue is timing. Model validation happens automatically during binding; at that time, the Continent property is null. You set the property later but the model state is not re-evaluated when you check IsValid. I see three options:


  • Quick and dirty: Take the Required validation off of Continent and validate Continent_Id instead, adding a check in the controller to ensure a valid Continent is retrieved from Find().
  • 快速而又脏:将必需的验证从大洲中取出并验证Continent_Id,在控制器中添加一个检查,以确保从Find()检索到一个有效的洲。
  • Most work: Create a custom model binder to actually use the Continent_Id to retrieve and populate the Continent. You are almost there on this one since having both Continent_Id and Continent as properties of Country is redundant and an opportunity for inconsistencies.
  • 大多数工作:创建一个自定义模型绑定器来实际使用Continent_Id来检索和填充该大陆。由于有Continent_Id和Continent作为国家属性是冗余的,并且存在不一致的机会,所以您几乎是在这个问题上。
  • Probably best option: Make your controller accept a view model that only has the data you expect to come back from the form and populate a Country object from it.
  • 可能是最好的选择:让您的控制器接受一个视图模型,该模型只包含您希望从表单返回的数据,并从表单中填充一个Country对象。



I fixed this issue by putting the Required validation off of Continent, and set it only at the Continent_Id. Now the ID property is required, but the Continent isn't.


public class Country
public int Id { get; set; }
[Required, MaxLength(25)]
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Abbreviation { get; set; }

[Required] //added Required
public int Continent_Id { get; set; }

[ForeignKey("Continent_Id")] //removed Required
public virtual Continent Continent { get; set; }


Thanks for the responses !




The reason the ModelState isn't valid is because you have marked the Continent property as required but in i guess in your view you don't have form fields the will bind to some properties of the Continent object.


So either don't mark the Continent object as required or provide a hidden field with a name of Continent.Id or Continent.Name so that the model binder will populate the Continent property:


@Html.HiddenFor(m => m.Continent.Id)

But that will lead to the next problem: You habe marked the Name property of the Continent class as required so you will have to provide a form field for that property too.


The base problem is, that you try to reuse your repository classes as viewmodel classes. A better approach would be to use separate classes as viewmodels to pass your data between the controller and the view:


class CountryViewModel {
    public int Id { get; set; }
    [Required, MaxLength(25)]
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Abbreviation { get; set; }

    public int Continent_Id { get; set; }

To map between your Country and CountryViewModel object use a mapper like AutoMapper.




Just before the line if (ModelState.IsValid) put this ModelState.Remove("v_id"); Where v_id is your primarykey column name in your case




I'm not sure, but I believe your issue is timing. Model validation happens automatically during binding; at that time, the Continent property is null. You set the property later but the model state is not re-evaluated when you check IsValid. I see three options:


  • Quick and dirty: Take the Required validation off of Continent and validate Continent_Id instead, adding a check in the controller to ensure a valid Continent is retrieved from Find().
  • 快速而又脏:将必需的验证从大洲中取出并验证Continent_Id,在控制器中添加一个检查,以确保从Find()检索到一个有效的洲。
  • Most work: Create a custom model binder to actually use the Continent_Id to retrieve and populate the Continent. You are almost there on this one since having both Continent_Id and Continent as properties of Country is redundant and an opportunity for inconsistencies.
  • 大多数工作:创建一个自定义模型绑定器来实际使用Continent_Id来检索和填充该大陆。由于有Continent_Id和Continent作为国家属性是冗余的,并且存在不一致的机会,所以您几乎是在这个问题上。
  • Probably best option: Make your controller accept a view model that only has the data you expect to come back from the form and populate a Country object from it.
  • 可能是最好的选择:让您的控制器接受一个视图模型,该模型只包含您希望从表单返回的数据,并从表单中填充一个Country对象。



I fixed this issue by putting the Required validation off of Continent, and set it only at the Continent_Id. Now the ID property is required, but the Continent isn't.


public class Country
public int Id { get; set; }
[Required, MaxLength(25)]
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Abbreviation { get; set; }

[Required] //added Required
public int Continent_Id { get; set; }

[ForeignKey("Continent_Id")] //removed Required
public virtual Continent Continent { get; set; }


Thanks for the responses !




The reason the ModelState isn't valid is because you have marked the Continent property as required but in i guess in your view you don't have form fields the will bind to some properties of the Continent object.


So either don't mark the Continent object as required or provide a hidden field with a name of Continent.Id or Continent.Name so that the model binder will populate the Continent property:


@Html.HiddenFor(m => m.Continent.Id)

But that will lead to the next problem: You habe marked the Name property of the Continent class as required so you will have to provide a form field for that property too.


The base problem is, that you try to reuse your repository classes as viewmodel classes. A better approach would be to use separate classes as viewmodels to pass your data between the controller and the view:


class CountryViewModel {
    public int Id { get; set; }
    [Required, MaxLength(25)]
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Abbreviation { get; set; }

    public int Continent_Id { get; set; }

To map between your Country and CountryViewModel object use a mapper like AutoMapper.
