
时间:2021-05-12 10:09:38

We're having a small issue and could use some help - we have the need to combine multiple resultsets from one stored procedure into one resultset (the limitation of our Java reporting framework). We've looked at Union, etc. but the problem is that the stored procedure resultsets are multiple crosstab results and the (1) number of columns for each resultset are unknown and (2) the column names for each resultset are unknown.

我们遇到了一个小问题并且可以使用一些帮助 - 我们需要将来自一个存储过程的多个结果集合并到一个结果集中(我们的Java报告框架的限制)。我们已经查看了Union等,但问题是存储过程结果集是多个交叉表结果,并且每个结果集的(1)列数是未知的,(2)每个结果集的列名是未知的。

Basically, if the sp_ has 3 results like:


ID Name

1 Sam

2 Time

ID FName LName

ID FName LName

1 John Jacob


2 Tim Test


3 Sam Hopkins

3 Sam Hopkins

ID Amount

1 1000

2 5000

The ideal result would basically return the above text as-is which our framework would print to the user. Also please note that these 3-4 resultsets are not related to each other.


We're using SQL Server 2000 and Java 1.4.

我们正在使用SQL Server 2000和Java 1.4。

Any advice would be appreciated.


Thanks, SP

PS: An alternative explaination in case the one above is not very clear. In SQL Query Analyzer if we have 3 select statements:


select * from countries; {returns id,countryname,countrycode}

从国家/地区选择*; {return id,countryname,countrycode}

select * from people; {id,countryname,countrycode}


select * from balance; {id,countryname,countrycode}


Then the results are displayed in three separate resultset boxes. We need to these resultsets to be returned as one resultset by the stored procedure (while not knowing the number/name of the columns due to the crosstab-ing taking place). Thanks.


2 个解决方案


Your question does not specify which database vendor, or which client application framework you are using, but most databases with stored procs have the capability to return multiple resultsets, and the few client frameworks I am familiar with (VB6, C++, .Net, etc.) all have the capability to retrieve these multiple resultsets from a single database access and manipulate them to do just about whatewver you might want...

您的问题没有指定您正在使用哪个数据库供应商或哪个客户端应用程序框架,但是大多数具有存储过程的数据库都能够返回多个结果集,以及我熟悉的少数客户端框架(VB6,C ++,。Net等) 。)所有人都有能力从单个数据库访问中检索这些多个结果集并操纵它们来做你想做的事情......

based on your comment, if your reporting framework can be hard coded to generate the column headings (firstName, lastName, amount, etc) without getting these strings from the database, then you could do this:


  Select ID, Name as value1, null as value2
  From TableA 
  Select ID, FName as value1, LName as value2
  From TableB 
  Select ID, Cast(Amount as VarChar(20)) as value1, null as value2
  From TableC 

The key is that the number of columns returned by each select must be the same (3 in this example) and their names (aliases) and datatypes must be the same as well...



if the ids from the different tables are related, then your t-SQL should be left joins.



Your question does not specify which database vendor, or which client application framework you are using, but most databases with stored procs have the capability to return multiple resultsets, and the few client frameworks I am familiar with (VB6, C++, .Net, etc.) all have the capability to retrieve these multiple resultsets from a single database access and manipulate them to do just about whatewver you might want...

您的问题没有指定您正在使用哪个数据库供应商或哪个客户端应用程序框架,但是大多数具有存储过程的数据库都能够返回多个结果集,以及我熟悉的少数客户端框架(VB6,C ++,。Net等) 。)所有人都有能力从单个数据库访问中检索这些多个结果集并操纵它们来做你想做的事情......

based on your comment, if your reporting framework can be hard coded to generate the column headings (firstName, lastName, amount, etc) without getting these strings from the database, then you could do this:


  Select ID, Name as value1, null as value2
  From TableA 
  Select ID, FName as value1, LName as value2
  From TableB 
  Select ID, Cast(Amount as VarChar(20)) as value1, null as value2
  From TableC 

The key is that the number of columns returned by each select must be the same (3 in this example) and their names (aliases) and datatypes must be the same as well...



if the ids from the different tables are related, then your t-SQL should be left joins.
