VBScript - 从SQL Server 2008上的存储过程中检索标量值

时间:2021-08-13 10:06:47

My stored procedure is very simple. It inserts a new record. At the end of it I have the following line:



1) Am I using the right code to return the Primary Key value for the newly inserted record?
2) How do I retrieve this value using ASP Classic/VBScript with ADO Classic?

1)我是否使用正确的代码返回新插入记录的主键值? 2)如何使用带有ADO Classic的ASP Classic / VBScript检索此值?

Dim cmdUA
Set cmdUA = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set cmdUA.ActiveConnection = tcon
cmdUA.CommandText = "InsertUserAgent"
cmdUA.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc 
cmdUA.Parameters.Append cmdUA.CreateParameter("useragent", adVarWChar, _
adParamInput, 1000)
cmdUA("useragent") = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
'Here I need to get the value returned from the stored procedure
Set cmdUA.ActiveConnection = Nothing
Set cmdUA = Nothing

1 个解决方案



The Execute method (NOT Exec) returns a record set which contains the result from the stored procedure.

Execute方法(NOT Exec)返回包含存储过程结果的记录集。

 Set rs = cmdUA.Execute
 result = rs.Fields(0).Value



The Execute method (NOT Exec) returns a record set which contains the result from the stored procedure.

Execute方法(NOT Exec)返回包含存储过程结果的记录集。

 Set rs = cmdUA.Execute
 result = rs.Fields(0).Value