
时间:2021-04-07 10:07:17

Hello and thank you in advance,


So I have a table lets call it userrating and inside this table I have some fields, one of which is called userid.


Below I will demonstrate to you how my table looks like.


userid  |  rating1  |  rating2 |  rating3  |  rating4 | rating5
100     |    1      |    0     |    0      |    0     |    0
101     |    0      |    0     |    1      |    0     |    0
101     |    0      |    0     |    0      |    0     |    1
112     |    0      |    1     |    0      |    0     |    0
100     |    0      |    0     |    0      |    1     |    0
101     |    1      |    0     |    0      |    0     |    0

What I want to do is get all the rows for the same userid's.


I want to get the 2 occurances for 100, 3 occurances for 101 and 1 occurance for 112.


1 个解决方案


Try this

SELECT UserId, SUM(rating1),SUM(rating2),SUM(rating3),SUM(rating4),SUM(rating5) 
From userrating Group By UserID 

Also check it yourself here on fiddle - http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/598b9/3

也可以在这里自己检查一下 - http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/598b9/3


Try this

SELECT UserId, SUM(rating1),SUM(rating2),SUM(rating3),SUM(rating4),SUM(rating5) 
From userrating Group By UserID 

Also check it yourself here on fiddle - http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/598b9/3

也可以在这里自己检查一下 - http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/598b9/3