IE中的jQuery $ .get问题

时间:2021-04-07 10:02:05

I have a login form which appears at the top of all of my pages when the user is logged out. My current jQuery/javascript code works in Firefox 3 but not IE 7. The code queries a page which simply returns the string "true" or "false" depending on whether the login was successful or not. Inside my $.ready() function call I have the following...

我有一个登录表单,当用户注销时,该表单显示在我的所有页面的顶部。我当前的jQuery / javascript代码适用于Firefox 3但不适用于IE 7.代码查询一个页面,该页面只返回字符串“true”或“false”,具体取决于登录是否成功。在我的$ .ready()函数调用中,我有以下内容......

$('#login_form').submit(function() {

        var email = $('input#login_email').val();
        var pw = $('input#login_password').val()

        $.get('/user/login.php', { login_email: email, login_password: pw }, function(data) {
            alert('get succeeded');
            if(data == 'true') {
                window.location = '/user/home.php';
            else {



        return false;

In FF, I am successfully transferred to the intended page. In IE, however, the below alerts "called" and nothing else. When I refresh the page, I can see that I am logged in so the $.get call is clearly going through, but the callback function doesn't seem like its being called (ie. "get succeeded" is not popping up). I also don't appear to be getting any javascript error messages either.

在FF中,我已成功转移到预期页面。然而,在IE中,下面的警报“被叫”而没有别的。当我刷新页面时,我可以看到我已登录,因此$ .get调用显然正在通过,但回调函数似乎不被调用(即“获得成功”不会弹出)。我也似乎没有收到任何javascript错误消息。

Why isn't this working in IE?



EDIT: Since a couple people asked, whenever I enter a correct email/password or an incorrect one, nothing in the callback function happens. If I manually refresh the page after entering a correct one, I am logged in. Otherwise, I am not.


EDIT 2: If I alert out data in the callback function nothing happens in IE (I do not get an alert popup). In FF, it alerts true for valid email/pw combos and false for invalid ones. I am using jQuery 1.3.2.

编辑2:如果我在回调函数中提醒数据IE中没有任何反应(我没有得到警告弹出窗口)。在FF中,它对有效的电子邮件/ pw组合警告为真,对于无效的组合则为false。我正在使用jQuery 1.3.2。

EDIT 3: Ok, guys, I tried R. Bemrose's thing down there and I'm getting a "parseerror" on the returned data. I'm simply echoing 'true' or 'false' from the other PHP script. I also tried 'yes' and 'no', but that still gave me a parse error. Also, this works in Chrome in addition to FF.

编辑3:好的,伙计们,我在那里尝试了R. Bemrose的事情,我对返回的数据得到了一个“解析错误”。我只是从其他PHP脚本回显'true'或'false'。我也试过'是'和'不',但这仍然给了我一个解析错误。此外,除了FF之外,这适用于Chrome。

8 个解决方案


In your response type use:




As stupid as this sounds... perhaps IE7 is being anal retentive about the missing semicolon on the var pw line?

这听起来很愚蠢......也许IE7正在肛门保留关于var pw线上缺少的分号?

Probably not, but the only way I can think of getting more information is to convert it to an $.ajax call in order to add an error hook and see which error type it think is happening. Oh, and to check out the exception object.

可能不是,但我能想到获取更多信息的唯一方法是将其转换为$ .ajax调用,以便添加错误挂钩并查看它认为发生的错误类型。哦,并检查异常对象。

        type: 'GET',
        url: '/user/login.php',
        data: { login_email: email, login_password: pw },
        success: function(data) {
                alert('get succeeded');
                if(data == 'true') {
                        window.location = '/user/home.php';
                else {
        error: function(xhr, type, exception) {
                alert("Error: " + type);

If the error type is parse, IE may be complaining because the data coming back has extra commas at the end of comma separated arrays/lists.



IE uses cached data for get requests. Maybe that's your problem? What happens if you try different user id, password?


In any case, isn't it a better idea to send password in POST? :)

无论如何,在POST中发送密码不是一个好主意吗? :)


I'm am having a similar problem with the following code:


var listOrder = $(this).sortable('toArray').toString();
var otherVariable = whatever
$.get('process_todo.cfm?method=sortToDos', {listOrder:listOrder,otherVariable :otherVariable });

The variable displays through an alert as 'test_123,test_456'. I can hard code the same values and it does not fail. It must have something to do with the 'toArray'? I have been trying to debug this one thing for hours. Works perfectly in Firefox, Safari and Chrome... of course!



Instead of:

if(data == 'true')

if(data =='true')



then in your server just return either a 1 (or true) and a empty value.



What you've posted (at least after Edit 2) looks good. I think the problem is in what you haven't posted.


First, have you checked your server logs to ensure that it's sending back what you presume?


If so, I'd recommend dropping the submit mechanism and using a 'button' type with an 'onclick' handler, and not 'submit' button w/a 'onsubmit' handler...


 <input type="button" id="login_submit" value="Login" />

Then switch the submit handler:


  $('#login_form').submit(function() { ... });

from the form to the button with:


  $('#login_button').click(function() { ... });

If that doesn't help, can you post the HTML for the form, too?


[Edit 3] - try adding the 4th 'type' parameter of "text" to the $.post() call.

[编辑3] - 尝试将“text”的第4个“type”参数添加到$ .post()调用中。


Have you used Fiddler to have a good look at what's actually being transferred? (

您是否使用过Fiddler来了解实际转移的内容? (


if you are testing/checking your script in local machine then you will not see any thing in any version of internet explorer because IE on localmachine send datatype as text and not xml and in your case again its matter of datatype not compatible with your document datatype so it worth checking if your datatypes are matching

如果你在本地机器上测试/检查你的脚本,那么你将不会在任何版本的Internet Explorer中看到任何东西,因为localmachine上的IE发送数据类型作为文本而不是xml,在你的情况下,它的数据类型与你的文档数据类型不兼容所以值得检查你的数据类型是否匹配

as far as xml goes solution is here


you may check this and find some inspiration :)




In your response type use:




As stupid as this sounds... perhaps IE7 is being anal retentive about the missing semicolon on the var pw line?

这听起来很愚蠢......也许IE7正在肛门保留关于var pw线上缺少的分号?

Probably not, but the only way I can think of getting more information is to convert it to an $.ajax call in order to add an error hook and see which error type it think is happening. Oh, and to check out the exception object.

可能不是,但我能想到获取更多信息的唯一方法是将其转换为$ .ajax调用,以便添加错误挂钩并查看它认为发生的错误类型。哦,并检查异常对象。

        type: 'GET',
        url: '/user/login.php',
        data: { login_email: email, login_password: pw },
        success: function(data) {
                alert('get succeeded');
                if(data == 'true') {
                        window.location = '/user/home.php';
                else {
        error: function(xhr, type, exception) {
                alert("Error: " + type);

If the error type is parse, IE may be complaining because the data coming back has extra commas at the end of comma separated arrays/lists.



IE uses cached data for get requests. Maybe that's your problem? What happens if you try different user id, password?


In any case, isn't it a better idea to send password in POST? :)

无论如何,在POST中发送密码不是一个好主意吗? :)


I'm am having a similar problem with the following code:


var listOrder = $(this).sortable('toArray').toString();
var otherVariable = whatever
$.get('process_todo.cfm?method=sortToDos', {listOrder:listOrder,otherVariable :otherVariable });

The variable displays through an alert as 'test_123,test_456'. I can hard code the same values and it does not fail. It must have something to do with the 'toArray'? I have been trying to debug this one thing for hours. Works perfectly in Firefox, Safari and Chrome... of course!



Instead of:

if(data == 'true')

if(data =='true')



then in your server just return either a 1 (or true) and a empty value.



What you've posted (at least after Edit 2) looks good. I think the problem is in what you haven't posted.


First, have you checked your server logs to ensure that it's sending back what you presume?


If so, I'd recommend dropping the submit mechanism and using a 'button' type with an 'onclick' handler, and not 'submit' button w/a 'onsubmit' handler...


 <input type="button" id="login_submit" value="Login" />

Then switch the submit handler:


  $('#login_form').submit(function() { ... });

from the form to the button with:


  $('#login_button').click(function() { ... });

If that doesn't help, can you post the HTML for the form, too?


[Edit 3] - try adding the 4th 'type' parameter of "text" to the $.post() call.

[编辑3] - 尝试将“text”的第4个“type”参数添加到$ .post()调用中。


Have you used Fiddler to have a good look at what's actually being transferred? (

您是否使用过Fiddler来了解实际转移的内容? (


if you are testing/checking your script in local machine then you will not see any thing in any version of internet explorer because IE on localmachine send datatype as text and not xml and in your case again its matter of datatype not compatible with your document datatype so it worth checking if your datatypes are matching

如果你在本地机器上测试/检查你的脚本,那么你将不会在任何版本的Internet Explorer中看到任何东西,因为localmachine上的IE发送数据类型作为文本而不是xml,在你的情况下,它的数据类型与你的文档数据类型不兼容所以值得检查你的数据类型是否匹配

as far as xml goes solution is here


you may check this and find some inspiration :)

